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Everything posted by NordKindchen

  1. NordKindchen

    Terrain Improvement (dev branch)

    Reading your comment I first have to say.....LOGIC MAP!! But only so the word is used;) Now I understand your concern. As I said - the mock up is created by loading textures into the game and taking screenshots with different textures at a specific point. Therefore the texture you see is actually "ingame" only that it would of course only be one texture in the actual game and not several as in the picture. Since the textures are used ingame I can say that the textures were useable in every direction. At least it was not ver yunsatisfying to look at them from a different angle;) Greetings!
  2. NordKindchen

    what is your opinion about the new enhanched fog.

    Sadly I havent seen the new fog ingame yet. Is there maybe some fog showcase mission or sth? Greets
  3. NordKindchen

    Questions about Arma3 Lighting

    Topic is subscribed=)
  4. NordKindchen

    Terrain Improvement (dev branch)

    I dont understand what you mean by "opposite direction" ?_?
  5. NordKindchen

    How to access new fog system

    Thank you for the fast answers!=)
  6. NordKindchen

    Terrain Improvement (dev branch)

    Thanks for the pictuers DaRKL3AD3R! Btw: Here is something new;) This again is my personal taste. While it seems that many people share this taste;) It is important to keep in mind that my system aims at diversity! That means an integration of a logicmap to enable more than one texutre on the whole island at the same time. Again at the moment we only got one texture thats getting tiled over the whole island. So no matter how good the texture mod you are using is: it will neve ever be able to reproduce something similar. This is important to understand. (While I guess many people wont...) So here are the examples! Here is the example in small Here is the example in big. Best regards!
  7. NordKindchen

    Bullet-Wind Interaction System

    How fast is the wind direction changing? I was having a discussion about this and we came to the conclusion that in general the wind takes longer to change its course. Looking at ACE 2 it seemed very unnatural to have a wind that was changing its direction every 2 seconds. So I am curious on how it works now. Greetings!
  8. The headline says it all - whats the terrain cell size for Arma3? And what can be considered the maximum cell size one should possibly choose? Greetings!
  9. NordKindchen

    Terrain Cell Size in Arma 3?

    Has anyone tried any smaller cells by now? =)
  10. NordKindchen

    Bullet-Wind Interaction System

    Does everyone have the same wind when playing on the same server? Greetings! ---------- Post added at 11:55 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:45 AM ---------- Could you pls specifiy your installation guide? Ive never altered my init.sqf before and since I find at least 6 different init.sqfs in my Arma directory I would appreciate more information on the instalment;) Keep in mind that there are many players that dont know nothing of how to get mods running. A detailed installment guide is therefore obligatory! Best regards and thanks for this addon;)
  11. Either the midrange texture was only changed for the development branch or I cant see any difference... Anyway: Want to try and spot the difference? Pre_Patch Post_Patch
  12. NordKindchen

    Terrain Improvement (dev branch)

    I thought so too. And to be honest - without the suggested system Arma looses much of its potential visually... It would be a huge disappointment if we really get a 5 year old range sytem for the release version....=/ Anyways - theres only one way to convince them. And thats by showing them the possibilies and telling them how much we want that! So heres another example: Here is the example in big. As always: Spread the word! And thanks for your support! Best regards!
  13. NordKindchen

    Terrain Improvement (dev branch)

    I think Failberry might be interested to hear that I added an important note to the feedbacktracker entrance. Besides that I think everyone agrees that all funds resolving from following t-shirt sellings will benefit myself only. Just kidding;) Greetings!
  14. NordKindchen

    Terrain Improvement (dev branch)

    logic map!
  15. NordKindchen

    Terrain Cell Size in Arma 3?

    Thanks for the answers guys! I will go for the 4 m cell then. And Thromp - may I ask you how you could come to this number? I would like to try and confirm this! Oh and @M1lkm8n: I had no exact number in aim^^ But of course I would like and try to go as small as I can! Since Stratis is a good example it would be the island to copy from;) Thanks for your help guys! Ps: Oh and the 5m cell size I read about were all belonging to Arma 2 tutorials=) Maybe this is interesting to know for you M1lkm8n. Best regards!
  16. NordKindchen

    Terrain Cell Size in Arma 3?

    Thanks for your answer! But 8 to 10 :butbut: wow^^ All the tutorials I read are talking about a terrain cell size of 5 at least^^ Even Bushlurker who I consider the most referenced author. I suggested something smaller for Arma 3 to be honest! Do you have any idea on how to find any related information in Arma 3s datas? I have got the feeling that the rvmat files contain this information in some way - but I am not sure. Greetings!
  17. NordKindchen

    The all new: Ask a moderator about the forum & rules

    Ah I see thank you
  18. NordKindchen

    The all new: Ask a moderator about the forum & rules

    Often my signature doesnt get send with the messages and/or edits I post. Any idea on how to fix that? Greetings!
  19. What I like: The helicopters cannot fly upside down anymore. What I dont like: At least the Little bird has an increadible fast acceleration! It goes from zero to 100 in less than 2 seconds and accelerates even further. While I like fast flying helis - this comes with a huge disadvantage - since the little bird is only capable of turning left and right at speed below and low over 100 it becomes a hell of a lot harder to center aim targets. And since the little birds miniguns still are incredible inaccurate (nothing wrong with that), engaging targets with the miniguns becomes inpracticle now. The window of engagement now has become increadible small. With this acceleration the AH feels more like an aircraft when making an attack run. And the moment you aim your nose down to shoot at a target - the helicopter accelerates to speeds over 150 and therefore is not able to lead any targets that are running parallel. Something that was quite doable before. So in the end - all it needs to do to evade a little bird at the moment is to run parallel to it. Because of the fast acceleration when he aims its nose down it wont be able to lead you anymore. And if the chopper decides to hover in the air so the acceleration wont kick in - the pilots are incredible easy targets. This needs to be fixed. The acceleration was fine before the patch and is broken now. Best regards
  20. Any chance to get this for Arma 3? Greetings
  21. NordKindchen

    Terrain Improvement (dev branch)

    No mod up yet since its impossible at the moment to implement, as -Coulum- explained;) Wolfstriked must be refering to badbensons or gammadusts texture replacement. @Wolfstrike: Fly to the airport and watch the airfield - you should see what I mean there;) Towards the new "More detailed middle distance terrain texture " I compared some before/after screen I made and didnt spot any difference....Dont know what they changed...=/
  22. NordKindchen

    New Flightsystem Post Patch

    Thought so=) Still better to give feedback;) Thanks for your reply!
  23. NordKindchen

    Tips on flying a helicopter?

    The new patch f+++cked up the acceleratio of the little bird.^^ It has become increadible hard to lead targets now since your speeds increases from 0 to 120 in less than 2 seconds. This means the moment you aim your nose down to center a target - your chopper is allready to fast to turn left or right to compensate for any movement or misjugdement of your own. While I really like that they fixed flying upside down - the acceleration is a no go. Besides - little birds should be able to do barrel rolls. Is this still possible? Have to test...=/
  24. NordKindchen

    Terrain Improvement (dev branch)

    The new update says that they improved the midrange texture. "More detailed middle distance terrain texture added" I feel that I have to point out again that its not the lack of resolution in the midrange which let the game look undetailed. Its the lack of diversity. And this simply cannot be achieved with only one midrange texture. Better resoluted textures will not improve the look of the game anymore at that distance. The current resolution suffices as I showed in my examples. What is missing is the possibility to have different textures active at the same time! I wont explain it again since I did so at least 3 times in the course of this topic. Pls make BI aware of this issue! Best regards
  25. NordKindchen

    Terrain Improvement (dev branch)

    I noticed it:P You can see it on how the sun casts shadows on the mountainsides when low;)