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Posts posted by Rydygier

  1. Hmm... Let me see. It must be something with this new multiplier.

    EDIT: not sure, where is problem. Just destroyed T-72 with default NT_Damage (not defined in init). Will do more tests.

    With NT_Damage = 5 instant kill... and destroyed BMP-3 with default and 0.5 value. Hmm. Are you defined this value or left it default?

  2. So you can try this version:

    Nice_Boat's Tank Damage System 2.01

    EDIT: Nice_Boat's Tank Damage System 2.02

    - WP is now 8 meters from tank, not 5.6 and seems, that turning is better now. Still I'm not fully happy. This "WP" method causes, that tanks with own waypoints or when commander issues own move orders tanks often do not turn proper, but are doing weird pirouettes with annoying tendency to set their rear towards the enemy;

    - "== player" changed with "isPlayer" to make TDS a bit more MP friendly (except debug mode, here is still "player" command used);

    - when player is leader of crew and tank is hit from side or rear there is groupchat alert. If player is crew leader (effectiveCommander), there is no automated turning on near enemy notice, so there is also no turning notification;

    - added new config variable: NT_Damage (default 1). This is overall multiplier of final damage applied to vehicle. Useful for tweak frequency of non-kill penetrations occurence. The bigger value the more deadly is each penetration hit and bigger chance for "one shot kill";

    - eliminated some rare bug: when on battlefield are not only armoured vehicles, no all crews of armored vehicles received Crew Damage System from TDS (logical error in code), script is now lighter a bit for this reason, but also a bit more heavy for CPU, but I hope, that this is too small change to be even noticed;

    - eliminated (I hope) very rare bug (I saw this only once), when passangers after disembark still was immune to damage allocated in normal way (so they was simpy immortal).

  3. I had no internet few days, but I'm back... Tried make distance between tank and WP as small as possible, because when is placed further towards enemy, tank, true, will turn, but also will move some meters at least in this direction, and this is rather no good...

    EDIT: there are still some small issues to repair, also with "Towards Enemy System", that should be fixed as soon, as I will have time for this.

  4. Mortars I don't think are to devastating,

    Indeed. Some examples:

    M119 HE ammo: Hit: 250; indirecthit :110; indirectHitRange: 25 (hmm obviously this range is not in meters);

    M119 WP ammo: Hit: 60; indirecthit :50; indirectHitRange: 30;

    M252 HE ammo: Hit: 160; indirecthit :50; indirectHitRange: 20;

    M252 WP ammo: Hit: 35; indirecthit :30; indirectHitRange: 20;

    I wish to know, exactly how these values ​​translate into the final effect, but overall trend is clear.

    By spawn, do you mean using the spawn mode from the artillery module, or by createvehicle just out of curiosity?


  5. Yeah. It is not perfect. But this is probably all, that can be achieved by a method based on the waypoints (there are in fact placed only few meters from tank, so tank should only to rotate and not to move towards). It's a shame that "sendsimplecommand" does not work as it should and drivers not cease to rotate tank on "STOP" command. This would be optimal, so nice solution.

  6. LCMU = Land Combat Mobile Unit. Haven't better idea how to name this kind of units. :) Means all except air, naval, static and unarmed. Is quiet, because my work with 1.1 is done, waiting for MSO module, that will be included in my release and for manual corrections. Anyway HAC 1.1 will be released about 12 February even, if manual or module will still not ready...

  7. Great. Very useful, indeed. Seems, that there are used commands not available in Arma 2 1.10, and this version only I have, like alternate getVariable syntax or allMissionObject command... Can I to try for my own usage only to rewrite code for better A2 1.10 compatibility if possible? This is probably in accordance with license, but I would like to be sure...

  8. 1. Yep, it isn't compatibile with ACE units, in fact in TDS are used armor and penetration values taken from ACE armor configs, so, for exampe, T-90 is surprisingly resistant (better than Abrams) and Abrams HE ammo works as HEAT...

    2. TDS recognizes only certain, and configured vehicles, but there is possibility to add new (and to remove not used to make script more light, if needed), quite simply, if only someone do not afraid some code editing :) and know real armour/ammo parameters of these vehicles. Currently are supported generic Arma 2 only armoured vehicles (OA and so on not covered, haven't any of later released Arma 2 expansions, so can't test), vehicles from Duala, and some other from Vilas' Polish army addon, but older version. If someone needs some assistance with this - I will by glad to help.

    This is typical line for tank armor config:

    {if (_target isKindOf "M1A2_TUSK_MG") then {_armorCE = 1035; _armorKE = 720; _surviv = 30;_sidePKE = 0.54;_sidePCE = 0.62;_rearPKE = 0.11;_rearPCE = 0.17;_topPKE = 0.06;_topPCE = 0.04;_bottomPKE = 0.42}

    _armorCE it is base RHA armor value against HEAT ammo, _armorKE - against kinetc/explosive ammo. _surviv is divisor of taken damage if penetration occurs, rest are multipliers of base KE/CE armor for hits from sides/rear/top/bottom;

    And ammo config example:

    if (_ammo isKindOf "Sh_120_SABOT") exitwith {_penetration = 805 + NBRand50; _kinetic = true}

    Contains ammo class name, base RHA penetration with some random factor (from + 0 to + 50 in this case) and kind of hit.

    If penetration is greater, than armor value (also with some randomization) then, and only then, overall damage (after some re-calculations) is applied. Often this means instant kill, but if weapon is weak and/or _surviv variable high, there may occur "non-kill" penetration with damage less than 1. Then also crew gets injuries (normal crew injuries, that are to high and that occurs even without penetration are overrided by TDS, otherwise crew die quickly inside not damaged tank...). TDS supports also mines and independent crew, gun, turret, tracks and wheel damage...

    3. About working SADARM (creating submunition when fired from gun with ARTY module synchronized and above vehicle target) just replied in blackace's thread, it is separate thing, here I did, that TDS recognizes SADARM submunition classname and calculate proper (well... up to about 130 mm RHA penetration, that info I found for US SADARM and there is same classname for RU SADARM, so it is equally effective in TDS) penetration/damage for it. Before this change SADARM hits was just ignored by TDS (no penetration, 0 damage, nothing, only boom).

    This is SADARM config:

    if (_ammo isKindOf "ARTY_SADARM_PROJO") exitwith {_penetration = 110 + NBRand25;_explosive = true;_top = 1;_arty = true}

    _top = 1 guarantees top hit, _arty is unused for now, is keeped "just in case". _explosive means, that KE armor value will be used, but without drop of penetrator kinetic energy with distance growth, characteristic for SABOT ammo. _explosive is used, when kinetc hit occurs, but projectile do not flies all the way from attacker's vehicle but is emmited nearby target (eg debris from HE round explosion).

  9. Perhaps those rounds work with scripted arty but not via the manual Fire Control Computer.


    Was wondering, if this is true, so did some test:

    One M119 named "a1" with me as leader, synchronized with ARTY module, and this init:

    {a1 removemagazine _x} foreach (magazines a1);a1 addMagazine "ARTY_30Rnd_105mmWP_M119";

    also one infantry group in range as target and some playable/switchable observer behind them.

    Fired some shells and switched to observer unit. Well... There was lots of white smoke and all infanty in range died. I saw ARTY ammo configs an it looks, like HE ammo has higher hit/indirect hit value, but WP has wider (50 meters for howitzer (?)) blast radius.

    Also, about SADARM, I know, that if just to spawn such shell in air above target, it will do nothing except falling as a stone, but works great when fired as ARTY ammo from gun. Probably must by ARTY module synchronized with such gun, because script, that gives SADARM ammo its specific behavior is located in this module (there is created "rocketcore" class submunition (two of them ?)) above target with separate classname).

  10. Useful info:

    Found new, introduced in OA 1.60, command:


    Can't implement this into TDS, because this must be Arma2 only compatibile, but this may be in easy way used externally, by init field or separate script... This should to stop this suicidal behavior, when crew leaves immobilized tank with still operational armament regardless of situation, so even under heavy fire with many hostiles nearby, that may be easily destroyed by tank gun.

  11. Found enough time and did some short tests with ARTY ammo. Fixes was needed and are done. Now TDS really handles ARTY ammo... I hope. :)

    Howitzer and mortar ARTY ammo attacks top armor at direct hit only (so SADARM always). Rocket ARTY ammo never.

    Also found listed somewhere "ARTY_SADARM_NET" and "ARTY_SADARM_BURST" classnames, but honestly I haven't idea, what uses and when these classes of SADARM.


    Nice_Boat's Tank Damage System 2a

    Nice_Boat's Tank Damage System 2.01 (experimental)

  12. specific enemy patrol units that are moving.

    How much specific? If this may be unit with certain name, it is easy:

    1. Set not attached to anybody trigger.

    2. It's conditions (without "this"): ((player distance NameOfUnitWithCertainName) <= 10)

    3. It's act field: player setCaptive false;

    If it is about only unit of certain kind with any name, then there will be more complex condition:

    ((player distance ((getPos player) nearestObject "HereInputChosenKindOfUnit")) <= 10);

    If BIKI description is accurate, this will work for radius up to 50 meters if you want to set it wider.

  13. Would it be possible to have RHQ objective be an enemy unit ? (enemy general) that updates every3 minutes or so? It will be great for hunt down missions ..

    If this general in not leaderHQ unit, it is not a problem. Just name it RydHQ_Obj1 or similar for other objective/side.

    Otherwise... Beacuse Leader unit has certain name, there is not possible to name it "RydHQ_Obj1". So I see three possible ways to do that (examples for Obj1 and LeaderHQB):

    - by this code in init config: RydHQ_Obj1 = LeaderHQB; (I'm not sure, but I think, that in this case there should be not usual RydHQ_Obj1 on map);

    - to attach objective object named RydHQ_Obj(number) to Leader's unit by RydHQ_Obj1 attachTo [LeaderHQB];

    - by cyclically changing position of objective object (most complex and heavy for CPU (still very small)); execute at mission start separate sqf file with such code:

    while {(true)} do
    sleep 180; //3 minuts. Smaller interval means better tracking and more CPU usage
    RydHQ_Obj1 setpos (getpos LeaderHQB)

    In this case you can even insert some position randomization around leader's exact position to make hunt more difficult, for example 200 meters radius and less frequent refreshing:

    while {(true)} do
    sleep 300; 
    _posX = ((position LeaderHQB) select 0) + (random 200) - (random 200);
    _posY = ((position LeaderHQB) select 1) + (random 200) - (random 200);
    RydHQ_Obj1 setpos [_posX,_posY]

  14. For me - of course. There is even more configs in this thread. But hard to tell, what think authors of these RHQs. Duala is added already there. Think, that most important will be RHQs for units from official expansions of Arma 2. I would do it myself after release, but I simply do not know these units and can easily be incorrectly assigned by me. I'm also running out of time for dealing with HAC for now. Well. Think, that HAC 1.1 code is as ready as possible, so will begin "spawnig" five additional commanders as last thing to do with 1.1 code.

  15. Found another reason, why medevac was innefective. Medical support was sent to soldier with injury > 0.1 but team leader issues a heal order only when injury is bigger than 0.5. Adjusted that, should help, especially, since healing order is issued even, when group do not know about ambulance. Important is only distance below 500 meters. BTW. Determined, that soldier cannot stand, when legs damage is bigger than 0.9.

  16. In HAC 1.1 will be some new RHQ arrays:

    RHQ_FO - forward observers;

    RHQ_MArmor - medium armor - APCs etc. with significant firepower, like BMP-3, and aged tanks, like T34;

    RHQ_BAir - bombers. Empty by default, more info will be inculded in HAC 1.1 manual;

    RHQ_RAir - recon planes, UAVs etc. Recon units of first choice;

    RHQ_NCAir - unarmed aerial units;

    RHQ_Ammo - Ammo support vehicles;

    RHQ_Fuel - same for fuel;

    RHQ_Med - same for medevac;

    RHQ_Rep - same for repair.

    Remember: RHQ arrays are not exclusive, so given class name may and often will be included in two or more RHQ arrays.



    Afrenian and Molatian army. In HAC 1.1 there will be only one set of RHQ arrays shared by all active Leaders. No more RHQB_ and so on, so this is sufficient regardless of number of Leaders used in mission.

    RHQ_Recon = ["MOL_Soldier_Spotter","AFR_Soldier_Spotter"];
    RHQ_Snipers = ["AFR_Guard_Marksman","AFR_Soldier_Sniper","MOL_Soldier_Marksman","MOL_Soldier_Sniper","ibr_rebel132"];
    RHQ_ATInf = ["AFR_Soldier_AT","AFR_Soldier_LAT","AFR_Soldier_HAT","MOL_Soldier_AT","MOL_Soldier_LAT","MOL_Soldier_HAT","ibr_rebel102","ibr_rebel83","ibr_rebel95"];
    RHQ_AAInf = ["AFR_Soldier_Igla","AFR_Soldier_Stinger","MOL_Soldier_AA","ibr_rebel111"];
    RHQ_Inf = ["AFR_Guard_AK","AFR_Guard_M1014","AFR_Guard_M16","AFR_Soldier_Officer","AFR_Soldier_Medic","AFR_Soldier_Engineer","AFR_Soldier_Rifleman","AFR_Soldier_GL","AFR_Guard_Marksman","AFR_Soldier_Sniper","AFR_Soldier_Spotter","AFR_Guard_AR","AFR_Soldier_MG","AFR_Soldier_AT","AFR_Soldier_LAT","AFR_Soldier_HAT","AFR_Guard_AA","AFR_Soldier_Crew","AFR_Soldier_Pilot","AFR_Guard_M9","AFR_Officer","AFR_Rifleman","AFR_Soldier_Igla","AFR_Soldier_Stinger","AFR_Medic","MOL_Soldier_Officer","MOL_Soldier_Medic","MOL_Soldier_Engineer","MOL_Soldier_Rifleman","MOL_Soldier_GL","MOL_Soldier_Marksman","MOL_Soldier_Sniper","MOL_Soldier_Spotter","MOL_Soldier_AR","MOL_Soldier_MG","MOL_Soldier_AT","MOL_Soldier_LAT","MOL_Soldier_HAT","MOL_Soldier_AA","MOL_Soldier_Crew","MOL_Soldier_Pilot","MOL_Soldier_Commando","ibr_rebel11","ibr_rebel22","ibr_rebel33","ibr_rebel44","ibr_rebel55","ibr_rebel66","ibr_rebel77","ibr_rebel83","ibr_rebel95","ibr_rebel102","ibr_rebel111","ibr_rebel125","ibr_rebel132","ibr_rebel145","ibr_rebel151","ibr_rebel162","ibr_rebel173","ibr_rebel184","ibr_rebel195","ibr_rebel206","ibr_rebel217","ibr_mutant"];
    RHQ_HArmor = ["ibr_LEO1A5","ibr_T55","T72_MOL"];
    RHQ_MArmor = ["BMP2_MOL"];
    RHQ_LArmor = ["BMP2_MOL"];
    RHQ_LarmorAT = ["BMP2_MOL"];
    RHQ_Cars = ["AFR_Pinz","AFR_Pinz_police","ibr_datsun_afr","ibr_datsun_afrblk","ibr_datsun_afrpol","ibr_datsun_mol","ibr_datsun_molblk","Ural_MOL"];
    RHQ_Air = ["ibr_as350","ibr_as350_armed","ibr_as350_specops","ibr_as350_jungle","ibr_viggen1","ibr_viggen2","ibr_viggen3","ibr_viggen4","ibr_gazelle","ibr_gazelle_armed","ibrPRACS_MiG21mol","ibrPRACS_MiG21_AGmol","PRACS_Su24Fencer"];
    RHQ_NCAir = ["ibr_as350","ibr_as350_specops","ibr_as350_jungle","ibr_gazelle"];
    RHQ_Cargo = ["AFR_Pinz","AFR_Pinz_police","ibr_as350","ibr_as350_specops","ibr_as350_jungle","Ural_MOL","ibr_gazelle","ibr_as350_armed","BMP2_MOL","ibr_datsun_afr","ibr_datsun_afrblk","ibr_datsun_afrpol","ibr_datsun_mol","ibr_datsun_molblk"];
    RHQ_NCCargo = ["AFR_Pinz","AFR_Pinz_police","ibr_as350","ibr_as350_specops","ibr_as350_jungle","Ural_MOL","ibr_gazelle"];
    RHQ_Crew = ["AFR_Soldier_Crew","AFR_Soldier_Pilot","MOL_Soldier_Crew","MOL_Soldier_Pilot"];

  17. and Rydygier can provide a link to your thread for configs

    Done. Later perhaps will add something there.

    ---------- Post added at 12:58 ---------- Previous post was at 12:05 ----------

    Have an idea. Probably in 1.1 there will be need to fill only RHQ for first Leader and there will be option to automated filling RHQs for all other used Leaders with same class names... Must prepare some code for that and implement into HAC.
