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Everything posted by On_Sabbatical

  1. Exactly,especially with that 2-list fix ... people who don't use beta will be able to spot you easier ! and ofcourse with that graphical fix :S Hopefully,it's not devs problem :P
  2. Rover :D :D Can't believe you made a post for this ! Thanks for sharing ;)
  3. On_Sabbatical

    Operation E3

    Dslyecxi : Another DayZ fan -.-
  4. Javelin has problems locking far targets,if someone else is facing the same problem let us know !
  5. On_Sabbatical

    Operation E3

    I'm really interested in knowing what BIS did for "TAB" issue ... any alternatives,do we have to expect something like what Mandoble did with his mod ?
  6. On_Sabbatical

    Operation E3

    Hmmmm good to know :D Thanks Pliskin :D
  7. On_Sabbatical

    Operation E3

    Trust me when you open a submarine under water,it sinks :D
  8. On_Sabbatical

    Operation E3

    hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha, Has anyone noticed that getting in that little submarine under water is just unrealistic and not defendable from any point of view ? :D :D
  9. I really can't find something to whine about :D Great BIS !! you are everywhere ;) Just keep arma 3 for later,arma 2 still have some good days to live :D
  10. On_Sabbatical

    Army of the Czech Republic DLC

    anyone knows if this faction will be OPFOR or blufor ?
  11. On_Sabbatical

    Operation E3

    20 fps on single player ... how much you think it will be on MP loaded missions ?
  12. On_Sabbatical

    Are you going to upgrade because of ARMA 3?

    I prefer waiting for the release first :D to get new graphics card ! I think that i7 2600k @ 5ghz is enough :D as a cpu.
  13. Thanks for the beta ! But that with this one i get a lot of flushable blackscreens again ... so something must have changed ! Please check !
  14. You never know what others think. :) @Maruk, Sorry man,but i'm not trying to be mean :D (i have no reason to do so) But ,there are many "important" bugs that are waiting for fixes and it seems that no one is spending some coffes cups on that. Adding new scripting commands while many major bugs are waiting to be fixed is like giving a bible to someone who is starving.
  15. Great to have new commands ! But i am not sure that it's really what people need for now !
  16. On_Sabbatical

    MP thoughts

    Yeah ! that 's why when i check the list of the most frequented servers,i find a lot of RPG maps,domi maps and zombies now ! and not even a single PVP mission.
  17. Yeah more ennemies to equilibrate thet fact that AI can't think like human :D
  18. I have to admit that filling the 900 km² map with players without AI is kinda difficult :D
  19. On_Sabbatical

    MP thoughts

    As ar as i'm concerned,ArmA's MP fails because of the lack of PvP ... When i play online,i'd like to fight people not damn AI. PR was a good try but suffers of that terrible disease which is Nerfing. So i'd like to see BIS working more on some MP game modes that encourage PvP.
  20. On_Sabbatical

    The one, single thing you're most looking forward to?

    As a warfare player,i am waiting for Symetric balance (OPFOR - blufor) ,because all previous titles failed at it.
  21. On_Sabbatical

    Will ARMA3 feature realistic tank armor?

    Decent armor simulation and realistic target system instead of the G** TAB would make of ArmA finally a milsim.
  22. On_Sabbatical

    Low FPS with post processing turned up?

    Turn that s*** off