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Everything posted by thetrooper

  1. Hi All, I'm creating an HLS. in my condition that if blue smoke has popped inside the trigger, then will the heli make an approach. Any ideas how to do that condition?
  2. thetrooper

    Menu option

    Ok, now after having a look. I'm going for simple solution. Classic radio call. In the campaign a speech bubble acts as a bit of a hint before talking. Any way I can fix that to this(not sure if possible) ? titleText ["What you going to do now?", "PLAIN"]; sleep 1; hint ">>OPEN RADIO menu 0-0<<"; hill106=createTrigger["EmptyDetector",getPos player]; _trg setTriggerArea[5,5,0,false]; hill106 setTriggerActivation["ALPHA","PRESENT",true]; hill106 setTriggerText "I Want to Attack hill 106"; hill106 setTriggerStatements["this", "execVM 'hill106.sqf'", " "]; hill98=createTrigger["EmptyDetector",getPos player]; _trg setTriggerArea[5,5,0,false]; hill98 setTriggerActivation["BRAVO","PRESENT",true]; hill98 setTriggerText "I Want to Assault hill 98"; hill98 setTriggerStatements["this", "execVM 'hill98.sqf'", " "]; However, now you got me thinking though IndeedPete. Hmm, What about if there's three choices? true and false wouldn't work then I guess?
  3. thetrooper

    Menu option

    Thanks for your answers. I'm thinking in this scenario I have the player is going to want something fairly quick and snappy. There's only two choices to make after a one line message (until I get brave and mess it up) so it's probably worth going the "Conversation system" rout. I'll be back on this one, don't worry lol
  4. Hi all, Is there any way to put car lights on when AI isn't in it. Like an empty vehicle?
  5. Hi All, I'm not sure what this is called but it's been around since Flashpoint Days. I hit a trigger and I get a menu pop up (top left), and get to chose between options on what to do? -on selecting a choice would fire a script maybe with new objective etc.
  6. Yeah, doesn't sound natural if under a chute. Any ideas?
  7. That's all good for your own sounds, what about muffled outdoor sounds? For instance while parachuting.
  8. thetrooper

    condition group detected by

    Yeah rather than sides though I'm thinking how to do groups
  9. hi guys. I'm trying to create a condition in a trigger where if any member of "an enemy group" enGRP is detected by "any member of a friendly group frGRP". Only option I get in editor is OPFOR or BLUFOR detected by. Doesn't narrow it down enough. Thinking it would be better scripted in condition if that's at all possible?
  10. Hi all, got a prob with sounds while in a vehicle. This works playSound ["SoundName", true]; However, in a parachute for instance I need normal outdoor sounds to be true instead of muffled. Any ideas?
  11. There is a way to do this. I found it, ignored it, now I need it and cant find it. If you are still looking I'll post it when I find it.
  12. Hi all, anyone know how to get a Buzzard to drop Mk82, on a target?. I used this code for missiles but can't do a bombing? _1 = fpiilot2 fireAtTarget [enveh1, "missiles_SCALPEL"]; MK82 class Mk82BombLauncher
  13. Hi guys. My marker wont delete after 10 seconds after I created it :( any ideas why? _marker = createMarker ["fpilotground", position fpilot]; "fpilotground" setMarkerText "Pilot last reported"; "fpilotground" setMarkerColor "ColorBlue"; "fpilotground" setMarkerShape "ICON"; "fpilotground" setMarkerType "waypoint"; "fpilotground" setMarkerSize [1, 1]; sleep 10; deleteMarker "fpilotground";
  14. thetrooper

    Marker won't delete

    Nothing happens lol. Doesn't like it for some reason
  15. thetrooper

    Marker won't delete

    No cigar I'm afraid. Tried the original and the following below: _mkrnum = 0; pilotsecure = false; while {(!(pilotsecure)} do { _mkrnum = _mkrnum + 1; _pilotpos = getPos fpilot; _marker = createMarker ["markername", _pilotpos]; _marker setMarkerText "Pilot last reported"; _marker setMarkerColor "ColorBlue"; _marker setMarkerShape "ICON"; _marker setMarkerType "waypoint"; _marker setMarkerSize [1, 1]; sleep 10; deleteMarker _marker; };
  16. thetrooper

    Marker won't delete

    Thanks for that Grimes, I'll give it a go when I get home, let you know how I get on
  17. thetrooper

    Marker won't delete

    I was going to set up another marker under different name every so many seconds. Thing it it would run out over time. Ideally loop it if that's possible then kill it later?
  18. Hi all. I doing a start of a mission. using: titleCut ["", "BLACK OUT", 2]; titleCut ["", "BLACK IN", 2]; Want it to start where everything is on pause for a few seconds with a black screen. Any ideas?
  19. thetrooper

    detect if sitting

    that's a shame. Might just do the black out then player to marker sitting or something
  20. Hi guys, Im trying to create a trigger with a condition if player is sitting (default key @). Is there a script for if sitting while in trigger?
  21. Yeah fair enough. How do I condition speed for player?
  22. ok thanks. hmm, it's complicated what I'm doing, but the idea is there. You said behavior is for AI...How about determin if a member of the group has his behaviour set to something other than safe or careless and speed of player is greater than? This is interesting :D I'm thinking trigger with if else statement, not sure of the script. Synopsis: Seeking help from a SF unit in their harbor area (hide). Approach it nicely, and get the right password you're ok. Wrong password, or you are running in their area, they will kill you!
  23. How do I say if a group is less than < a number in condition? _group < 4 ?
  24. Hi all, unit does his own thing, want him to do what I want. Downed pilot, deleted original waypoints. deleteWaypoint [pilotGrp, 1]; etc. set him to move to a marker [pilotGrp, 1] setWPPos markerPos "pilotmove"; nah he's on his way to some random other friendlies. :confused:
  25. Anyone know a scipt to make a unit invincible (not die) and then later make it so it can die again?