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Everything posted by On_Sabbatical

  1. On_Sabbatical

    Arma 3: Community wishes & ideas- DISCUSSION

    please add advanced orders for AI,i mean ,for example, send Ai to a position and clear ennemies in it.
  2. Sorry,this has nothing to do with the beta :D My GTx285 is saying its last words i think,same problem happens on other games. Please ignore this issue ! thanks,
  3. I get a strange gamecrash on chernarus: First,i get a lot of "flushable" blackscreens,then i see a small artifact (like those on GPU burn tests) on the screen and the game stops responding and no message is generated or dump files ... and when i check RPT there is nothing special. Anyone getting this ?!
  4. there is a new release i think :D
  5. +1 That's one of the reasons i use TGW mod !
  6. Yes also good for those who can't use Old one too :S !
  7. On_Sabbatical

    How to turn off new mouse steering?

    making it toogleable is the best choice (imo)
  8. You could drive using mouse with old system -.-
  9. On_Sabbatical

    How to turn off new mouse steering?

    Driving a tank has become really awkward !
  10. I made a ticket on which we can vote :D https://dev-heaven.net/issues/30733
  11. The beta is AWESOME,but i really don't like that new handling system !! Let's vote please !
  12. On_Sabbatical

    Super low GPU usage on MP only???

    I said dead because you stopped solving major bugs but just minor ones ! For me an AI that goes prone when trying to go through a fence is just more stress for my CPU,but a tank that doesn't engine on when you move turret is a great improvements that will add a lot to the game play! and still it's an example among a lot. (like this GPU usage issue) 1-1 i always win :D
  13. On_Sabbatical

    Technical differences between ARMA 2 and 3

    Nlaws lock depends on how much you shake ,if you start moving crosshair from target you will lose the lock. And it is more than 3 seconds,but i am not sure and even 3 secs is not like instant lock ! 2 shots of that thing will blow up a TUSK http://www.saabgroup.com/en/Land/Weapon-Systems/support-weapons/NLAW-Next-Generation-Light-Antitank-Weapon/Technical-specifications/ Well on their website they say that preparation time is 5 secs and designed to kill light tanks e.g BMPs and BTRs
  14. On_Sabbatical

    Technical differences between ARMA 2 and 3

    Vikhr since some patch has become very inaccurate (tunguska is the best thing to shoot Aircrafts),you can go test it on Editor (i saw vikhr being shot by su25 in real life,that thing is fast) Auto lock for metis sucks a bit,but guiding it is not really hard still you need to see far objects. NLAW is also overpowered (fast lock + possibility to carry 3 ammos + high firepower+unrealistic guidance and accuracy) Javelin is so overpowered ... 1 shot kills T72 instantly ????? is this a joke ? F35 has arcade handling ... like those on Nintendo games. BIS could achieve real balance by introducing modern russian weaponery like khrizantema AT15 counterpart of TOW,smerch as counterpart of MLRS,T90S counterpart of TUSK,SU37 as counterpart of F35,RPG29/32 as counterpart of SMAW/MAWS .. etc ---------- Post added at 10:42 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:39 PM ---------- I need also to add that (imo) distance and speeds in Arma 2 are all falsy ... some things look very fast some look very slow !
  15. Chernarus is the best map ever made in all game's history :)
  16. For a multiplayer like me:everything to low except what's really important (viewdistance+objects distance);maximum sharpness and performance :D I don't care about how the ennemy will look like since it will be dead 2 secs later :D
  17. On_Sabbatical

    Technical differences between ARMA 2 and 3

    My only wish for A3 (which i will buy in all cases,no game is better than arma series :D): Make things very realistic and don't make opfor weaker than blufor;just symetric balance :D
  18. On_Sabbatical

    Gamehack #20 caused by Mummble?

    Let me explain to u how BE works: The mouse uses the window 1 to enter the house ===> BE:if mouse uses window 1 to enter the house then BAN mouse. The mouse uses the window 2 to enter the house ===> BE:if mouse uses window 2 to enter the house then BAN mouse. The mouse uses ghili suite while entering by the window 1 to enter the house ===> BE:if mouse uses ghili suite and chooses window 1 to enter the house then BAN mouse. ETC ... if you get gamehack # 20 that means that you used the very specific software which is "gamehack #20" BE bans the method but not the logic :D
  19. @sickboy Yes ,i am talking about the original model;which has the kontakt-5 ERA and shtora-1. What's annoying me is why BIS chose T90's armor to be even weaker than the M1A1 ?? I play warfare a lot and have seen T90 being disabled by various methods including the case where it's shot by stinger ...
  20. @maturin During T90 tests, it sustained 7 RPG hits but stayed fully operational ... In the game 1 PG7VL to the tracks will disable T90. Why dont you shoot M1 using M256 ? And by the way, T90 is one of the most armored MBTs on the market.
  21. We all want arma to compete against high level games and not get satisfied by just doing the necessary :D
  22. I am totally aware of the fact that A2 doesn't have some kind of physx system,but at least when a heli get shot by 100 mm it should explode :D And fix T90 armor :D