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Posts posted by kaject

  1. In my logic, the less add-ons you're able to use, the better mission becomes. It's always great to avoid unneccesary downloads, especially when you don't have enough time to search internet or some file cannot be accessed correctly due to problems on specific website.

    MP compability, of course, increases variety of modes and it really adds more fun when you're in a group with good people, who prefer teamwork mostly, not lone-wolfing. IMO, it's always great to see SP mission, which also can be played on co-op.

    Try to make your missions more avaiable to majority of players, unless throwing add-ons away drastically would affect quality and enjoyablity of the mission. Personally, I do not prefer such downgrade due to people wishes. Mostly, it's your choice.

  2. I hoped no one would notice. Had to switch the character because I needed the model to crouch, but civilians do not have the animation to crouch to pick up things, so I used the armed civilian that matched the closest.

    I got the story planned for another few pages at least.

    Personally, that civilian with changed clothes doesn't ruin an impression of comic to me in overall. On the other hand, it's good to hear that you have a setting planned for more enjoyable packs of funny pics and thoughts like the first. I'm looking forward, of course.

    P.S.: I have some ideas about other type of comics, those been in my head for a long time, just haven't got around to get enough time to concentrate and start making everything what was really needed. Also, lack of experience blocks the way.

  3. A bit of Google magic and here it is - a stable Six Updater version, which will help you to solve all updating things... http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=13213

    @Chammy: if you would like to find new friendly people and have serious fun with them meeting on specific time, spare your time on co-op and try to look up for a decent clan, which suits your priorities best. It's quite important to have a stable ping, if you want to enjoy other modes - especially PvP action (no one likes to lose nowadays... hm, well, exceptions still exist, though).

  4. According to your solution, Run, radio messages will still play, only player(s) won't be able to hear them. As I've understood Drake's request, he wants radio to be disabled at all - text, regarding orders of a group or messages through different side/global channels, will pop up faster without any need of playing a sound somewhere in OFP's 'stomach'.

    Sadly, I don't know what to advise in this case.

  5. Negative, Foffy, have a look at changelog of 1.99, compared to previous version:

    - Improved: Default gamma and brightness settings

    - Fixed: Two cursors appeared in some configurations

    - Fixed: Login hack prevention.

    - Improved: cheat / spam protection.

    - Changed: "missionName" function now returns user friendly name

    - Fixed: Preprocessor bugs and crashes

    - Changed: createMarker function now works only local

    - Added: isServer function

    - Fixed: missionStart function on dedicated server

    - Added: disableAI option for disable automatic animation selection

    - Added: User defined maps in missions

    - Added: function: array find item

    - Added: function getWorld

    - Added: functions getPosASL, setPosASL

    - Added: Event handler AnimChanged

    - Added: function getMove

    As you see, it doesn't contain any minor AI improvements. So, actually, there isn't any big difference between 1.96 and 1.99 in campaign. If you're looking for a multiplayer co-op or PvP match, use 1.96, because no one plays newest ver. online.

    By the way, it would be great to have a co-op with someone who can work in team and know how to play tactically, also have fun.

  6. 1) Your question isn't clear. IMO, codes can be described as commands to a trigger/unit/logic to do what you would like see. You can paste into any unit's INIT line, any trigger's CONDITION, ON ACTIVATION, ON DEACTIVATION fields.

    For example, create a soldier and paste this code in INIT's section: RemoveAllWeapons this. Start to play and you will see that you have none weapons to handle. I told you about a millionth part of capabilities of coding scripts and other similar stuff in OFP. OFPEC.com or BIS community Wiki websites would be helpful for a new guy like you. There's all commands, situated in alphabet rankings. I know it's hard to start using editor properly, but stop worrying and don't drop it, because it requires quite much time to master.

    2) You can search forums or, as I told, visit OFPEC.com, BIS Wiki pages. I suggest you to use unPBO tool (google for it). It allows to put any PBO'd missions into editor, open it there and start learning or finding out what you were interested in. Very recommended for beginners or even advanced mission makers. A lot of scripts are findable through the internet, but I saw most of them in OFPEC.com, which is down for some reason at this moment. Be patient.

  7. I've managed to complete CWC, Red Hammer and RES campaigns aprroximately a month ago and I wasn't touched by a AI problem you've mentioned here. I suggest you to check configuration setting (who knows, something may not be right). Try to adjust a proper visibility parameter, difficulty settings are also very important (look if Super AI is on, then turn it off). Never had any troubles with Field Exercise mission, to me it's quite simple - driver your armor on a mountain and bombard Modrava with Heat or Sabot shells. Make sure you have any tanks at your disposal at all, because if you haven't saved any in the previous missions, you shouldn't have any chance to win.

    About mods and their enhancements: there's lots of them, you could google for a specific one or just check ofp.info/ofp.gamepark.cz, operationflashpoint.filefront.com websites (google for those names). You will find enough useful stuff over there. Personally, I would recommend Enhancement Configuration Project mod (ECP). It doesn't make any dramatic changes in gameplay, keep it at it's best, but all improvements were being made on AI tactics, reaction to different conditions, also pretty effects of lightning, flames and shooting were added. The mod itself weights only ~150 MB. Second advice, if you think ECP isn't for you, could be Finnish Defence Forces (FDF): addiotional units, islands, quality of interface, gameplay corrections, improvements, etc. Third suggestion - WW4 mod: it's very well optimized, animations are cool, huge battles doesn't cause lag even on low-end systems. Highly enjoyable. I can look into one problem of it - no one plays WW4 online. A bit of a shame.

  8. From what I've seen, this will be a terrific place to organise ambushes on enemy supply+armor convoys or just to have fun in big infantry firefights, looking for a camp through all set vegetation. I love density and it gives a good thrill, especially at night, when you're sneaking down the line of trees, deep in the grass and unexpected shooting starts. Great experience. Keep up and this should be a perfect map for tactical co-op nights, I hope.

  9. I've solved this problem (using Vista OS) increasing the avaiability through users setting in properties category. In a simple way, open the folder you want to see it's content, saved in game, right click, properties, select security and mark as many permissions to do anything you want with a folder. It's just standart security setting fault.

    Sorry, if I've had misunderstood. Maybe this issue isn't like I do imagine.

  10. My campaign uses so many addons I don't think it can be part of the compo anymore:eek:.

    Obviously, if you want your campaign to be at least playable, you gotta be sure that all add-ons you're about to use are downloadable in the internet. If this cannot be achieved, then make a decent pack of content you've used in your creation, share it on free upload trackers like megaupload, gamefront... That would be great and much more comtfortable for a player.

  11. Ha-ha... Now you're calling me a troll, aren't you? You probably took whole thing too seriously. I've just tried to give some advices, not to judge/blame. It's fine, if you don't have any plans to improve this old campaign, your choice, do your best.

    Ah, by the way, a typical statement "make 'smth' better than mine" looks really hilarious. You shouldn't talk in a way like that. That's quite ridiculous.

    Overall, let's try to stay on topic and not argue here. 'Discussion' over.

  12. At your situation the best and easiest way to provide weapons would be "loadout1.sqs", "loadout2.sqs", etc. weapons/magazines packages and distribution of them to all units you want to modify.

    Aldo, one question - were you supposed to use this unavaiable feature for a new mission? Can't wait to see it, if so.

  13. I think momentally shown up blur effect is really good, reminds of true physical capabilities of a human. Actually, what I wouldn't like at all is some kind of experiment with RPG elements into the game - I mean, there's some types of soldiers you can choose from (fat, etc.). The more you run, the further you run at "all power" without being exausted almost to death. That sounds too realistic and it would make A3 more life sim, right?

    Another innovation, which comes to my mind, is player's reaction to dust (out of destroyed buildings, moving vehicles). You can throttle because of it and start to shake like when you get shot or injured badly. Also, don't look at the Sun - it may kill your eyes. Another RL grafter can be lightning danger at stormy time. Those can kill a unit, if he's moving too much in a wide open area or found an unadviseable place to take over. There's more things to mention... Water-sweat module, eating (not sleeping, because a typical operation can't take a couple of hours or even longer).

    My conclusion of this wall text is: sounds ridiculous, it would probably ruin the game and squeeze every bit of fun factor from A3. Ha-ha.

  14. Personally, more detailed, hard missions have been always delivering better experience to me (that also means having funnier moments). I'm sure it depends on person's view at our beloved OFP.

    What would make CB campaign better? Hm, let's see:

    1) Longer missions with more objectives;

    2) Variety of objectives (not boring secured/defend cocktail);

    3) Cutscenes (if you feel that you have told your story in Notes section or Plan, don't make them, but it's always been a great addition);

    4) Established enemy, friendly sides bases, more organised assaults using waypoint smartly;

    5) Random elements integration into the missions (at least some of them to increse factor of replayablity).

    That's probably everything I wanted to mention.

  15. I was very interested and motivated to try Code Blue campaign when I saw a new post in this thread. Hopefully, I managed to find required East and West units add-on at ofp.gamepark.cz, doing a simple search 'code blue' or so.

    Anyway, a problem pops up in 3rd mission - it says my game is missing some tent_?? add-on, which probably wasn't included in CB units package.

    I would describe my first impression about start of the campaign, shouldn't I? Well, unfornately, I didn't see any cutscenes yet and that really makes player to feel playing somethings not worthy of time. Of course, I found this impression wrong. Music in the briefing was a cool idea. It set a great atmosphere to put up at decent fight for Soviets. First 2 missions seemed, to be honest, too simple, disappointed a bit, very short and enemy base design wasn't what I should have expected. I thought it will be more creative, advanced. Not tryting to make people negative, my point is that campaign still needs more polishing in content way, not technically.

    I hope my post will help to orientate.

  16. Zukov, I have a friendly tip for you: rethink your statements at least a couple of times when you will be writing again and don't post completely illogical, sometimes even very silly wishes/suggestions, which stands against Arma/OFP series nature. I know you will sing your song again about 'personal opinion', but when it breakes every logical point and sounds immature, believe me, that makes other forums members nervous. "Jokes" aren't funny anymore.
