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Everything posted by Brain

  1. Mondkalb made a lot of modding tutorials regarding map design, have you read them? Great job, btw! Few wishes, if I may? - Custom sounds for the AK5? - Picatinny rail for the AK5? - Dirt on the Uniforms - Desert Uniform Regarding the map: - I get very few frames on it (13-14, while I get around 22-28 on Stratis) - If you need an inspiration, look at the cities of Mali, VICE made a good documentary. Great job, already using it! :)
  2. Brain

    FHQ Accessories pack

    Try to add an @ before CBA_A3; and a ';' after @fhq_m4_a3. -mod=[b]@[/b]CBA_A3;@tropentarn;@DEditor;@fhq_accessoires;@fhq_m4_a3[b];[/b]
  3. It's a real gun, though. Before Activision will sue him, Kel-Tec will. But has anyone ever been sued for creating an ArmA Mod?
  4. Nice work! Sounds still very loud, but awesome addon! One thing: Is there a way to edit the weapon, that you can put it on your launcher slot? So you have e.g. the M416 as a primary weapon but you still have the M4 Benelli on you back and dont have it disappearing into the backpack-nirvana.
  5. Brain

    Infinity Mod Pack (WIP)

    Sounds like a compilation and derping around with their mods. Good luck, though.
  6. Brain

    Enhanced movement and more

    Wow, awesome stuff so far! Climbing looks awesome! Reverb sounds great! The knife animation is still clumpy, but it's WIP. Awesome! May I adress my 2c? Make an Animation from switching to knife from your weapon. E.g. the weapon gets hung around with a sling and you'll take out the knife out of its pocket. It should take a few seconds... This will prevent Knife-and-run. Keep it up!
  7. Brain

    Masks version 2

    Any chance on getting Jim Craigs Mask?
  8. Brain

    Mk18Mod1 [ALPHA]

    Nice work, can't wait! Any plans on doing a MG4 or Masada?
  9. Brain

    Mk18Mod1 [ALPHA]

    Your WIP looks good, However I wouldn't increase the recoil, unless your soldier is a 14-year-old girl without any stability in their body. A few cool things would be: -Echo to the weapon sound -Dynamic muzzle flash (like the default weapons) -Maybe compability to R3F weapon items or FHQ weapon items -As you said more camos, better colors Your Mk18/OBR is however my current choice of weapon, I played a few good hours with it already.
  10. I know a few good voice actors, I'll ask them if they're interested!
  11. I love your units, antoine! The quality of the textures are insane!
  12. Brain

    -E3- Units (new camos)

    Hey, good to see your effort! Regarding the Arid Hexagon, it quite looks like this on the plate carrier: http://sphotos-c.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/472892_594132100606021_1270415784_o.jpg Regarding your flecktarn: I think the Flecktarn parts are a bit too bright and too small. Check this: Link to Flecktarn
  13. Brain

    Arma III is very laggy

    Why? Ice-hockey is a lot more fun than chess at the moment -_- Really, you can't compare ArmA vs. BF as much as you can't compare Ice-hockey to chess. Whole different genre, whole different target audience, whole different aims.
  14. You mean JSRS? That's the mod I used all the time, but currently there is no kind of mod like that for Alpha. It's just alpha, so... It'd be cooler if the devs would implement echo, because if you use other mods that use sound, they'd be affected, too.
  15. I like it, even tough it could be a bit reduced! Nice work!
  16. I really miss the sound echo... the sound engine itself is just poor. :/
  17. Brain

    -E3- Units (new camos)

    I don't know if it is used by any Law Enforcement or Military Units, however I've seen uniforms looking like them while browsing around old Airsoft MilSim photos. I don't think it's the exact version, but it looks like it a lot.
  18. Brain

    Mk18Mod1 [ALPHA]

    Will you implement the 'Digi Camo' which is used for the independent side? Or some kind of bushes on the weapon, like you can see on some helmets? EDIT: I miss some echo in the sound and dynamic muzzle flash :/ But I still love the weapon.
  19. Brain

    -E3- Units (new camos)

    Hey, could you make this Independent Digital Camo? It's already included in the dev+unlock mod for a backpack and boonie, but not for units.
  20. Brain

    Mk18Mod1 [ALPHA]

    The weapon could be called Muffin-Thrower and I'd still like it. Good work, more camo's and more optics would be cool! Like the sound, like the model. Definitely the weapon of choice for now!
  21. Wow, I always loved the FFAA! Can't wait to get my hands on them in A3!
  22. Brain

    SciFi SW Mod

    Man this is awesome! Together with some 'real' SW Maps it'd be awesome as hell!