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Everything posted by On_Sabbatical

  1. On_Sabbatical

    Warfare BE

    Go to Options ===> Controls ===> in drop-down menu select custom controls ===> bind both "action 15" and "action 17" to U and O for example. Then inside construction menu use them to copy last-built defence and the other one to delete defences (only when you are commander) ! P.S : Pliskin nab xD
  2. On_Sabbatical

    Warfare BE

    You need to enable AI squads and AI commander in Parameters ! and make you sure you're running the mission on a dedicated server (search the forums) or just by host on MP interface !
  3. Guys,can you please recheck this fix : [93657] Fixed: Target is no longer stored in the long-term target list when forgotten for the second time (https://dev-heaven.net/issues/27895) The way it is fixed is not satisfying,as when AI can't see targets it switches to some kind of "scan horizon" behaviour which can be "awkward" sometimes !
  4. On_Sabbatical

    Warfare BE

    I was kinda expecting this answer,but are you aware of consequences of this parameter ? it's like asking people whether to go to hell or to spend 3 months in 5 stars casino in Las Vegas with two chicks and 1 million dollars :D I mean Flares OFF = Air OFF and we already have that parameter !
  5. On_Sabbatical

    Warfare BE

    For the flares parameter,it's not a good idea from my humble point of view !unless you're planning on reducing air vehicles prices drastically to match the AAprice/Airprice criteria For the upgrades,balancing should be done prudently,because not all OPFOR's light levels are better than their counterpart in BLUFOR and not all BLUFORs heavy levels l are better than their counterpart in OPFOR,and this is just an example among others !
  6. On_Sabbatical

    Warfare BE

    Bradley ERA needs some better armor to make HF1 useful ! also bradley's Canon is crap.
  7. On_Sabbatical

    Warfare BE

    Repro: - Play the mission (073) with someone. - Get AIs,then join his squad. Observed: - You have no control on your AIs anymore (no way to ask AI to target AI through 2 target list). - You don't get bounties for taking towns,or score. - When you get kicked out of the squad,you need to respawn,otherwise you will show as AI on the map and keep the same behaviour as stated above :D
  8. I have CO on a steam account and DLCs on another one,any way to use them together ?
  9. Thanks for this beta : [96493] Fixed: MP - Gunner firing broken (blank ammo) when human pilot activates manual fire before the human gunner enters. Now that was quick :D
  10. On_Sabbatical

    How to find my guid?

    Maybe,you want Bohemia interactive studios too :p
  11. On_Sabbatical

    ARMA 2: OA beta build 96476 (1.62 MP build)

    Exactly,thanks for searching for the ticket ! i hope it gets fixed somewhen (Arma 3 included :p)
  12. On_Sabbatical

    ARMA 2: OA beta build 96476 (1.62 MP build)

    Cool, I was yesterday with another player on the same kamov on MP,but when he started shooting rockets there were only shot fires but no explosions !
  13. On_Sabbatical

    Warfare BE

    Can we get a fix for the following ? : When someone TK a guy who has AI with him,AI responds (which is normal) but he loses money too ... i suggest disabling AI's tk penalty !
  14. On_Sabbatical

    Holo sights, zooming and scope sights

    Sometimes things look very sexy,but the pleasure can be canceled by bad performance ... the actual scope are easy to use and very obvious and not affected by dirt or humidity effects !
  15. On_Sabbatical

    Mando Missile ArmA for ArmA 2

    This exactly the moment in which mandoble disappeared :(,he made a fix and left but it was not working ! Try to avoid AA by maneuvring (keep AA to your 9 or 3 oclock),but for heavy AA it may not work easily !
  16. On_Sabbatical

    Warfare BE

    Territorial is good for CO-OP style playing ,not for strategical games ... i mean those tight games !
  17. On_Sabbatical

    Beta patch once a month enough?

    This thread is about knowing how many coffee cups are spent each month in BIS :P If you get the latest beta always, all dayz servers will be accessable without any problem !
  18. On_Sabbatical

    LOD switching issue since 1.62

    Yes,i am 100 % for a revert (i said that during 1.61 beta days too). Maybe,we can create a poll thread for it ?
  19. On_Sabbatical

    Weapon posturing

    This is partially included in ArmA 2,but what needs to be fixed is that the player needs to stops to change stances which is not logical !
  20. On_Sabbatical

    Arma 3 Action Menu

    Using action menu when boarding BMP3 made me hate Scroll menu,any other solution would be better :D
  21. On_Sabbatical

    LOD switching issue since 1.62

    Try Looking at krasnotav from Klen (that mountain near it) Or Nadezhdino from west :)
  22. On_Sabbatical

    Warfare BE

    Benny,can you please introduce a ranking system ? based on (sadly) score or bases killed during the game that will help you get new vehicles or skills! What about those Skills ? maybe you can relate them to ranking stuff !
  23. On_Sabbatical

    LOD switching issue since 1.62

    @Kremator I have a feeling that the isssue is bigger than we think,that's why everyone is keeping silence :D
  24. On_Sabbatical

    Warfare BE

    Excellent !!! :D
  25. On_Sabbatical

    Multiplayer Balancing - Will Arma3's MP be balanced?

    Now this is a good idea Lalelulilo :D