drunken officer
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$300 Texture Warping (With Pictures!)
drunken officer replied to ramirez's topic in ARMA 2 & OA : MODELLING - (O2)
The windows was your problem? Mark it, press "ctrl+x" (cut it) and press "ctrl+v" (paste it). Then everthing its fine with your glass. -
hi everybody. I've a small problem. I create a object, where you can get in as gunner. In my buldozer i can turn arround 360°. On map there is problem. 3rd person = Person (proxy) & Object turning together 360°. Thats what i want! 1st person = the person move is wrong and the eyes looks everytime in the same direction! Just the model is turning, but it looks like a wrong axis. What i did: model.cfg = turning selection called LTI Oxygen: Resolution LOD: the object named "LTI" proxy named "LTI" Memory LOD: axis definied pos & pos dir named together "LTI" creating a point called "eye" and "LTI" GunnerView LOD copy the body & proxy from resolution LOD. Normlay all important things are called "LTI" to turn arround.
how to make user action with sound playing ?
drunken officer replied to vilas's topic in ARMA 2 & OA : ADDONS - Configs & Scripting
Gnat, you can block the useraction. _lb = _this select 0; _no = nearestObjects [_lb,["man"],2]; (check for persons near to your lightbar) _no1 = _no select 0; (getting the nearest one) {.... start the animation script }; Otherway you get the name of object and set, that only the player of object can use the useraction. @Vilas I attach the lightbars with attachTo by the SUV's. The other cars are models with the lightbars. The lightflash are just simple "'#lightpoints". But it'S hard to drive at night^^ I try to find a way to attach the lightbar via script. So it's possbile to paint a VWGolf (config.cpp >> hiddenselection; hiddenselectiontextrue) and set the lightbar via script on top. So every guy can take the addon without any scriptcode in the description.txt. -
Thx Gnat. I tried it with the class ViewGunner. Nothing! In first person, the model + body (gunner) is turning but not the eyes. I checked the sample files >> searchlight. My class is calling from searchlight class. The same problem. In my memoryLOD there are - 2 axis points - gunner pos (and LTI-selection to turn around) - pos dir (and LTI-selection to turn around) - gunnerview (and LTI-selection to turn around) - eye It's doesnt matter if i delete "eye" or not, all time the same. I copy the whole config parts from the sample file and changed only the path to model, SAME problem, my eyes dont turn around. Here my config class CfgVehicles { class All; class Strategic; class Land; class LandVehicle: Land { class ViewPilot; class NewTurret; }; class StaticWeapon: LandVehicle { vehicleClass = "Static"; //driverOpticsModel = "\ca\weapons\optika_empty"; selectionClan = "clan"; //selectionDashboard = "podsvit pristroju"; //selectionShowDamage = "poskozeni"; //selectionBackLights = "light_back"; bounding = "usti hlavne"; alphaTracks = 0.7; textureTrackWheel = 0; selectionLeftOffset = ""; selectionRightOffset = ""; memoryPointTrack1L = ""; memoryPointTrack1R = ""; memoryPointTrack2L = ""; memoryPointTrack2R = ""; selectionFireAnim = "zasleh"; fireDustEffect = "FDustEffects"; class DestructionEffects {}; memoryPointMissile[] = {"spice rakety", "usti hlavne"}; memoryPointMissileDir[] = {"konec rakety", "konec hlavne"}; memoryPointCargoLight = "cargo light"; gunnerCanSee = CanSeeEye+CanSeeEar+CanSeePeripheral; gunnerHasFlares = false; class Turrets { class MainTurret: NewTurret { memoryPointsGetInGunner= "pos_gunner"; memoryPointsGetInGunnerDir= "pos_gunner_dir"; memoryPointGunnerOptics= "gunnerview"; memoryPointGun= "usti hlavne"; outGunnerMayFire = 1; gunnerOpticsModel = \ca\Weapons\optika_empty; minTurn=-180; maxTurn=+180; initTurn=0; minElev=-7; maxElev=+70; initElev=0; castGunnerShadow = 1; ejectDeadGunner = 1; class ViewOptics { initAngleX=0; minAngleX=-30; maxAngleX=+30; initAngleY=0; minAngleY=-100; maxAngleY=+100; initFov=0.42; minFov=0.22; maxFov=0.64; }; }; }; damperSize = 1.4; damperForce = .8; gearBox[]={-1,0,+1}; soundEnviron[] = {"", db0, 0.7}; soundEngine[] = {"", db20, 1}; soundCrash[] = {"", db-5, 1}; soundGear[] = {"", db-70, 1}; soundDammage[] = {"", db-40, 1}; getInAction=GetInMedium; getOutAction = GetOutMedium; class Wounds { tex[]={}; mat[]={}; }; icon = iconTank; mapSize = 5; displayName=$STR_DN_TANK; nameSound="tank"; accuracy=0.12; getInRadius = 3.5; fuelCapacity=0; irScanRangeMin=500; irScanRangeMax=4000; irScanToEyeFactor=1; armor=20; armorStructural=2.0; class HitEngine {armor=0.8;material=60;name=motor;passThrough=1;}; class HitHull {armor=1;material=50;name=telo;passThrough=1;}; class HitTurret {armor=0.8;material=51;name=vez;passThrough=1;}; class HitGun {armor=0.6;material=52;name=zbran;passThrough=1;}; class HitLTrack {armor=0.6;material=53;name=pas_L;passThrough=1;}; class HitRTrack {armor=0.6;material=54;name=pas_P;passThrough=1;}; extCameraPosition[]={0,1.5,-9}; class ViewPilot: ViewPilot { initAngleX=7; minAngleX=-15; maxAngleX=+25; initAngleY=0; minAngleY=-90; maxAngleY=+90; }; cost=1000000; steerAheadSimul=0.4; steerAheadPlan=0.6; predictTurnSimul=1.2; predictTurnPlan=1.8; hasGunner=1; hasCommander=0; ejectDeadDriver = 1; ejectDeadCargo = 1; hasDriver = 0; nightVision=0; driverAction = ManActCargo; driverInAction = ManActCargo; simulation=tank; // static weapons usually have no occlusion occludeSoundsWhenIn = db-0; obstructSoundsWhenIn = db-0; formationX=10; formationZ=10; precision=1; brakeDistance=0; maxSpeed=0; canFloat=0; weapons[]={FakeWeapon}; magazines[]={FakeWeapon}; type=1; threat[]={0.7, 1, 0.3}; camouflage = 1; audible = 1; hideProxyInCombat = 0; driverOpticsColor[] = {0, 0, 0, 1}; class CargoLight { color[] = {0, 0, 0, 0}; ambient[] = {0.6, 0, 0.15, 1}; brightness = 0.007; }; transportMaxMagazines = 0; transportMaxWeapons = 0; class Reflectors {}; secondaryExplosion=0; }; //class SearchLight : staticWeapon {}; class LTI: staticWeapon { //vehicleClass = "Police_Items_VehicleClass"; scope = 2; side = 1; mapSize = 1; icon = "iconStaticObject"; model="\speedcamera2\LTI.p3d"; picture="\speedcamera2\picture_icon_ca.paa"; displayName = "modern Laserspeedgun"; hiddenSelections[] = {"feld1","feld2","feld3"}; class EventHandlers { init = "_this execVM 'speedcamera2\scripts\speedgun.sqf'"; }; typicalCargo[]={SoldierWB}; gunnerHasFlares = false; gunnerOpticsModel="\ca\Weapons\optika_Aimpoint"; class Library {libTextDesc = "A speed check unique, based on laser technologie" }; class Reflectors {}; class Turrets : Turrets { class MainTurret : MainTurret { //weapons[]={LTI}; minElev=-10; minTurn=-180; maxTurn=+180; initTurn=0; gunnerAction = "searchlight_Gunner"; class ViewGunner { initAngleX = 0; minAngleX =-360; maxAngleX = 360; initAngleY = 0; minAngleY = 0; maxAngleY = 0; initFov = 0.7; minFov = 0.42; maxFov = 0.85; }; }; }; }; };
starting a script by user action command
drunken officer posted a topic in ARMA 2 & OA : ADDONS - Configs & Scripting
Hello. I want to start a script, if the player actived the action. I tested with the "class EventHandler" and the script was running. But if i try to start the script by user action, nothing happends. In my script i wrote _cam = _this select 0; _LTI = _cam animationPhase ""LTI""; waitUntil {_LTI == 1}; while {true} do {player sideChat format ["speedgun: %1, LTI: %2", _cam, _LTI];}; %1 = return my camera >> ok %2 = return my animationPhase >> ok Here is my config code. It's doesnt matter, is the object a thing or building. Both times same effect. I tryed more settings. With statement = [_this select 0] ....., the script starting, but %1 call "any" because it's setting "select 0;" in the config.cpp class speedgun : Base_Object { scope = 2; class Library {libTextDesc = "A speedcheck camera, based on laser technologie" }; model="\speedcamera\speedgun.p3d"; picture="\speedcamera\picture_icon_ca.paa"; displayName = "Speedgun"; magazines[] = {}; /*class EventHandlers { init = "_this execVM ""\speedcamera\scripts\speedgun.sqf""; "; };*/ class AnimationSources { class LTI { source = "user"; scope = 2; animPeriod = 0.2; initPhase = 0; }; }; class UserActions { class LTION { scope = 2; displayName="LTI ON"; onlyforplayer = true; position="apLTI"; radius=5; condition="this animationPhase ""LTI"" == 0 "; //statement="this animate [""LTI"", 1] "; //statement="handel = [_this select 0] execVM ""\speedcamera\scripts\speedgun.sqf""; "; statement="this execVM ""\speedcamera\scripts\speedgun.sqf""; "; }; }; Can anybody help my, to start a simple script by user action? And how can i start a script by a weapon? Becaue the speedgun is normaly a "pistol". EventHandlers classes DONT work by cfgweapons. :( -
how to make user action with sound playing ?
drunken officer replied to vilas's topic in ARMA 2 & OA : ADDONS - Configs & Scripting
Yeah, i know your happyness. For me it was a long way too, to understand how it works. but now it working fine. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E1I5OuS1nW8 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yIWdER3gNlw -
how to make user action with sound playing ?
drunken officer replied to vilas's topic in ARMA 2 & OA : ADDONS - Configs & Scripting
try cfgsounds { class sirene name = "whoopwhoop" ... }; cfgvehicles { bla bla class UserAction { blabla statement = "this animate [""policelight"", 1]; this say ""whoopwhoop"" "; }; }; -
Light creation/placement question
drunken officer replied to meshcarver's topic in ARMA 2 & OA : MODELLING - (O2)
create in the memory LOD points called "lightsource" or whatever. Config.Cpp blabla class land_myhouse : basic { bla bla class markerlights { color[] = {value, value, value, value}; ambient[] = {value, value, value, value}; brightness = 0.013; (dont get to high or you think, the sun is a dark point on the sky :) ) }; }; Redlight example: class MarkerLights { class RedStill { name = "lightsource"; color[] = { 0.3, 0.03, 0.03, 1 }; ambient[] = { 0.03, 0.003, 0.003,1 }; brightness = 0.01; blinking = 0; }; }; or by script. Started by class eventhandler inside YOUR building class _object = _this select 0; _light = "#lightpoint" createVehicleLocal pos; _light setLightBrightness 1.0; _light setLightAmbient[0.0, 1.0, 0.0]; _light setLightColor[0.0, 1.0, 0.0]; _light lightAttachObject [_object, [0,0,0]] -
starting a script by user action command
drunken officer replied to drunken officer's topic in ARMA 2 & OA : ADDONS - Configs & Scripting
thx for the web site. I'm a little bit confused. I found a post, there are a EventHandler called "fired". Now, if i do this in my cfgweapon config class cfgweapon { class all; class pistolcore; class m9; class speedgunbasic : m9 {class EventHandlers;}; class speedgun : speedgunbasic { bla bla bla class Eventhandler {fired = "_this execVM ""\speedcamera\scrits\speedgun.sqf""; "}; }; nothing happends. Now i'm going to the editor. In the init line i post this this addEventHandler ["fired",{"_this execVM \speedcamera\scrits\speedgun.sqf"}]; the script starts, when the player put the trigger. In the editor i can start the script by init command! Normaly not possible by cfgweapons. Can somebody tell me, what i'm doing wrong? For me it's important to start the script addon side not in mission! And could it be, that hiddenseletions dont work by cfgweapon? -
looking for proper configing for constant motion " translation"
drunken officer replied to vilas's topic in ARMA 2 & OA : MODELLING - (O2)
I tried it a lot of times to "loop" a animation. It looks like, that "loop" DONT work, if the source = user Is source = wheeled, then it's working. I did it by an other way. I worked with hide / unhide. Set a animation "help" and set the hide / unhide value in the model.cfg With the help animation can you handle the class from the model.cfg Model.cfg sourceadress = "loop" and source = "default". I'm not at home, but i think this are the parameters. Check Wiki for possible source values. -
running a script by a wepon / cant find weapon in editor
drunken officer replied to drunken officer's topic in ARMA 2 & OA : ADDONS - Configs & Scripting
Come on guys! Nobody knows how to run a script by a "weapon"? -
running a script by a wepon / cant find weapon in editor
drunken officer posted a topic in ARMA 2 & OA : ADDONS - Configs & Scripting
I create a speedhandgun. My script to check out speed of an object is running. all tests are good. but i tested it all the time by an "thing", but the laserhandgun is a "pistole"Now i was trying to run the *.sqf by my laserhandgun. Nothing! The script wont start. class cfgWeapons; class default {}; class pistolecore; class m9 : pistolecore {}; class Laserhandgun : m9 { display = ... .... class EventHandlers {init = "_this execVM ""\...\blabla.sqf""; " }; }; I was woundering and use a very simple script _laser = _this select 0; while {true} do {player sideChat "script is running";sleep 1;}; Can i call a external script, when the object is a gun? 2nd question. I cant found the gun in the editor. I've to use this code inside the init line: this addweapon "Laserhandgun"; Then the laserhandgun is inside the inventory. And nice to know: Can some tell my a code to get the speed, when the player put the trigger of the laserpistole? My script is running the whole time and check out the relative angel to the pistol and the distance. -
Flashlight move to the smallitem slots
drunken officer posted a topic in ARMA 2 & OA : ADDONS - Configs & Scripting
I've a flashlight and can put the light on/off with "L"-key. But the problem is, the lighter block my hands and my pistol slot. 2 things: 1. I set it in the cfgWeapons "type = smallitems" (map / mobilphone / ...) >> the flashlight is gone. 2. Can anybody tell me, how to do, that the flashlight a) is in the smallitem slots b) useable in the hand but dont block the spot (i think it's called Dummy weapon) I can rember, i found a post. Somebody explain it with a backpack. Can anybody show my a way to create the cfgweapon or post a link, where i can show it? Thanks alot! -
Flashlight move to the smallitem slots
drunken officer replied to drunken officer's topic in ARMA 2 & OA : ADDONS - Configs & Scripting
Okay, when i load the class ItemCore, the flashlight is in the small item slot. But is there a way, to use the flashlight? -
Alpha glass texture..?
drunken officer replied to meshcarver's topic in ARMA 2 & OA : MODELLING - (O2)
@Mean Search inside the forum. There is a post with a download file. A good thing, with a glas texture and the rvmat. You can set the glas.paa and rvmat to your windows selection inside your model. When you look through the windows and everything is grey / milky, open O2 >> select window selection >> alt + x >> alt+c ! Done ;) @Max By a building, you can show broken glas. But you have to do it by an animation. You have to hide / unhide some *_ca.paa files by a damage value. -
Help! My first Addon ....
drunken officer replied to VovoNauta's topic in ARMA 2 & OA : ADDONS - Configs & Scripting
Disable a faction in the Editor
drunken officer replied to Scheintot887's topic in ARMA 2 & OA : ADDONS - Configs & Scripting
Not, i mean you have to set >> // << at the beginning. In German: CfG Faction ist nur die Basis-Definition. Wenn die Klassen definiert werden, steht class blub : man { bla bla bla faction = "cdf"; .. }; //faction = "..."; setzt diese Funktion außer Kraft -
Disable a faction in the Editor
drunken officer replied to Scheintot887's topic in ARMA 2 & OA : ADDONS - Configs & Scripting
Try this. CfgFaction is just a basic. You'll find inside the class definiton a point, called "faction". Try this. //faction = "CDF"; << disable the faction -
Static Barrier Config
drunken officer replied to Richards.D's topic in ARMA 2 & OA : ADDONS - Configs & Scripting
Change it to class CfgVehicleClasses { class dar_objectsVehicleClass { displayName = "DAR Objects"; }; { class house; //loading the basics class Land_DAR_Wall : House { vehilceClass = "dar_objects"; // that shows the defined name in cfgvehilceclass >> DAR Objects<< model="xxx\xxx\dar_wall.p3d"; // thats the folder to your model display = "DAR Wall"; // that shows you DAR WALL if you have open DAR Objects ... }; -
Static Barrier Config
drunken officer replied to Richards.D's topic in ARMA 2 & OA : ADDONS - Configs & Scripting
destrType = "DestructNo"; (no damage) or destrType = "DestructBuilding"; (then you can see the black dots, if the bulletts hit your target and i mean you have to do class CfgVehicles { class Static; class [color="#FF0000"]Land_[/color]DAR_Wall: Static .... }; And dont forget to set a "mass" in the geo-lod!! How to do look here: http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Mondkalb%27s_Addon_Tutorial#Geometry_LOD: -
Problems with the cfg faction
drunken officer posted a topic in ARMA 2 & OA : ADDONS - Configs & Scripting
Hello guys. I've a problem with the cfg faction. class CfgFactionClasses { class myfaction //just a example { displayName = "myfaction"; //normal this menu will show up, if i open the civilian menu priority = 100; side = 3; }; }; Now, i've some police buildings, some cop cars and civilian cars, bulding and objects. Every base class is defined with faction="myfaction"; side= 3; display="police buildings"; The problem is, if i open the editor -> civilian -> myfaction, i can only see 2 options in the dropdown menu. But if i open the editor->empty, i can find all defined objects under the defined display name and they have the "myfaction-tag". I used copy&paste to make sure, that everything is 100% correct. CfgVehilceClass is correct too. I tried more ways. Every single object, base classes, ... Same thing, i see every time only the same both options in the dropdown menu. some ideas or do you need more codes? -
Problems with the cfg faction
drunken officer replied to drunken officer's topic in ARMA 2 & OA : ADDONS - Configs & Scripting
Nope, i got my policebuilding on blueforce, redforce or civilian. I can switch. -
wheeled_e & a question to attach
drunken officer posted a topic in ARMA 2 & OA : ADDONS - Configs & Scripting
Hello guys. I cant open the wheeled_e.pbo. Can somebody tell my the right folder, to load the SUV? I've "ca\wheeled_e\SUV_TK_CIV_EP1", but Arma2OA shows me, that's not possible to load the object. 2nd question. Is it possible to attach a *.p3d object in the config.cpp or with a *.sqs file? how to attach in a mission, i know it. -
Getting error with binpbo (adding items in game)
drunken officer replied to glowbal's topic in ARMA 2 & OA : ADDONS - Configs & Scripting
requiredAddons[] = {""CAWeapons_E","CAWeapons_BAF","CAWeapons""}; Delete the red one -
Glass problem
drunken officer replied to Mladja-ArmASerbia's topic in ARMA 2 & OA : MODELLING - (O2)
Thx Gnat. It's working now. But it was little bit strange. There was something wrong in the "memory". There was crazy white lines in the window. Some faces was empty and some other one was grey. I had to degenerate all faces. Place them new. Same crazy effect. Backroundmapping with another *.paa. And then i had to set the glass texture and the *.rvmat new. After that, all windows working correct.