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Everything posted by dar

  1. This is so freakin amazing, it should be adapted by Bohemia and make it to the game. I've wished something like this for years in Arma. Really this will be a mod must have for every preset. Just great. Keep it up.
  2. Absolutely amazing. This will give me stuff for lots of missions. The detail is overwhelming. A brilliant map, waited for this since the announcement and it absolutely paid off. Can't wait to play PO or MSO on this. I did some test already and yes, there are some places the AI will likely get stuck but on the other hand - they can even cross the bridges. Isn't that awesome. Thanks a lot for this masterpiece.
  3. Tried for Arma 2 OA with ACE and a bunch of other mods. Created a quick combined arms massive battle benchmark on Zargabad downtown. No real difference to normal (~25-30fps on such a scenario). In fact it seemed a little smoother with all cores selected than just the virtual ones (just to get this straight. you meant Taskmgr->processes->arma2oa.exe->rightclick->affiliation->(select cores) ) What kind of mission did you try to prove your theory? I think the heaviest part in Arma for the computer is handling a lot of AI and streaming a lot of textures. So maybe you should try a setting similar to my test mission. I will run a test for Arma 3 too when I've got the time. EDIT: test complete, negative on Arma 3, too. Dont know whats up, maybe youre just lucky or I did something wrong. No significant performance gain anyway. Nothing close to 50fps on max Viewdistance with a metal bashing going on in front of me (lost of AI fighting) My specs: i7 3770 @3,40Ghz GTX 660 Ti OC 2GB 128GB OCZ agility 3 SSD (Arma files on that drive)
  4. EDIT: post deleted. Got it, guys. No report like this here. Alright then, to report it correctly: Same issues without ACE, tpwcas, GL4, every other AI or Game Logic - addon I found. Mods Left: Lingor, JSRS, Blastcore, stHud. Shouldn't affect any AI behaviour or mission flow. Played on vanilla A2 CO 1.62 + latest Beta build. Now the AT Gunners actually hit the tanks with every second shot but that wasn't enough to disable them or make them blow up. I had to disable them but it didn't destroy them (Don't know, maybe there is a trigger condition on that event?) -No cutscene text (only in this specific cutscene) -No plot after the cutscene (cover me, I try to make it over the street etc), just me running out of M72 Ammo and a mighty BMP. Note: the original team leader died in combat before that event. -Had to end mission via command to move on Furthermore, I noticed a similar tank behaviour in the next mission. After saving the civilians, OPFOR will send in reinforcements. The incoming BMP also charged into our position, the town center at full speed and ripped us to shreds. No chance. You really got to have a lucky day if the LAW gunner hits the BMP and you survive.
  5. Alright, thank you for that information, tom. That is unfortunate but if it is the only solution I will try it without ACE.
  6. Hey guys, I've got an issue with the Cold War Crisis campaign, at this part: The mission works fine up to that point when suddenly everything becomes FUBAR. In the vid you can see how it should work I guess. For me it is like this: Squad runs into the forest. Sometimes the tanks spot me now and rip me into shreds. I saved shortly before and revert. Now I'm lucky, I get the cutscene with the binocs. The text showing Amstrongs words will NOT pop up as seen in the vid. The custscene is finished. My guys with LAWs shoot rockets in the woods. they hit trees, nothing else. about 30 russians begin to attack us, one BMP and two T72 are advancing on us with 100mph and ripping everything and everyone into shreds. Always. No tank gets ever destroyed. No Team Leader tells me I should cover him while he tries to get over the street. Nada. The squad gets wiped out. I loose. I restartet the mission several times, playing everything up to that point again, reverting about 4times more to earlier savepoints, tried to do rambo style and destroy all the tanks myself collecting as many AT stuff I could find. Of course that never worked out. So, any idea on that? I'm using ACE2, ACEX, GL4, JSRS, tpwcas, several minor addons and the beta patch, of course.
  7. thank you sir. That works. Just made my day.
  8. Hey guys, I could use a little assistance here, because I just can't get AiA running with custom mods. Or anything else. I tried launching AiA with this: And it didn't even load up cba, also non of the other mods. In the menu, A3 gave me an error message about some MPframework.sqf issues, no maps or units were available in the editor, no missions or campaigns shown. So I tried to launch via Play with SIX, added the mod to my custom preset and put the other mods into Arma 3 Alpha (Beta) game settings/startup parameters. Result: AiA maps and units available,but no custom stuff like Lingor. Also when placing an A2 unit in the editor, it will just spawn a basic A3 soldier without vest and helmet that ist just carrying the gun of the a2 unit. All paths are triple checked and valid. Any idea is welcome
  9. dar

    ACE for OA 1.13

    Quick question: The DH ticket according the broken player interaction when using stHud is marked as resolved. When will the fix be released?
  10. dar

    Patrol Operations 2

    That sounds awesome. Will it be easy to add to the old one or a complete new structure? Because I spend a significant amount of time in creating numerous PO missions for me and my guys on different maps. So it would be nice to know if it will be simple to add the new stuff to old PO based scenarios or having to start from the scratch again. Because I am still busy making these missions and would stop and wait for PO3 if it is a complete new thing. Anyway, great work. Keep it up.
  11. dar

    Patrol Operations 2

    Hey, Will patrol Ops still be updated or is this the final release? Because MSO contains several new PO tasks that arent included in 2.05, for example the Air missions or alternate and improved target capture. I tried to extract these and make them compatible to POv2.05 but hell, these are MSO-adapted and use a whole bunch of new variables and I am far from being a skilled scripter so... I couldnt get it to work even after days of trying. I dont want to use this with MSO because it is just... too much of addons and scripts sometimes and I have some serious issues with that package. I like a more slim script package where I cant see through, so patrol ops is just perfect. But over time you want more so I wondered if the MSO PO tasks could be converted to POv2.05. Will these be added in the future? Is there a way to add them to POv2.05 or maybe has somebody already done it?
  12. dar

    ACE for OA 1.13

    For me the interaction never works when running sthud, wether I placed 50 Modules or none. Holds for every mission I tried so far, MSO, Patrol Ops, Wizard TDM, custom SP missions or simply two groups placed in the editor. We need a fix for this ASAP. StHud is one of the most critical addons ever released, I just don't want to stop using it now. Even though I disabled it I look at the bottom of my screen every ten seconds only to notice its not there anymore. Very annoying.
  13. Hey comunity, I love playing a simple mission by just adding an SOM and a player and going into action. But there's one thing anoying me sometimes and that is the layout of the module: For example: HQ gives me an escort mission. On Chernaus it would spawn a squad of woodland marines and as hostile group some Russians. On Takistan it would spawn a group of US army soldiers and as hostiles some Taliban fighters. But on all non-stock maps it spawns only woodland/russian troops, wether they are desert maps or not. So when I want to play with my SOM on Ailabad and go on patrol with my US Army squad, I end up escorting woodland marines (acceptable) through the desert while fighting Russian troops (definitly not acceptable). So is there a way to show the module: Hey, this is a desert map, don't spawn the guys you would spawn on Chernaus but the ones that belong to Takistan!? Any help appreciated.
  14. great. Another question nobody seems to know an answer to. Guess this gets the 'deal with it' stamp now.
  15. Yes I removed those factions but did not remove the groups. Better do that too, I guess.
  16. Hey comunity, I could need a hand on my configuration script for the acm module as it is not working for some reason. It is part of my init.sqf, the module is named "BIS_ACM" and synced to the player. I used it and to test I just lay still and waited for about 10 minutes but nothing happened. On another test some jets flew over but I never saw an Ins, PMC or USMC group. The module keeps acting strange at all. I placed it without/with partial configuration and watched what happened and it spawned nearly only mechinf groups, and ONLY woodland strykers (some mod I guess) for the US army (USMC spawens other mechinf but also only mechinf) and different BRDM 2 patrols for the east (no matter if BIS_TK_INS or BIS_TK). So I used my script to restrict the groups to what I want to see on the map but now nothing at all happens. What is wrong?
  17. I am using the same beta version as you da, its the current version in the sixupdater. I just disabled the Air patrols and removed the minor factions and now the module actually seems to work as it spawns the intended units. Obviously you mustn't overburden it. Even though they're spawned 1 group every 5min or so. Not much of battle going on at all. My test mission: ACMtest.Takistan
  18. It was too late... looks like I was too tired to notice. I will check if it changes something if I get that right. EDIT: fixed this, still nothing but the F-35 will spawn. No infantry groups, no Motorinf, no choppers. Just the F35. I set intensity to 1 for the test and waited with speed x4 for about 15 min in one spot. While checking the area around me. Nothing. but 4 times a 2 F35 flying over. I also placed several friendlys around me in the area to alert me if enemys are spawned. They stood in safe mode even after 15min 4x speed. Note: I am using tons of mods, including ACE2 and ACEX, JSRS, GL4, More guns and vehicles than I can count and several terrains and factions and of course the beta expansion. I do not think this could be but could one of those corrupt the ACM module? Or maybe change the stock factions group names that I wrote in my init? It is the only thing that comes to my mind as everything should be correct with the script. EDIT2: something is really messed up. I just tried another test with this example script from BI Wiki: It did spawn enemys, yes. After 15min of waiting, a SU34 Fullback came and was about to hunt me down til I shot it with a TOW. WTF? airpatrol was set to 0, BIS_TK_INS was the only faction to spawn and I clearly did no want a russian jet in the skys. Yes, I renamed my module to BIS_ACM1. EDIT: tests with only ACE and beta expansion still have the same result.
  19. dar

    ACE for OA 1.13

    Post from page 248 according the new range table/adjustment feature Not for me. When I hit the down key, nothing happenes, when I hit the arrow up key, the whole rangetable lowers for a milisecond and jumps up again. No adjustment window Tried using beta patch, ACEX, ACEX_SM, ACEX_RU, ACE, CBA_OA
  20. Hey guys I'm searching for a solution on how to correctly use the setcaptive commands. For example in my mission I have a player unit named "p1" and in its init field I put Now I want this unit to be an undercover agent. He can walk beyond the enemy units but upon a trigger (for example when he shoots an enemy, haven't firgured out yet how to set that condition up) he should get spotted. So for a test, I put down my unit, placed a few bad guys and created a trigger activated by radio bravo that does but when I hit it and walk up to the enemy, my unit still wont get engaged by them. It seems I am still seen as captive even though I triggered the opposite. I also tried creating a script and execVM it with the trigger on radio Bravo but this also didnt work. So, wheres the mistake? Or is there another way to get this undecover thing working?
  21. ahh thank you a lot thats just what I needed.
  22. Seems to work somehow but the result is a typical arma mess. Only one of 20 units seems to think I am a threat and starts firing. All the other bad guys just go prone on kneel and raise their guns and start searching and stuff but dont pull the trigger even if I dance around in front of them.
  23. Brief question: There are two sorts of Fireplace available in the editor. "fireplace" and "fireplace - burning". But actually non of them is burning when placed in the editor and checked out with preview. So - is there a specific command (likely the one which is triggered by the "light fire" action) to enable a burning campfire?
  24. 'drysound/' is not a class ('fireLightDuration' accessed) get this error message every time on mission start/ editor preview. Most times it works hitting the continue/ok button and the mission continues but if the mission contains an intro movie/scene or similar, the error field can not be closed and I have to manually shut down the arma2OA.exe process. It appears since I am using JSRS, ACE and GL4 together. Google doesnt give me a solution, so I thought try it directly. Any way to solve this? Its really annoying, even if the the mission works afterwards.
  25. Awesome mod. Very helpful! But in your Tutorial vid (A2), are you using a specific HUD mod? your action selection menu, the display icons of your teammates, everything has a cool A3 look. Or is it a part of your mod? I dont get it even with your mod loaded but maybe its some other mod overlaying it.