Hallo LordJarhead,
I just wanted to say thank you for your awesome work! I registered here just to tell you that! And something else:
I heard about your Computer! It's a tragedy! I know how hard the loss can be, especially if you are unable to afford an immediate replacement.
So I will donate you! And even if it's 100 €, I do not care! I have the money and you need it now! So why not share it? You share your hard work with us too! All the free time has been sacrificed for it!
I pray deeply that every user would also donate! And if it's only 1 €, which really does not hurt anyone. If everyone had brought a € for a download, you certainly would have more than enough I guess!
I'm J.S.R.S. - User since August last year! I could really see how your baby was growing up, how you put all your love in it. You were always nice, you've always cared about all people. You've responded to nearly every comment. If someone had a question, you've ever tried to help him! I know many other mods and theire modders, who do not have this humanity you show us!
People, let us once again show him, that we have here a really special member! Let us help, because only one member has made ​​many other members happy for some moments! So all other members should now help this one. All for one and one for all!
And 1€ is not so much, many of you maybe can spare! I hope we can gather something!
So LordJarhead, I wish you a got break of this! I hope you will get enough 'love' from the community, that you are able to come back with new system and much more motivation.
With much respect,