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Everything posted by thetrooper

  1. thetrooper

    Camera scripting

    Ok thanks for that. yeah It's still not working. There's some major errors going on. zooms really quickly around the map. skips sleep 10; //Length of scene jumps to titleCut ["", "BLACK OUT", 1]; Camera doesn't seem to be working. Update: Camera is now working. Still jumps to titleCut
  2. Has anyone got a template for both the HelCats? :S In fact, how do I go about finding a skin and download it?
  3. I have two actions. One for Beacons On and another with Siren on. When I select Siren on I'm trying to get Beacons to work as well, but now working. Below script for Beacons to run _this addAction ["Beacons On",{(_this select 0) animate ["BeaconsStart",1]},[],50,false,true,"","_target animationPhase 'BeaconsStart' < 0.5 AND Alive(_target) AND driver _target == _this"]; Next script in siren.sqf _car = _this select 0; _action = _this select 2; _car removeaction _action; Copsiren = true; _car addAction ["Siren Off",{_this execvm "SirenOff.sqf"},[],53,false,true,"","Alive(_target) AND driver _target == _this"]; while {Copsiren} do { _car say3D "AlarmCar"; sleep 1.95; }; If I combine the two it doesn't work. Does anyone know how to do this? Also if I want to script it say in the init file to start with siren on, would the script below work? car action ["Siren On", car];
  4. Hi all. does anyone know the what the code is for the mission accomplished grey out bit is?
  5. I'm trying to force my IR lazer on. I'm using the code below but it isn't working? Also the same with the torch. player action ["IRLaserOn", player];
  6. thetrooper

    Set AI team member to Advance

    gutted. AI in CQB works well with 'stand up', 'advance' and combat. No-one goes in prone in a building
  7. Hi all, how do I set my AI team member to Advance? on the action menu it's 1>2. and to stand up 7>6 in action menu. Any ideas?
  8. can anyone help? I got a transport unload out of a helicopter. It kicks me out but my AI team mates are still in it. How do I get them to automatically get out as well? Tried DoGetOut and CommandGetOut. Don't seem to work?
  9. Thanks guys. I used: soldier action ["getOut", heli]; I put it in a waypoint 'Transport Unload'. It doesn't work. Instead I had to create a new trigger
  10. Hi guys, I'm looking to find the class names for goggles as in glasses etc? Been looking under weapons where uniforms, headgear etc. :confused:
  11. thetrooper

    Custom sound, superb, repeat?

    got ya. Except still not working. I used an invisible H as my object. I'm guessing player is the '_source'? Tried this _sound = [(str missionConfigFile), 0, -15] call BIS_fnc_trimString; _play = _sound + "sounds\yoursoundname.ogg";// your sound path goes here _source = invisibleH; // here put the name of source object while {true} do { if ({isPlayer _x} count list example_trigger >0) then { playSound3D [_play, _sound, true, getPos _source, 10, 1, 20]; }; //10 is the db of you sound , 1 i dont know :-)) 20 is the distance in meters for sound fade hint"radio on";//some hint if you like sleep 179;// total time of your sound >>important<< }; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Background of what I'm trying to do. I have a sound want to loop when player in building. Player goes in building, a ambient sound occures in building (talking). Player leaves it stops or fades. trigger on repeat, to happen whenever player walks into building.
  12. thetrooper

    Custom sound, superb, repeat?

    Doesn't seem to be working. got to be the nameofyoursourceobject. not too sure what goes here?
  13. I've worked out how to use a JPG file for a offroad. Very cool! Can we do the same with helicopters and other cars?
  14. Here's an interesting one. Good reason for it. in a trigger condition. I'm looking for a syntax if one exists. player in thislist && triggerActivated myTrigger; works well. How do I do something like 'Player in thislist OR Car in thislist && triggerActivated myTrigger; :confused:
  15. Hi everyone. Having some difficulty with setting up radio and sounds in ARMA3. Is there any difference between ARMA2 and 3 that I need to be aware of using description.ext, CfgSounds and CfgRadio? Or am I just being a mong somewhere?
  16. thetrooper

    Radio/Converastion chat

    how does... playSound ["theSound", true]; work with player say" "; ?
  17. thetrooper

    Custom sound, superb, repeat?

    Cheers for that, I'll give it a go
  18. thetrooper

    Radio/Converastion chat

    cheers Ice, I worked out the issue, now got to solve it. it's when use 'Say' in a vehicle, can't hear it...Especially when there's music playing.
  19. thetrooper

    Custom sound, superb, repeat?

    :confused:I'm thinking in triggers the environment control is a loop, can I not make into something like that?
  20. thetrooper

    paint MH-9 different colour

    Yeah that's true. There really needs to be a visual reference somewhere.
  21. thetrooper

    Custom sound, superb, repeat?

    It's easy to edit and make it shorter. But needs to loop over and over as long as player is in the building. Not sure how to get it to loop though. It's more of an environment sound
  22. Hi all. I want to use an if else condition in a script. If player has some particular items then do something. Items: B_FieldPack_blk arifle_Mk20_GL_ACO_F player hasWeapon "arifle_Mk20_GL_ACO_F"; What do I use for backpacks?
  23. thetrooper

    if unit has specific items

    works fine now for what ever reason after a restart. Thanks for that ;)
  24. thetrooper

    if unit has specific items

    hmmm, doesn't seem to like that for some reason. Tried the actual mags I have as well in this case 30Rnd_556x45_Stanag Also tried changing 6 to 3 in case it doesn't count the mag in the rifle.
  25. thetrooper

    if unit has specific items

    Works well, thanks a lot for that Larrow ;) ---------- Post added at 04:27 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:03 PM ---------- Just a quick one actually. Magazines. if player has more than 6 of a type of magazine. would be something like "30Rnd_556x45_Stanag" Player > 6 ?