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Everything posted by bradp191

  1. bradp191

    AI quirks we'd like to see.

    Hmm, I'm speaking from experience here. I'm not just pulling this out of my ass. Keeping track of which way is north is not that hard. Its a lot harder to get everyone on the same page as far as clock positions is much more complicated. I've done this in combat. It works. I'm just saying its something to think about. I get kind of annoyed when people try to tell me what's "real" or "tactical", though. Clock system works really well to communicate inside a vehicle since the front of the vehicle can be 12 o'clock, but even that breaks down when communicating between vehicles if everyone isn't facing the same way.
  2. bradp191

    AI quirks we'd like to see.

    How about they just abolish the clock system and use cardinal and intermediate directions instead? That's how we roll fo' rizzeal. Its too hard to get a group of 8 men who are getting shot at all on the same page about which way is 12 o'clock. The British colour-clock system is good for cqb, but I'm not sure how well it would work in the great outdoors. They define 12 o'clock as straight ahead as you pass through the entry/doorway. 11-1 is white, 2-4 is red, 5-7 is black, and 8-10 is green. (I might have black and white mixed up. Training with the Brits was a while ago.) This way, you can use a clock position, a color, or a combination of the two. Just something to think about. My unit always just used cardinal and intermediate directions. I saw the line companies use the clock system sometimes in a hasty defense. I was in a mortar platoon, so we had more compasses, and therefore we liked to use mils for everything.
  3. bradp191

    ArmA3 Wishlist and Ideas

    I don't know. I picked up an M40 for the first time in my life one day and easily put 5 shots on B mod target (that's a silhouette of a standing man's head and torso from the waist up) at 800 meters. That was at range Hathcock at Stone Bay. You are right about it being hard for a trained sniper, though. They were doing most of the shooting at that range, and they did terrible. Its easy so long as you remember the fundamentals of shooting a rifle. Some guys get that "sniper" title and think they're above all that. I guess a little humility and remembering my training is what made me qualify expert every time I went to the range and made them fail to qualify.
  4. bradp191

    Functioning Co-Pilots

    OK, so the co-pilot slot is kind of like the loader in a tank as far as the game is concerned: somewhat limited functionality, but there for realism's sake. I can see a pair of players piloting an aircraft in MP with great results, so long as they work well together. If the avionics are fully functional, you could have the pilot focused outward flying by VFR while the copilot is focused on the instruments. Vice versa in inclement weather. It would also offer a kind of "apprentice" role for budding pilots. Someone inexperienced with aircraft could learn from a more seasoned player.
  5. bradp191

    Functioning Co-Pilots

    Sounds ok. I like this idea, I'm just trying to hash out the details. I don't think you should propose something with no idea where its headed. So what if the player is the pilot? What does the AI copilot do? Does the player/pilot have no access to the map? So would the copilot give left/right/forward/halt commands like a tank commander?
  6. bradp191

    Functioning Co-Pilots

    I think everyone agrees that it should be included, but lets discuss it in more detail. Say the player was copiloting a transport helicopter. What would he do? What functions are at his disposal?
  7. bradp191

    Wish: Military intelligence!!!

    Action Menu: Attach electrodes to testicles Military Intelligence is kind of an oxymoron, but I know what you mean. Locals are the best source of information. Collecting, analyzing, and acting upon human intelligence is just one more task on a grunt's never-ending job description.
  8. The biggest reason I found for getting guns over bombs was clearance. The FACs had to get cleared through a bunch of different levels for a drop. For guns, you just say that its suppressive fire to cover your movement, and you're cleared hot. I never saw an A-10 gun run, but we got plenty of F-18s. Another good point about guns in Afghanistan is the microterrain that the enemy uses. They like to fire from the little irrigation ditches and then use said ditches to cover their escape. These ditches are narrow, linear targets. If you bring your aircraft in parallel to the ditch, they can tear up the entire length of it. Between the shorter clearance time and the linear coverage, you greatly reduce the enemy's chance of escape.
  9. bradp191

    Weapon Customization Ideas Thread

    Top, left, or right doesn't matter. It's usually unit SOP. We always put ours on the right. On top, it gets into the field of view of your RCO, which gets annoying. The laser BZO targets are made for any of the three aforementioned positions.
  10. bradp191

    Weapon Customization Ideas Thread

    Night optics can be attached/detached on the fly without affecting the zero. Attaching an M203 requires tools and a lot of fucking around. Newer weapons are supposed to be more modular I guess, so I'll concede that point. If you can change day optics on the fly, they should be way off zero. You could make adjustments on the go.
  11. bradp191

    Weapon Customization Ideas Thread

    Attaching thermal/night sights on the fly shouldn't be a problem. Changing your day optics should only happen at an armory/crate kind of thing. Same goes for lasers and underbarrel weapons. As far as the interface, something like Crysis 2 wouldn't be that bad for modifying your weapon. The weapon viewer from MGS 4 would be amazing, but I'm not hoping for that much.
  12. Whatever, dude. This is pointless.
  13. Well they say its going on in the 2020-2025 time frame. I think it would just make good sense to have a new platform with the same capabilities online before you start phasing out the old. Call me old fashioned, but I like a little continuity.
  14. What he said and Hellfire armed Reapers can take over the tank-busting role. A new replacement for the GAU-8 is what I meant about a new platform to replace the A-10. I imagine that those 30mm rounds are quite a bit cheaper than a hellfire. I can see both sides of the coin here. Perhaps some improved 20mm rounds for tank busting? That doesn't sound like the best remedy either. I can tell you that fixed wing gun runs are still in regular use in combat. Its very hard to get clearance for a bomb drop in populated areas of Afghanistan, but its not too difficult to get a gun run. Gun runs were used about as often as UAV strikes in my AO.
  15. That makes a lot of sense. I didn't even think about it, but UAVs are replacing manned aircraft in the CAS role. Those Reapers are quite nice to have on your side. That flying lawnmower sound is actually quite comforting.
  16. I really like the Su-47 and Pak-Fa. I guess it depends how the storyline goes. Given that we've been told there's a lot of Chinese support for the Iranians, perhaps the J-20 should be used instead of the Pak-Fa. I'd also like to see some sort of replacement for the A-10. They keep trying to boneyard that bird, but it still finds itself useful every time there's a war on. The fleet is aging, though. It's projected service life is until 2028, but they'll need to put a replacement into production prior to that. A new aircraft with similar capabilities would be great. If that won't fit into the storyline, I'd suggest some pretty heavy modifications to the current A-10. That really applies to everything, though. If the war has been going on for years, you're going to see tons of modifying and adapting done to gear and vehicles. Grunts are masters at modifying gear to do things it wasn't intended to do. :D I really like the Swedish CV90 and Archer as well. Something with those kind of capabilities would be great. Specifics don't matter that much, just capabilities. Everyone can make their favorite specific stuff as addon content.
  17. bradp191

    ArmA3 Wishlist and Ideas

    Implementation is kind of my point about there being no standard knife. I carried a 3" stainless steel folding knife. My squad leader had a machete. One of the other Marines in my squad carried something that looked like a cross between a meat cleaver, a pry bar, and a saw. Other guys had K-bar type knives. Some guys didn't have a knife. Some had several. Are you going to model in every blade under the sun?
  18. I believe this belongs in the wish list or one of the threads pertaining to this specific issue.
  19. bradp191

    ArmA3 Wishlist and Ideas

    I definitely agree with the first part. Shooting as a passenger would be great. Everyone always points to the heliborne sniper, but how about an armadillo 7 ton with a squad of hard chargers in the back? That's quite a combination of firepower and maneuverability. Some production runs of MRAPs have firing ports in the window, and as far as I know most armored personnel carriers have firing ports for the passengers. That'd be a great feature. The knife issue is one that's been addressed over and over and over again. If your goal is realism, why would you give everyone a knife anyway? Not everyone carries a knife. There is no knife that is issued to everyone in the US military. Maybe some other countries have one.
  20. bradp191

    My trip to BIS at Gamescom 2011- Great!

    I think this is the most likely scenario.
  21. You should add "Carbon Fiber Everything" to the list. Love it!
  22. bradp191


    I support that as long as it's implemented correctly. Snap shooting with an RCO is extremely intuitive. I'm sure some people would argue that, but most of them have probably never used one or didn't train with it enough. I only shot the M40 a couple times, but finding the proper eye relief for it wasn't that hard. It wasn't as easy as an RCO, but it didn't take a long time. Handguns would be at a premium with this feature added, thus giving them a niche that I don't believe they have currently. My only concern is that everyone would argue about whether the speed was correct. Some would say its too fast and therefore unrealistic. Others would say that they can do it faster than the character in the game.
  23. Yea, even the newest thermal sights I've used took anywhere between 5 and 15 seconds to cool depending on ambient temperature and how long it'd been turned off. It doesn't give you any image until the sensor is ready. It just says "Sensor Cooling" on the display. If it was only off for a couple minutes, it would kinda flash and flicker for a second and then start working. That's only when the internals didn't have much chance to warm back up to ambient temperature.
  24. Maybe in the future, you don't have to wait 5-15 seconds for the sensor to cool. It just takes a second to adjust to the ambient heat.
  25. Its a fictional future weapons kind of thing. I've heard of a T-100 that the Soviets tested out a few years prior to WWII. I believe it had twin cannons and was probably the inspiration for the Soviet tanks in Command & Conquer Red Alert. Endwar, another near-future game, features the T-100 Ogre tank.