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John Spartan

B01 Developer
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Everything posted by John Spartan

  1. @Batchlahawk man there is a BI tools set for basic editing of ARMA sries games. Oygen 2 PE is a BI released modelling program within this pack. But what mostly is done, mod designers create HD models in any 3D software and latter port to .p3d format. In O2 model is finalized and prepared for ARMA engine to be used in game. Regarding modelling itself search the forums there are plenty of tutorials and explanaitions available. A2 and A3 models are quite similar, with few additions [as fasr as we know at this moment].
  2. John Spartan

    RVMAT's help

    Whyte, here are another two links one from A2 other from A3 so you can understand how similar the setup is and why moust of A2 tutorials will get you to your answers. A2 sample textures with rvmat's A3 sample textures with rvmat's
  3. John Spartan

    RVMAT's help

    No prob, there are more than few good texturing tutorials, that's also helpful since most of them contain all this in simple language. Just take your time to read them, and always remember there is Arma 1 sample models and source available to see what's what [A1 and A2 are backvards compatible]
  4. John Spartan

    RVMAT's help

    ok, let's simplify stuff for you. I will share an example from my own project. 1. So first make sure you have all the latest BIS tools for Arma 2 installed. What we need is working rvmat editor. [can be done as simple text file edit but for beginner it's probably easier with this interface] 2. you have to have a set of textures ready to be 'merged' so your normal map [basic texture], your _NOHQ normal map high quality [bump map texture] and _smdi specular map I have prepared a sample rvmat and set of textures for a similar material [us soldiers uniform from OA] download here. Rvmat is applied to texture as whole, so your _smdi and _nohq textures are the same size as normal ones. 3. After you have your textures set up, just double click on that sample rvmat and when open edit the texture paths to match your project folder. 4. in oxygen you have to add rvmat to a faces that will be using this material. So select faces, press "E" and under base normal texture you have one more window to assign rvmat. So type in full path and name of your rvmat. http://i1290.photobucket.com/albums/b531/John_Rybeck/tut_2_zpsd674ca3f.jpg (110 kB) http://i1290.photobucket.com/albums/b531/John_Rybeck/tut_1_zps244b00c5.jpg (103 kB) that's it make a pbo and you can see your work in game All that information on the links I posted earlier already explains how and what can be tweaked in case a default rvmats are not what you are after. Does this explains it better mate.
  5. John Spartan

    RVMAT's help

    Hi man, I think this might give you an basic idea, and even more information - http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?86018-RVMAT-basics-(SuperShader-MultiMaterial-SkinShader-Procedural-etc) rvmat will give you an opportunity to have a lover poly model, and archiving more detail with different texture layers (like fabric or other material imitation can be done by _nohq texture layer, your _smdi texture will tell the game engine how much light to reflect from the model/material). Probably opening some of the sample in game rvmat's can explain it as well. For a quality model [you will need it for sure]. it's not as difficult as it seams in the beginning to understand. Idea is different textures used as layers on same face (model) and linked with rvmat file, with all the information about them. Does that makes sense? Also please search the forums first, before posting. John
  6. John Spartan

    EB_Air mod

    This is a cool mod man, good work, freedom of choice when it comes to loadouts of aircraft is a nice feature every pilot will appreciate.
  7. John Spartan

    F/A 18 Super Hornet for Arma 2 OA

    maybe when addon is finally done. till that ARMAHOLIC does the job perfectly.
  8. John Spartan

    F/A 18 Super Hornet for Arma 2 OA

    Ok, first of all I would like to remind that original model is done by Franze, I just took over the project and upgraded models and got them to stage where we are now. So when you see Franze around say thanks to him for original FA18 on OFP platform. regarding your question then its decided that within next patch there will be following skins included: United States Navy Pacific Fleet VFA-14 "Tophatters" (F/A-18E) VFA-41 "Black Aces" (F/A-18F) Atlantic Fleet VFA-31 "Tomcatters" (F/A-18E) VFA-103 "Jolly Rogers" (F/A-18F) Genereic navy grey skins for E/F as now to blend in with other ARMAVERSE units + two VFA-21 skins [fictional] + two VFA-? skins [fictional] that we have not decided yet also representing a gaming community squad Royal Australian Air Force 1st Squadron RAAF, F version only [will be included as separate mod after next release] 6th Squadron RAAF, F version only [will be included as separate mod after next release] USMC - not planned since they are currently using C/D models of "baby hornets", "rhinos" are operated only by NAVY and RAAF There are a lot more coming but please be patient and when the time comes I'll inform about all the news on this project.
  9. John Spartan

    Loadout Script

    This might be also interesting for you - http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?152479-How-do-I-make-an-blufor-soldier-spawn-without-helmet-night-vision-and-backpack&p=2366238#post2366238
  10. John Spartan

    Wiki's Creations

    Sorry to hear that mate, I wish you all the best and thanks for creating so much interesting quality content for us. Really appreciate that. John
  11. John Spartan

    F/A 18 Super Hornet for Arma 2 OA

    It's possible but would that make a GLT missilebox a dependency' date=' required? Like now GLT MissleBox is detected via scripts and only if user has it installed it offers relevant loadouts. This way, when you install addon, it's still standalone.
  12. John Spartan

    F/A 18 Super Hornet for Arma 2 OA

    Hi Gnat' date=' ok what I am working on now is much more complicated "service menu", where user has a full control over aircraft loadouts. So in UI you would be able to select any available/relevant weapon for each station/pylon. So to do that, I am adding every magazine as a single unit, every magazine contains only one missile/bomb. In case of weapon's I define I can configure them as I want to suit this upgrade, where I cant alter any other addon settings. So at the moment GLT missilebox smallest magazine contains 2 units of missile/bomb as a pair. So if I want to maintain GLT missilebox compatibility I have to create a separate [downgraded'] version of UI. I have found a way to script a similar UI just with stations to be paired instead of being selectable individually. Does this makes sense. So far for this aircraft I managed to archive very good compatibility with other addonmakers mods, and I would like to keep such settings so final user can play it, without of need changing anything in pbo, the way he wants. You know as many people as many tastes. Off curse some of the features trailed earlier where dropped due to reasonable PC resource usage and avoiding MP incompatible scripts/loops.
  13. John Spartan

    F/A 18 Super Hornet for Arma 2 OA

    @Flo, thank's for feedback man. I am aware of such issue on this version. it will be fixed with next update. Also the whole UI for loadouts will change, to allow even bigger freedom for pilot to select any possible loadout. To be honest this UI and whole service meny was just a test of concept and it seems that is working [except MP issues like you described] and quite popular among pilots. I will keep working on upgrading all aspects to get this addon fully customizable for user as easy as possible.
  14. John Spartan

    F/A 18 Super Hornet for Arma 2 OA

    Ok, lads we are working on major update for this mod and as I said another surprise is coming up. I have a question - GLT MissleBox Compatabality - how important is it? What is that makes you choose play with these weapons [visual looks, characteristics]? Since I would like to implement GUI with fully customizable loadout, then in case of GLT MissileBox support I am limited to options since I cant change nothing within GLT mod. But in case we opt out of GLT weapons we can archive full customization over loaouts in UI. I would like to have some ideas and feedback on this subject. Thanks
  15. John Spartan

    F/A 18 Super Hornet for Arma 2 OA

    @Sliedroy, and others interested to test "buddy pod" and aerial refuelling with this addon and GLT Missilebox enabled. Please download a sample mission with a temporary workaround, and with next update of this mod we will fix this script issue. Sample mission HERE
  16. John Spartan

    F/A 18 Super Hornet for Arma 2 OA

    Ok, I see the problem now. Nothing is wrong with GLT missilebox, its one of my codes when it comes to GLT, there are few lines to be changed, will be fixed on next update, thanks for feedback lads.
  17. John Spartan

    F/A 18 Super Hornet for Arma 2 OA

    @ShadeOps21, my fault, delete description.ext file from that mission folder, so you have mission file only. It's my test mission in development, so that's why some stuff is messed up. @Joshwall, from what I know that's a F model script error, I am still working on MP compatibility and with next release we will get rid of this issue. work in progress.
  18. John Spartan

    F/A 18 Super Hornet for Arma 2 OA

    @ShadeOps that's unusual issue then. Since everyone else got it working. I use it as a simple unit in editor with these lines in init. See the sample/test mission here Place this mission in your documents/arma 2 other profiles/yourprofile/missions/ There is a set up FA18F with buddy pod on deck and onother one circling around the map. [Jdog's Nimitz must be installed] Let me know is this working for you.
  19. John Spartan

    F/A 18 Super Hornet for Arma 2 OA

    @ShadeOps21, try this line instead, since you mentioned you use GLT missilebox
  20. John Spartan

    F/A 18 Super Hornet for Arma 2 OA

    @ShadeOps21, in case you are using ACE then maybe try using a trigger for calling a script. Since I noticed that within ACE, the core init scripts sometimes might interfere with some addon init scripts. - So place your FA18F in the editor, name it somehow [fa18_tanker_1 for example] - place a trigger - in trigger time delay fields set some slight delay like 0.5 seconds - in condition instead of "this" use "true" - on activation put following code - fa18loadoutscript = [fa18_tanker_1,"FA18F_TANKER"] execvm "js_fa18\scripts\FA18_loadouts.sqf"; start up your game this works even in MP since script is run serverside and every client machine has updated info about this unit. Another option for mission makers is to spawn a whole plane with deley, after ACE core is run, and with custom init. Let me know did this works for you man.
  21. John Spartan

    F/A 18 Super Hornet for Arma 2 OA

    - carrier landing indeed has this issue, I have seen it happen myself. Lads are right on their coments. Also If I am not wrong then there is a section where two parts of Nimitz model are joined together, if bay accident touch down is on that line it might behave like that. So its a bug within both addons, maybe fixable. - ALTFLIR, is still on my to do list. Its more of a MP compatability issue at the moment. Idea is simple, as a gunner switch to optics zoom/find target, "designate target" useraction is avilible all this time, onece used it must place a targetable laser target on map. So after you will see that spot marked on radar and with "tab - lock" can be targeted. It is more or less working in SP, MP is the issue. It will be updated and maybe I'll use your advise to contact Blake for advice. Maybe a compatibility might be worked out since there is no point creating a bicycle again. - ACE CCIP/CCRP, we tried that and the only way we managed to get it to work was messing up rest of the hud. At this moment this option is disabled, and since my attemps to contact author of script sets for particular ACE function failed, I decided to leave this option out. But the same time I am still loking for alternative to create more or less accurate unguided bomb "targeting" hud componenet. Will that be implemented can't promise mate.
  22. John Spartan

    F/A 18 Super Hornet for Arma 2 OA

    Once GLT missileBox installed your loadouts and functions will change - it's an optional thing since some people like it more, or missions are designed with this addon in mind.
  23. John Spartan

    F/A 18 Super Hornet for Arma 2 OA

    @Wiki, you mean GPS/INS targeting system by GLT Myke? If so then in the same mod you are using to play with this FA18 add latest [3.5] version of GLT missile box, and such option is already there, just needs one small addon. I did not want to create any dependencies' but compatibility is kept in mind. Please see readme for details.
  24. John Spartan

    F/A 18 Super Hornet for Arma 2 OA

    I understand, and appreciate your help on this one Wiki. I am in similar position. BTW can't wait for your NAM campaign, I really enjoyed Six days in Fallujah mission set, I am Iraq veteran myself so kind of nostalgic with this stuff.
  25. John Spartan

    F/A 18 Super Hornet for Arma 2 OA

    @Wiki, bonsua mon ami. No FA18 E/F wont change function wise, maybe I might remove a thing to get better UI for loadout selection, but if someone is up for hevy challenge we can do separate FA18 G [electronic warfare aircraft]. HD textures are on the way. Also since you are one of our mission guru's can I ask you help me out and create mission or two as a sample mission. like Carrier Ops. I am a poor mission designer to be honest. If you have time of corse. Also here is a bit of attempt to create Chernarus WARFARE [Carrier Ops] with FA18 - DOWNLOAD HERE