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Everything posted by On_Sabbatical

  1. Eh ?! Well,it's really new for me,because i use ZU23 frequently on warfare and only noticed this after using this build ! Ofcourse,smoke is causing me huge FPS drops ,but that's an old bug.
  2. Can someone try the following please ? : - In editor,add ZU23 and get in as gunner. -Open the scope view and look at some forest (chernarus) -Start shooting If you notice FPS drop please report it here.
  3. I'm afraid you will have to cancel the LOD blending fix for the momeny,because as stated above,it still causes some huge stutterings while zooming and when looking at forests.
  4. I get huge stuttering when i shoot through ZU23 scope ... it's because of the LOD thing.
  5. +1 Rubberkite Thanks devs !!! Thanks DayZ ! the zombie game on a milsim
  6. It's good to have too many betas in two days,but $able must follow this rate too :D
  7. [93120] Fixed: JIP connecting players less affect other players network bandwith Now ,it's becoming more interesting :D
  8. +1 Finally,something reasonable ! Please,more gameplay fixes !
  9. Yes i love dayz too :D,and play it a lot ... (21 murders :D) i'm just asking for a soccer mod to fix some bugs :D
  10. Yes,maybe devs can create a dialog after you press RESPAWN in which you re whether to continue or not .... i lost a rangefinder cuz of that !
  11. Great ! But when did BIS start working for DayZ ? We need soccer mod for arma to fix some bugs i 'm thinking about :S
  12. Seriously,there are more important fixes that need to be done first ... Nice beta,need to try metis !
  13. More minor fixes ... but i guess it's better than nothing :S
  14. Hey, Metis lock seems to be broken ... it locks but not instantly it takes a lot of time before the square shows.
  15. On_Sabbatical

    Arma 3 && Multithreading!!

    Arma's main issue with multithreading is AI,it's what causes lag not graphics ... i hope BIS is working on that seriously !
  16. ArmA is certainly more complex than CoD and BF3,but it's always compared to these ... it's a fact that BIS should take into consideration. To be able to compete with those games,first,the game should be perfect technically and give more attention to details. When it comes to these two aspects,arma 2 looks like a survivor.
  17. On_Sabbatical

    WARFARE BE2 *Rubber Ed*

    nice changes ;) good work !
  18. @Dwarden i didnt ask for 10 km VD,just an acceptable one to allow to to locate yourself easily,it's just silly to stand on the road and not being able to see balota airfield. And that thing you call FOG has nothing to do with reality,since it "removes" all object that hides. Maybe ,mission maker could work on some foggy effect with decent VD,through which u could see something. @GiorGy CZ and remington are not what i exactly mean (for me ,those are hunting rifles),i mean big guns like DMR,M107 and the like ... something that can shoot beyond 1000 m
  19. Just raise it to 2000 m for everyone or so,you can't defend the idea of so small viewdistance ... besides sniper rifles are really rare ! and seriously ,i see no problem with people sniping from a high spot.
  20. Please increase viewdistance on the mission ... the actuall 100 m VD is killing chernarus beauty.
  21. It's not about score in this mission.
  22. Add more zombie in forests and also zombie goats !
  23. Please make it possible to refill water bottles in lakes and dams
  24. When ordering AI to to keep stealth , they go prone too !