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Everything posted by On_Sabbatical

  1. On_Sabbatical

    Multiplayer Balancing - Will Arma3's MP be balanced?

    @Celery You're completely right,and what i will never stop crying about is the fact that BIs could achieve balance in A2 but for some reason it was not the case (having in the same game F35 and T34 doesn't make any sense) ... we have the high end USMC and the Soviet army ... Maybe,it's the "old" opinion of BIS on OPFOR. According to your post #60,you can say that BLUFOR's equipement is far better than opfor's one (AA problem can be solved by adding tunguska to linebacker and replacing that buggy Vikhr by attaka,but you can't do something for vehicles like tanks or UAZs :S) There is one thing that makes imbalance in ArmA not a so serious problem is the fact that the game is not realistic enough to exploit all vehicles features. for example people will prefer Mi24V to apache because it has 80 S8 rockets that requires just aiming and shooting process while apaches which has a huge amount of technology and is a tool of massive destruction in real life is bottlenecked due to lack of what the heli can really do. This is one of the main reasons for BIS to remove TAB locking system and replace it with something that represents the vehicle ... and not stupid TAB for everything :S
  2. Any chance we get a toogleable handling system ?
  3. This is a 1.61 build,it won't work on MP servrs unless they update to 1.61.94876
  4. I don't want to go off topic,but voting is not a good method to filter bugs ... there are guys (i don't want to name) that make all their clan vote for some particular issue which makes you believe it's something very important (there are always exceptions though). Also,sometimes people don't vote because they don't know ! I think that bugs that should be treated first are those that have big impact on the gameplay and that can be easily reproduced and fixed. It's not about your favorite ticket !
  5. Please fix this : https://dev-heaven.net/issues/11850 Falanga is very useless in the game,innacurate and weak.
  6. On_Sabbatical

    Army of the Czech Republic DLC

    You really want another painted Mi24 ???
  7. On_Sabbatical

    Army of the Czech Republic DLC

    Will this DLC be an "OPFOR" DLc,or just another BLUfor faction ? OPFOR hasn't been updated since OA -.-
  8. On_Sabbatical

    ArmAverse | The community fan fiction thread

    I will let you find where i got that story from :D
  9. On_Sabbatical

    Arma 3 & TOH

    Flight model is cool,but also TAB lock needs to be underpowered ,or replaced by real targetting systems !
  10. Thanks, I think that you should always have one mag at least (the one in your weapon),even if you don't have mags in your inventory !
  11. On_Sabbatical

    Disabling TAB lock

  12. I need help making a small script for a mission that disables both TAB lock and Radar ,and also if possible ,making 2-list doesn't save targets ! Ofcourse,i would like only to keep right lock possibility ! Thanks for any help!
  13. On_Sabbatical

    Disabling TAB lock

    @Gossamer The mission i'm trying to mod is WFBE,and i was thinking at the begining about removing some files from mando missile addon and let only the part that disables TAB ... not sure if it's going to work properly and Mandoble is Lost :D And i am trying to avoid external addons as much as i can ! i saw that on dogfighters mission...
  14. On_Sabbatical

    Disabling TAB lock

    Thanks a lot ... when will it be possible to include config tweaks inside missions ... Thread can be closed !
  15. On_Sabbatical

    Multiplayer Balancing - Will Arma3's MP be balanced?

    So,you like nerfing things instead of dealing with it ? Why not making PvP missions with all the technology the game offers and play with that,instead of having soldiers running around with AK47 and M16 and shooting at each other ... like any traditional game out there ? We need various PvP style missions in this game ... PvP doesn't mean necessarely Infantry only !
  16. On_Sabbatical

    Should the default FOV (Field of view) be higher?

    BIS should make these kind of things configurable in some file,so everyone can use values he like . Even further,and this is not related to this thread,sounds and textures should also be configurable to people's likings ... like in any other game out there !
  17. On_Sabbatical

    ArmAverse | The community fan fiction thread

    I didn't read your full post and zombies were mentioned some posts above, sorry for mixing things up ... but that lion looked like a Chupacabra for me !
  18. On_Sabbatical

    ArmAverse | The community fan fiction thread

    NVM ! There are two things threatening turkey and especially Istanbul (costantinople): - It's an sismic area on exactly an intersection of two tectonics. - It could be a war between some Arabian and Turkish armies that may end up by Arabs taking the city !
  19. On_Sabbatical

    TGW Vehicle Fixes

    Same here :D And can you please fix tunguska's huge rearming time ?
  20. On_Sabbatical

    ArmAverse | The community fan fiction thread

    I am pessimist,i see zombies and chupacabras everywhere (TROLL DETECTED :D)
  21. How are you expecting people to know that this game is a bit serious than what they used to play when the first thing they see is ZOMBIES running around :D I am against the "democratization" of simulations of any kind ! especially for a game called ArmA ! and i can't afford VBS2 :D
  22. I edited my post,not being a milsim but as a milsim (aftermaths from an old sentence :D) Failing,because they sold a lot with dayz and became well known :D,it was not the case before ... if they worked on making their game perfect it would have been known for what it is supposed to be ! Besides, RPG mission were always the most played in MP on arma and not military oriented missions
  23. Big OPPONENT: It's influencing devs in their beta patches ... yes,you can tell me that those fixes are good for the engine but they're dayz oriented and secondary from another point of view. DayZ is a noobmagnet,warfare servers are full of guys asking how to order AI to get in a car,Teamkillings bases,people and being immature ofc. DayZ is a big insult for BIS imo and for the MILSIM ArmA is supposed to be,and rising a big question :how come ArmA fails as a milsim,and succeeds in being a ZOMBIE game ? I won't be surprised to see an ArmA 3 made to suit dayz's needs BTW,the new name for newbies on warfare servers is "DayZnoob" :D And some admins are thinking about autokicking players with dayz in their MPmissionscache folder :D
  24. On_Sabbatical

    Arma 3: Confirmed features | info & discussion

    need some solution for that "TAB" lock,i hope they have made improvements on this !