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Everything posted by beepee

  1. Is there a way to remove object's default action? Or maybe overwrite that action's code by my own? In the editor there is cargo container which has doors. What I want to do is make those doors secured by keycode, so only players who know this code can open it. I've already made and attached such action, it pops-up a keypad and opens door only if code is correct. But there is still default "Open door" action. Can it be removed?
  2. Hello everyone! 01.12.2011 Script release Because Ziggy and I have found some bugs in my mission, I wont be able to release it yet. The most important part of this whole concept - the cow script works in SP, MP and Dedicated and I've received some requests for it lately so here you can find it. Feel free to use/modify/expand it. Just mention my nickname in your credits section :cool: There is one restriction. Each cow is in different group. And in each mission there can be only 144 groups (game engine restriction). So you can have no more than 144 cows in mission. That's quite a big restriction if we're talking about cows and herds. If someone can find remedy for this, please let me know. 29.11.2011 Info update! The MP version of YeeHaa mission finaly announced! See bottom of post. 25.11.2011 Info update! The cows from ArmA 2 Free works just fine! 14.11.2011 Mission updated! Small corrections made. Please redownload. 15.11.2011 Mission updated! ver.1.02 New scripted version. Cows behave a bit more natural. Also much easier to edit. Download link at the bottom of post. Below you can find my first ever build mission :292: It's single player mission, quite simple but (I hope) fun to play. It shows how big potential Take On Helicopters has! Ideas for missions are countless. There is no briefing nor debriefing (haven't learned this part of mission editor yet ;)) but it's easy to understand what you have to do. Hope you enjoy it! Feedback highly appreciated! Inspiration to make this mission came from this video:...............and here is in game capture: 50MbPACZF-4 9-l7bjvsB34 The idea is to make it as multiplayer mission. Two (or more) teams, two helicopters each, should get their herd to place. The first team that will do this - wins. I'm working on it, but need to learn more about mission making/editing. Probably i'll need your help so please take a look at this thread from time to time. IMPORTANT There are no cows in Take On Helicopters! To run this mission you need COWS! I took them from Arma 2 OA. You need to copy 6 files total to "./Take On Helicopters/AddOns/" folder. I'm not sure if all are necessary but mission works with those six. I don't know if it would be legal to upload those files so I don't do that. Sorry if you can't run this mission because of that :j:. And finally the mission itself (place it in your /Program Files/Bohemia Interactive/Take On Helicopters/missions/ folder): "Da mission 1.02" Cya in the sky. YeeHaaa! --MP version -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ok everyone. Final tweaks done, score system works, time to release this beast. The mission needs some tests in MP to find bugs so I ask you who would like to help me in those tests? I need three players. Please post in this topic if you'r interested with time when you'r available. After those tests and removing bugs the mission will be released for everyone. Mission Each year in the middle of summer, cowboys from farthest outskirts of this hot desert land comes to BeePee's rancho to take part in YeeHaa contest. They group in teams, two pilots each to beat their opponents in a race. Each team runs their herd to destination. They need to be fast, less time means more points. They have to cooperate, each cow in place is 30 points. They have to be fair! Closing to opponents zone means penalty points. They have to be precise! Destroyed helis are lost forever. Are You ready to take part in this contest? Are You brave and skillful enough? Show us what you got! Technical clarifications There is no briefing nor debriefing unfortunatelly. Briefing is not realy necessary. It's not possible to pass score variables to debriefing so no debriefing also. This mission is for two teams, two players each. Each team has two helis plus one spare* heli. All helis are locked at the beginnig of mission. Each player needs to choose action "Ready" from side menu. When all players report ready, four helis will unlock, time starts ticking and fun begins. Each team need to get at least 30 cows to destination. But there is 50 cows in both herds. Remember - more cows more points, but also more time less points. Disturbing other team means penalty points. There are two zones - blue and red. If player stays in opponents zone for 10s his team gets penalty. So play fair. After finishing the job players need to land at their helipads to finish race. Then score shows. You can also check current score by choosing "Show score" action. *Spare helis. There is one spare heli for each team. Those are "light training" models. The spare helis are slightly south of base helis. If blue player crashes then blue spare heli unlocks, but the red one stays locked and vice versa. If player dies, he will respawn after ~15s in base. But if he survives he need to get to base by foot or ask his teammate to get him there. Each players death equals 200 penalty points. Point system Each cow in place = +30pts Each second = -1pt Player death = -200pts 10s in opponent zone = -100pts Important!! 1. There is no JIP in this mission so wait for all players in lobby before start. (this needs to be tested) 2. Do not! turn off AI in lobby. If you do, the mission won't work correctly. (needs further testing to remove this restriction)
  3. Try expert difficulty. Stable hover is one of the hardest manouvers in heli so keep practicing. And if your joystick isn't perfect trying different one won't hurt I think. But maybe borrow one first to check if it changes anything.
  4. You need to upload it to some image service, try imageshack for example and after uploading, you will have all required urls to put here in the forum.
  5. There is also a deadzone setting for all axis. Put them all to 0. The sensitivity sliders change the curve, so if you set in the middle then the rosponse is the same in joystich neutral position as at the end. If you set it all the way right then the joystick will be much more responsive near neutral position but less at the max. You can see those curves at the top in controller settings window. There are comboboxes at the right of deadzone sliders. First hit the "show" button at the bottom and they will apear. There you can set sensitivity multiplier. Below you can see my settings with multipliers visible. But remember the most important thing is all deadzones to 0! (I have one set to max because I don't use this axis)
  6. Just tried the latest beta patch. No more flashing cockpit for me . But unfortunately I cant see car traffic from heli. Switching to outside view (NumPad Enter) or exiting the heli makes traffic visible again. Going back inside and traffic disapears. EDIT After some more testing it appers that above "bug" not always occur. Sometimes the cars are normal, sometimes they flash and sometimes I cant see them at all.
  7. Turn off post effects maybe? Increase texture quality and/or anisotropic filtering setting.
  8. Yea, as hon0 said. I don't use the ball at all. And how we manage to keep helicopter steady? I assure and encourage you, it IS only a matter of practise. There is no magic in it.
  9. Yes, she is very brave cow :D Miss Betsy - very nice name :ok:
  10. Hahaha lol Good one! What language is this? Hungarian?
  11. As far as I know it works quite fine. But I haven't fire it up for some time so sth could have changed.
  12. I'm not sure if putting links here is alowed... google freetrack and it will show you right site. Freetrack is basically the same device as TrackIR but its much cheaper. Software is free to download, all you need to do is make a clip as shown on the site. If you need more advice PM me and I'll try to answer all your questions.
  13. Hey Wurnman,No, I don't have HOTAS. I have only Saitek AV8R-01 stick. It is dual throttle joystick with twist stick, but I use second throttle for pedals. I've also removed centering spring completely so I don't need to use trim and flying doesn't tire my hand. I don't have TrackIR it's to expensive for me. I've made Freetrack. About steadiness... well as I said before, all you need is practice. You need to set your controllers in such way that really small stick movement makes heli respond. So deadzone to 0 and slightly increase sensitivity. If you would sit next to me you almost wouldn't notice that I'm moving my stick during flight. Remember: deadzone to zero! and practise, practise, practise.
  14. The most important "tool" which we don't have in sim is our body. We can't feel whats going on with helicopter. That and real 180 FOV against 90 FOV in game are the main drawbacks and that's why BIS implemented autohover and allows to use it in expert difficulty. But you can of course fly well without it. There are many videos proving it, hon0 has a bunch of them. Here's my I don't use autohover and I don't have HOTAS setup. So as you can see it's possible without sophisticated hardware. Practise, practise, practise... that's all what you need.
  15. Recently I've bought new GPU so I've decided to record new "Yeehaa!! mission" video. Here it is: 9-l7bjvsB34 Also some experiment with external camera and flight recording. It is single player game. Fjzm5rsoGSk Enjoy!
  16. Hi Jedra, Can you make a little tutorial about defining/modifying configs? What tools do I need, where to find original object config, what to edit and how to repack it to make it work as addon. Or maybe throw some links where I can find such informations. Thanks.
  17. First of all there are already two newer patches than 1.04, installing them may help. About enabling and disabling your controller I can't help you. It's strange, looks like some kind of bug for me. To reverse your axis go to Options > Controls then choose "Collective Analog Raise" and move your collective all the way up and down. It should change the mapping and mark it in red (red means that this controller is maped already). Then click OK and once again choose "Collective Analog" from the list but this time "Lower" one. Again move your collective all the way up and down and it will also change, this time going from red to white. Click OK and it shoud be reversed. Hope this helps.
  18. Tried Beta 7 this weekend and it works on dedicated. God® job Osmo! Is it possible to script similar crew but to rearm helicopters? You aproach this team, pick some weapons from the list (like amount of fuel) and they rearm your heli (Hind preferably) with such armament? That would be great.
  19. beepee

    Take On Stickers!

    Tnx Jedra for explaination and nice example. Yes please!
  20. beepee

    Take On Stickers!

    Jedra, can you please explain to me how to add those stickers? Also, is it possible to add them to all helis including Hind or only to "light"?
  21. Can someone explain to me how fast-roping works? For example there is heli with pilot(me), copilot and 2 crew. I want to get to some point on map then choose "Deploy ropes" from action menu and 2 crew members should fast rope. Just like in SWAT mission with one difference that copilot stays in heli. How to do this? I know how to use editor and I have basic knowlage in scripting. Tnx in advance.
  22. Great addon Osmo! Unfortunatelly it doesn't work on dedicated server. All menus work, service crew recognize if there is helicopter on service helipad or there isn't, but when I give them order to start servicing they don't move at all. It works in hosted mission and in SP but not on dedicated. Is it possible to fix it?
  23. Yes, same here. Neokika can you please modify your scripts to make them work on dedi?
  24. Update to newest version Take-On-Hinds-Compatibility-Pack-(1-05) or even to newest beta version Take-On-Helicopters-Rearmed and after that correct sensitivity settings. Options > Controls > Controllers > Customize controller. Remember to set "Deadzone" to zero on all axises. This should help.