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John Spartan

B01 Developer
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Everything posted by John Spartan

  1. John Spartan

    Battlefield 4

    Ok thanks for info on this one. yeah I am aware of Project Reality, lads done great work there and indeed the gameplay aspect changed to more realistic, but at that time there were not that much public servers running with that mod. I kind of thought that vanilla BF3 will have some of that improved. But so far ARMA 2 does the job.
  2. John Spartan

    F/A 18 Super Hornet for Arma 2 OA

    Thanks' Jigsor. I newer thought there will be such a big interest in this release, but this just adds more interest for me to keep this going. Good news is that 1.0 version with all new awaited features is on its way. Within a week, after some final tests are done we will see it on public.
  3. John Spartan

    Will Arma 3 replace Arma 2?

    The ARMA 3 even with steam as a platform for distribution (even I personally don't like it) will grow. The problem is Steam workshop and Valve EULA section 2 that will stop all the moders to develop projects for A3. If this is changed and steam workshop is dropped, there is a high chance that A3 will replace A2. Otherwise I don't think so and A2 will stay a platform of a choice for me.
  4. O yeah dynamic coop - that's the best there is. keep up this project man, great work.
  5. Hi maybe this is usefull for you, below is a script I use for a custom loadout. Create a MY_LOADOUT.sqf file (basically start a new text document then rename it), place it in your \Documents\Arma 3 Alpha - Other Profiles\Your%Username\missions\Your_mission_name.Stratis so it can be accessed within your custom mission. Copy/Paste the code in MY_LOADOUT.sqf, save it. In game editor to activate loadout script put following line in units init: CustomKit = [this] execvm "MY_LOADOUT.sqf";
  6. There is also an option to ask author of certain mod/addon how did he got that feature done. Most of the lads around here will definitely help you out within their area of expertise. That's how I got started with help of one of the veterans - Franze. Just send a PM if you cant find any posts via search function.
  7. keep it up, we shall see where this mod will go. GR style missions are always been cool. I remember old days when I first played SpecOps on PS.
  8. John Spartan

    Model falls into ground

    I would believe that land contact is the issue. Also make sure when creating land contact points if the contact surface is animated then these points must have correct names matching the animated selection structure. the other issue that might cause it - model.cfg. I am not that familiar with infantry model making, but I have seen that half of unit model is buried in ground if model.cfg is not done correct way.
  9. Thanks for this info man, A2 islands look totally different! Awesome! I hope there will be DLC from BIS with all A2 main content professionally done to fit in A3. till that this will do just perfect. Thanks Sakura_Chan.
  10. John Spartan

    Battlefield 4

    Hi lads, I haven't played BF since I tried BF2 [standard version]. I found that at the time as quite unrealistic run and gun shooter. Has anything changed since then, like now there are good deals on BF3 and expansions. As a hard-core ARMA series fan I was thinking is it worth getting in general? Maybe some BF3 veterans can tell me is there any much difference from BF2 > BF3 (not talking about graphics off curse)?
  11. Looks promising so far, keep it up Glowbal, I'll definitely will give this a try. Also can I suggest that you add some option for mission designer to enable/disable certain features. with use of some variable set in trigger or init script, just to make it more flexible since sometimes making a mission designer might want to restrict some features to suit mission scenario. Great work.
  12. W0lle, Binkowski, great work, and thanks for this project, your work added so much value to Arma 2.
  13. John Spartan

    WW1 Mod - ArmA 2 CO

    I love the plane models, great work on them. Keep it up lads.
  14. John Spartan


    You are right - from technical point of view there is no limits to do so outside these community controlled websites. Piracy is a mayor issue in general. But again if some work is stolen/ripped and put on some download server, it can be taken down, might take a while but at least most of file sharing websites don't have STEAM EULA section 2. So far the community was good and strong tool to send the right message on this matter. The problem is that steam don't care, they will bring more people on board for this title buy their sales strategy but they don't care to educate them in terms of how this community works and how important is to respect someone's else's IP. They just don't care, for them section 2 in that EULA is just a way to cover their ass, in case of lawsuit, they are not interested in keeping this community/tittle alive - for steam there is other titles to sell, after people will loose interest in ARMA. I personally am a proud hard core fan of this series since 2003. It is sad to see that all what people have created by their hard work thru last decade is about to be thronw out. I don't play other games, once by mistake I bought OFP Dragon Rising and very quickly realized what Codemasters done - I don't want that happen to ARMA, that's why I am here expressing my point of view.
  15. John Spartan


    You are completely right on this, for this game, for whole ARMA series to continue to live such a long post release life for each title is possible only with community support, if BIS will choose such business model where community as it is now is alienated then ARMA as we know will stop existing, period. But what I also am worried about is a possibility to take and easily rip/port add-on's from A2 and get them in A3. Same issue with Steam EULA, section 2. So lets say any work already released for A2 may end up on steam workshop for download as a A3 content. If before steam was secondary for this game series, then now its all changing and respect we all built to IP and authors rights, trust might be shattered easily. If BIS goes all the way choosing business model, with steam works, I'll would be careful releasing high quality add-ons for A2 as well, like Rocks Eurofighter is one clear example. Price for such quality model on market is quite high and just an idea that now he after all this hard work has to worry about his IP being stolen, does not seem as a good start for this transition in BIS business model. We might need some tools to create add-ons that cant be ported so easily to A3 in case of steam works coming in. A lot of people will keep playing A2 and modders will be moding for this game , but we would like to have assurance that A2 EULA stays the same and it is enforced within community.
  16. John Spartan


    @Chortles, man I am looking at other possible aspects that are related to such announcement to understand it better, this is a discussion if I am not wrong. It's simple from my point of view - if steam workshop is brought in on current conditions and as only way to get mods in game to play then that means losing 50% of game value. All the veterans of this modding community already clearly stated that they will stop any further mod release for this platform on current conditions. Regarding -- "Steam client required" -- I don't like this as much as many others, but that cant be changed, not for ARMA 3 anymore. The rest was my expression of hope that maybe next release will take in account this mistake "steam exclusive" if it gets as far as next release.
  17. John Spartan


    @Chortles, might a expressed my self a bit wrong (English is a second language for me) I don't think that BIS store is at "inadequate" standard now. I was not able to buy my copy on day of release, ok, but I bought it a bit latter. I have no problems to wait a bit, that excuse from others - I can get it straight away from steam why not just go with it- from my point of view is lack of interest in BIS and this communities future. And by "BIS grooving their strength" I mean their ability stand by themselves as an independent developer being able to deliver quality content not some arcade game just because "market" is full with them. Off Corse I understand perfectly to develop resources and infrastructure to get to that point will take money and time, but they can get there and if community support will be kept on same level as it was so far then its a real possibility.
  18. John Spartan


    I am with Binkowski, Rock, Gnat, Woolle and others on this matter. And I am glad that more and more people start understanding why at these conditions current modding community feels betrayed and frustrated. I might a started releasing some of my work just recently, but this possibility of being forced to use steam workshop will put me away from even trying to do more mods. I don't want any of my work or work of other people who contributed to project being released under such licence. Its enough for me to be forced usage of steam (I can barely cope with this, but just to support BIS). This game has lived such a long life and became as it is just because of modding community as it now. All community made addons have been making this game more and more playable and "endless/immortal" - there was always some cool addon to get from Armaholic, ArmedassultInfo or from OFP info every week. It worked very well. Take Rockets big project - DAYZ, would this project gone as far as it is now if steam workshop and such EULA would be in place at that time - I don't think so - someone would already stolen his hard work and that might a be of him stopping to publish his work. How much then BIS would loose - from their customer base? The only reasonable option I see is change of steam EULA (regarding ARMA series games) and allowing to have dual community where steam workshop is optional. Till that is sorted I wont publish anything for ARMA 3. My hope lies within BIS grooving the muscle to get their own digital store up to the standard to being able to sell their own games without middleman. This is where community needs to stick together and support BIS and BIS from their side must understand and not forget the huge influence of community boosting this game in last decade. Otherwise I am afraid there will be no ARMA 4....
  19. John Spartan

    MiG-23ML (MLD, UB) WIP

    Yeah, so far I have seen only this Syrian MIG23 released. The rest of pack is wip is guess. Still download it its worth adding to armoury such a machine.
  20. John Spartan

    MiG-23ML (MLD, UB) WIP

    Ciizeenship, just noticed you have released your Mig23 on Armaholoic. Congrats on release mate, downloading it now, I want to see some good dogfighting with this one. Keep up good work. ---------- Post added at 08:28 AM ---------- Previous post was at 08:13 AM ---------- Just tested it, awesome, amazing level of detail. Also can I suggest a small thing, about afterburner. Right now you are using afterburner script by Lethal and Gnat with set position (offset) from model centre. There is a weird bug visually displaying burner on wrong position on high speed manoeuvres. To fix that try to add a memory point in model in place where you want the emitters to start and change following line in the script.
  21. John Spartan

    Help please!

    Yeah you are right, In case of different entry in ACTIVATION field [bLUEFOR/OPFOR/ANYONE] the way trigger behaves will be changed. I probably just assumed that player will be Bluefor.
  22. John Spartan

    Help please!

    Hi man, ok place a trigger, change the size and shape of the area covered to your desired. In ACTIVATION filed set - BLUFOR set it to REPETEDLEY set it on PRESENT in CONDITION type in - player in thislist; on ACTIVATION field - player setDamage 1; this should instantly kill player. Works in SP/need to be tested in MP. You can also add some deley and some fiering sounds to simulate player being killed by enemy fire. Hope this helps.
  23. John Spartan

    F/A 18 Super Hornet for Arma 2 OA

    @ supergruntsb78, Thanks, ok, sorry mate misunderstood, English is a second language for me.
  24. John Spartan

    Steam discussion

    I had a long thought on all this matter - to get ARMA 3 or not just because of steam. Finally I came to a conclusion I want the game and even as much as I don't like the idea of being forced to use steam, so I bought it. The only thing I would advise to others, get the game from BIS STORE directly so you actually support Bohemia Interactive not some middleman. Also when you are required to register for account on steam you don't actually need to give them your details. E-mail is the only piece of information you actually need to submit everything else does not really matter it can be fake if you do not wish to disclose it. I hope that one day BIS will "grove the muscle" and become big enough to have BIS STORE up to the standard they can handle digital sales by themselves. I hope the next big awaited game "DAYZ" will be sold thru they store. But for that to happen people please by ARMA 3 and by it from BIS STORE so company which actually done the work can get more out of it and as I said grow bigger and stay independent. Also I can only imagine how much money BIS will loose out as payments to steam for their services on every sold copy of DAYZ if they stick with steam store. I can only guess how much steam is charging developers for selling their content. @bloodtank mate maybe you can add a pool to this discussion to express our thoughts about this matter in more clearer way - numbers. - I bought ARMA 3 from steam, and I like to have steam and all its features. - I bought ARMA 3 from BIS STORE, and I like to have steam and all its features. - I bought ARMA 3 from steam, and I don't like to have steam and all its features required. - I bought ARMA 3 BIS STORE, and I don't like to have steam and all its features required. - I wont buy ARMA 3 just because of steam features/requirements. - I would buy ARMA series games no matter what, I like them. Maybe that can help BIS to think on future strategy and I personally would like to find out am I a minority, if majority loves steam and like the way game is sold now? I'll just leave it and stick to idea of democracy - majority supported decision wins. John
  25. John Spartan

    F/A 18 Super Hornet for Arma 2 OA

    that was the reason why I asked for help on this one Porter, since I don't have that much time left to play ARMA 2 after I spend it all on development of this and some other mods. You will see some other good ones in final Flight Manual for this bird once I'll get to 1.0 version.