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drunken officer

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Everything posted by drunken officer

  1. Hello. I want to create a lightbar with a blue flashlight. In my lightbar (memory lod) is a point called "bluelight". But nothing happends, when i start it. :( SOLVED!
  2. drunken officer

    proxy to arma object is not working

    thx, now it works!
  3. Hi guys. I want to place a arma table, phone, notbook into my building. For this i create a proxies. Command line: \ca\misc2\smalltable\smalltable.p3d If i open the buldozer to check out the current postion, i got the mesage "can not open xxxx.p3d".I did it with other objects, no way. I changed it in my config to test it with an charakter. Same command line \ca\..... I can place the "object" on map. What is my mistake, that i can't create a proxy to arma-objects? Whats the size of the ca folder? My ca folder at Armawork (or P:) is small. 131 mb and 1130 files.
  4. drunken officer

    Strange "Cannot Open Object" error

    To many points! Reduce it.
  5. I model some objects. But to one question, i dont find the answer. What means the field "User Value" in the properties ? What can i change with this value? My resolution LOD works with 0, 1 , 10, 15 ... I know, in the shadowLOD this value must set to 1.
  6. I've a simple problem I want to add 2 differnt sounds to my animations. closecell and opencell while {true} do {.... _blah = _this select 0; _cc = "closecell"; _ulc = "unlock" _oc = "opencell"; _anim0 = _blah animationPhase 'Open_cell_1'; if (_anim0 > 0 and _anim0 < 0.1 ) then {_blah say [_ulc,30,1];_blah say [_oc,30,1] }; if (_anim0 > 0.9 and _anim0 < 1) then {_blah say [_cc,30,1];}; }; So how is to command to check if the anim0 geeting higher or getting lower? i tryed if if (_anim0 > 0 and _anim0 < 0.1 and _anim0 ++) then .... = no working then i tryed if (_anim0 > 0 and _anim0 < 0.1 and [_ blah animate [""Open_zelle_1"", 1]) then... or (_anim0 > 0 and _anim0 < 0.1 and [_ blah animate [""Open_zelle_1"", 1] = true]) then ... not working.
  7. SOLVED! I used a counter to help. if (_anim0 > 0 and _anim0 < 1) then {_anim0counter = _anim0counter + 1} else {_anim0counter = 0}; // setting the counter. Anim = 0 or 1 -> counter = 0. Between the counter getting higher +1 player globalChat format["%1",_anim0counter]; // check if it works if (_anim0counter < 2 and _anim0 < 0.1 and _anim0 > 0) then {_blah say [_ulc,30,1];_blah say [_oc,30,1] }; // blocking sound if counter > 2 if (_anim0 > 0.9 and _anim0 < 1 and _anim0counter < 2) then {_blah say [_cc,30,1];}; // blocking sound if counter > 2
  8. Hi guys. I've a small problem with my config.cpp. I want to destroy my object (NonStrategic) After this i want a ruin model and a fire. The same like, if a car destroy. My problem is: a) i've a riun model but no fire or b) i disable the ruin part and then i have fire. There are no examples to find at wiki. Only one small part. I declare it to simulate "house". If i choose "thing", my arma crash. Can anybody help me?
  9. drunken officer

    ruin model and fire.

    Here it is! class CfgVehicles { class All; class NonStrategic; class Ruins; class Thing; class plants_Base_Object : All { scope = 0; side = 3; icon = "iconStaticObject"; nameSound = "object"; simulation = "house"; picture = "pictureStaticObject"; model=""; sound = "Building"; placement = "vertical"; ladders[] = {}; vehicleClass = "plants_VehicleClass"; displayName = ""; coefInside = 1; coefInsideHeur = 0.25; mapSize = 7.5; animated = false; armor = 200; destrType = ""; damageResistance = 0.004; class DestructionEffects { class DestroyPhase1 { simulation = "destroy"; type = "DelayedDestruction" /* "DestructWreck" ? */ lifeTime = 4.2; position = "destructionEffect"; intensity = 3; interval = 1; }; }; }; //VERSION 1 class Land_weed: plants_Base_Object { model = "\pflanze\weed.p3d"; nameSound = ""; mapSize = 8; icon = "iconStaticObject"; accuracy = 1000; armor = 100; destrType = "DestructDefault"; scope = 2; class DestructionEffects : DestructionEffects { class Ruin1 { simulation = "ruin"; type = "\pflanze\weed_ruin"; position = ""; intensity = 1; interval = 1; lifeTime = 1; }; }; }; class Land_weed_ruin : ruins { scope = 1; model = "\pflanze\weed_gross_ruin.p3d"; displayName = "weed ruins"; };
  10. Hi guys. I want to add some different sounds to my model, when you walk inside. I know, i have to do it in the roadwaylod -> "e" -> "materials". But how to do, to "load" a sound file in a *.rvmat file?
  11. drunken officer

    different sounds inside a building

    THX, it works!
  12. drunken officer

    Custom Lightbar for Arma 2 OA

    Have fun with it. I try it to. But my animation dont loop :( and to set a recolored *paa is not so easy. If you add the lightbar to the policecar, you have to change the config.cpp You need, a new animationsource, new useraction (stop/start) and a *.sqf file for the lights and the sounds. Or ArmaTec can do it for you. He has the knowhow. You work with shining *.rvmat files and settexture command or do you work with *lighpoint attachto command for your lightbar? how to find it in the editor: Do you create a own class? Do you have the stringtable.csv in the folder? is it "scope = 2"; ?
  13. Hello guys. I need help. It's my very first time, that i try to work with scripts. I've a 3D object, with a big door and a trafficlight (red & green). The light should shining red, when the door is not complete open. When it's open, then switch to green. initPhase 0 = close initPhase 1 = open Here is what i've, but i dont have a working *.paa file. The doorlight-selection is green all the time. step 1 select in the 0.000 LOD some faces and create a selection "doorlight". step 2 create in the config.cpp a hiddenselction and in the model.cfg by "selections" step 3 useraction in the config.cpp step 4 create the garagenlicht.sqs file. Here i checked other files, but i'm a greenhorn :mad: Thx for help
  14. drunken officer

    switch *.paa when animation is done

    Hm, with this version, the light switch from green to red and back, when i use the action menue. But i need it, that the green light only shinning, when door_pb_aussenhof = 1. If it x < 1 then i need the red light-
  15. Hi guys. I checked the forum and found a example, but i doesnt works. My problem is, i have light. This one should rotation, as long the player dont stop it. The animation works, but not the loop function. class CfgSkeletons { class Default { isDiscrete = 1; skeletonInherit = ""; skeletonBones[] = {}; }; class blaulicht_skeleton : Default { isDiscrete=1; skeletonInherit=""; skeletonBones[]= { "reflektor","" }; }; }; class CfgModels { class blaulicht { sectionsInherit=""; sections[]= {}; skeletonName="blaulicht_skeleton"; }; class blue_light : blaulicht { sectionsInherit="blaulicht"; sections[]={}; class Animations { class move_reflektor : blaulicht { type="rotationY"; selection="reflektor"; axis="reflektor_achse"; memory=1; [b]sourceAddress="loop";[/b] minValue=0; maxValue=1; angle0=0; angle1="rad -360"; }; }; }; }; class AnimationSources { class move_reflektor { scope = 2; source="user"; animPeriod = 1.5; initPhase = 0; }; }; class move_reflektor{ scope = 2; displayName="$STR_lichtan"; onlyforplayer = true; position="reflektor"; radius=4; condition="this animationPhase ""move_reflektor"" < 0.5"; statement="this animate [""move_reflektor"", 1]'"; 3. questions 1. where is my mistake, that the loop function doesnt works? 2. can somebody tell my, how the command is to stop the animation? 3. i need a alarm sound to this animation. Same way like the reflektor?
  16. drunken officer

    loop doenst works

    Nobody can help me?
  17. drunken officer

    create buildingPos

    Hi guys I need a buildingPos in my house. Because the KI have to spawn there. I create one point in my memory-lod, called "buildingPos 1". But when i try it in the editor "this setPos [revier buildingPos 1];" nothing happends. Can somebody explane me, how to create a building postion? Thx
  18. drunken officer

    create buildingPos

    thx again Mondkalb. I'll try it soon
  19. drunken officer

    Object position

    select the whole object and press the button "rotation". It'S one with a small yellow box. When you hold your mouse above the button, you can see the name of the button. You can choose between x-y-z-axis. You can use the "preview-button" to see whats happend.
  20. Hi guys. I hope this is the right selection. We have a problem. I build a house and i have to lift up the floor 0.60 m, because we do not want grass at the floor. But if a player spawn in that house, he allways spawn at the natural ground. That means, that the player spawn in my geo lod (important for collision query), and then the geo-lod didnt work (you can walk through the walls). Is there a way, to lift up the spawn point? thx
  21. drunken officer


    Hello guys. How i have to script my config for global sound? I've a config, but the sound is local. That means, only the player who use the animation, hear the sound. But i need it in this way, that a other player, which is near can hear it. ** sound ** class CfgSounds{ class alarm2{ name = "alarm2"; sound[] = {"\polizei\sounds\alarm2.ogg",0.15,1.0}; titles[] = {}; };}; *** Animation ** class AnimationSources { class Open_outdoor { scope = 2; source = "user"; animPeriod = 7; initPhase = 1; };}; **User action ** class UserActions{ class Open_outdoor{ scope = 2; displayName="$STR_outdoor_open"; onlyforplayer = true; position="benutze_outdoor"; radius=1.3; condition="this animationPhase ""Open_outdoor"" < 0.5"; statement="this animate [""Open_outdoor"", 1];this say'alarm2'"; }; class Close_outdoor : Open_outdoor{ displayName="$STR_outdoor_close"; condition="this animationPhase ""Open_outdoor"" >= 0.5"; statement="this animate [""Open_outdoor"", 0];this say'alarm2'"; };}; thx for help!
  22. drunken officer


    damn not solved! It was his microphone. I heard his sound in my TS. :mad: Normally the 3. number makes the sound global. Thats the same CfgSound like a siren. But mondkalb, your doorbell is "global", maybe you can help. :)
  23. Hi all I created a house with 3 floors. With the proxy option in O2, i placed tables, chairs, couch and the TV in this house. But now, in game and in buldozer, i have shadows through the whole building. I CANT deactivate the shadows in the O2 settings. When i press "e" there is a marker, but it's actived the whole time and i cant change it. Can anybody help me?
  24. drunken officer

    Deactived the shadows on objects with proxy function

    solved. The shoadow lod was broken. now this lod works and the proxy shadows are gone.