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Everything posted by jorxe33

  1. Hello friends, On an edited mission, I have an ammo bearer (selectable) and an empty helicopter, When I select the ammo bearer (via team switch), I enter the helicopter and take off, I fly at a height x (30.50 meters) etc. Then I return to the player (via team switch) and the helicopter descends to ground level. Why it does not maintain the altitude when I left it?
  2. hi everyone, I have a script that allows to switch only team leaders switchable (activated by a radio trigger). It works well, but the problem is that it let me to select team leaders of blufor and opfor and I only want to select blufor leaders (by teamswitch) Here is the script: // Arma 2 function private ["_Units","_NumUnits","_ui","_unit","_group","_isleader","_isplayer"]; _Units = allunits; _NumUnits = count _Units; for [{ _ui = 0 }, { _ui < _NumUnits }, { _ui = _ui + 1 }] do { _unit = _Units select _ui; _group = group _unit; _isleader = ((leader _group) == _unit); _isplayer = (player == _unit); if (_isleader || _isplayer) then { addSwitchableUnit _unit; } else { removeSwitchableUnit _unit; }; }; nil;
  3. it does not work, now if I call by radio trigger "only Leaders Teamswitchable" I can see only the team leaders, that is right but if after that I activated by radio trigger "Make Units TeamSwitchable" can not switch all units, I only still see the team leaders.
  4. I tested, it works like a charm!;) I just noticed a small detail: when I select (by a radio trigger) "only team leaders switchable" I can see in the teamswitch menu only the leaders, ok, but when some of them die, the soldier with the rank nearest becomes the leader but not appear in this menu, I have to activate "all units teamswitchable" and again activate "only team leaders switchable" to it appears in the teamswitch menu.
  5. ok checked and it works well! :) I only have a question, I have another radio trigger for return to all units switchable (west), but when I activated it shows all units teamswitchable (west and east), the name is MakeUnitsTeamSwitchable.sqf and contains // Arma 2 function private ["_Units","_nunits","_ui"]; _Units = allunits; _nunits = (count _Units); for [{ _ui = 0 }, { _ui < _nunits }, { _ui = _ui + 1 }] do { _unit = _Units select _ui; addSwitchableUnit _unit; }; nil; I tried to put this: // Arma 2 function private ["_Units","_nunits","_ui"]; _Units = allunits; _nunits = (count _Units); for [{ _ui = 0 }, { _ui < _nunits }, { _ui = _ui + 1 }] do { _unit = _Units select _ui; addSwitchableUnit _unit; side _unit == WEST; }; nil; but not works, when I activate it shows all units teamswitchable (west and east).
  6. ok checked but is not working, now when I activated the script by radio trigger I can switch all units ¿Is there a way to select only squad leaders of blufor?
  7. Hello all. I have a group of snipers (M107) and a group of enemy howitzers (d-30) at a distance of 900 meters, when I engage them my group of snipers defeat esily the howitzers, because they shoot me but all their impacts fall only 500 meters from them (lack 400 meters to reach me), I tried to increase the efficiency of the howitzers increasing their skill but nothing happens, I have searched in many posts but have not found any appropriate, Could anyone have any information about it?:j:
  8. I want to activate a trigger when any vehicle is damaged (not destroyed). I have several tanks, helicopters and cars. I put in the trigger: getDammaged obj1>= 0.01 or getDammaged obj2 >= 0.01 or etc, etc But is there any way to make this simpler? because too many vehicles.
  9. jorxe33

    Any damage

    Ok sorry, I did not notice that is "west" instead of "east", actually works great, thank you all for this great forum.:cool:
  10. jorxe33

    Any damage

    This code is more accurate. I only have a problem, I want the trigger activates when any blufor vehicule is damaged OR three or more soldiers (blufor) die. I created a game logic an put in the init: easttotal = east countSide allUnits; and in the trigger: ({getNumber (configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> (typeOf _x) >> "side") == 1 AND getDammage _x > 0} count vehicles) != 0 or east countSide allUnits <= easttotal - 3; and when any vehicule is damaged the trigger activates but if 3 or more soldiers are killed is not activated:confused:
  11. jorxe33

    Any damage

    Fantastic! Thanks kylania.
  12. jorxe33

    Any damage

    It works good! Its a very simple way to do this. Thanks Demonized!:) ---------- Post added at 01:31 AM ---------- Previous post was at 01:01 AM ---------- By the way, how do I activate it only when a vehicle damaged is BLUFOR?
  13. It's really excellent, work very well!:o thanks Kylania
  14. Hi all. I have 5 AH-1Z in a mission, when detects opfor they go for the enemy and attack. I put many waypoints type "seek and destroy" for each one of them through the entire map, and the final waypoint (seek and destroy too) ends at the base (when they begins). They engage well the enemy but the problem is that only two or three return to the base, the others crash in the mountains. ¿how can I solve this?
  15. Due the helicopter lose effectiveness when flying at high altitude, I have an idea, ¿is it possible to put a different height of flight for each waipoint?
  16. Ok, I did the helicopters fly higher, but I noticed that they lose their ability to face the enemy, anyway, I made flying more slowly and notice a slight improvement
  17. Hello, I'm trying on a mission where a AH-1Z takes off and go to some waypoint when detect opfor (Initially the helicopter is landed and the pilots inside) ¿is there a simple way to do this? Thanks in advance
  18. Excellent! it works perfectly. Excuse my lack of knowledge, but I put: totalUnits = {alive _x && side _x == west} count allUnits instead of: totalUnits = {alive _x && side _x == west} count allUnits; (I did not put ";" at the end) and it worked too I don't know why.
  19. Its when any one dies (only one), a kind of alert.
  20. Thanks for the demo, it works perfectly! :bounce3: :bounce3: :bounce3: I have only one more question, in the mission I have too many soldiers (100 or 120) how do I activate the trigger when only one of them dies? I remember seeing something like this but I've been looking unsuccessfully.
  21. thanks Domz, your work seems very promising
  22. Well, I think the fact that the player is able to see statistics about other sides, units and vehicles is good, because I'm working in a mission without savegames, when the player can't save the game (only autosave when quit) but the player starting with a great army as in real life, and due to this is important to know the state of the battle (enemy and friendly loses), in order to decide if continue playing or restart the mission
  23. Looks great! but, I found a problem: when I try to make a mission, I have problems with Team Switching. I play the (singleplayer) mission and when I select 0-8-2-2 (Team switching - Only Group Leaders Team Switchable) I can switch between my units (Blufor) and the enemy (Opfor) and is supposed that I should not see or select the enemy forces in a mission. ¿how can I solve this? Thanks for your great work
  24. jorxe33

    [CAMP] Chasing Grim Reaper

    very well work, I like this campaign, very inmersive, thanks:D