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Everything posted by asuseroako

  1. Files used: AiA version: 2013_04_22_v6 A3 Alpha Game version: 0.54.103957 Stable branch Some interesting observations: 1) When I use this launch code (let's label this Test1.bat) ... rem rem Since I have A2 and OA installed on the same folder, I use same path also. I dont have TOH. rem set ARMA3_PATH=C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Arma 3 set ARMA2_PATH=C:\Program Files\Bohemia Interactive\ArmA 2 set ARMA2OA_PATH=C:\Program Files\Bohemia Interactive\ArmA 2 rem This is where custom mods are declared set CUSTOM_MODS=@voice_com rem My game profile, other parameters, other mods used set DEFAULT_PARAMETERS=[color="#FF0000"]-skipintro[/color] -cpuCount=4 -exThreads=7 -mod=@CBA_A3;@CBA;@CBA_A2;@CBA_OA;@dfs_3rdperson;@anzins set PROFILE_PARAMETERS="-profiles=%ARMA3_PATH%" "-name=MSI GX640" rem rem I DONT HAVE TOH INSTALLED rem cd /D "%ARMA3_PATH%" arma3.exe %DEFAULT_PARAMETERS% %PROFILE_PARAMETERS% "-mod=%CUSTOM_MODS%;@AllInArma\ProductDummies;%ARMA2_PATH%;%ARMA2OA_PATH%;%ARMA2OA_PATH%\Expansion;%ARMA3_PATH%;@AllInArma\Core;@AllInArma\PostA3" exit Effects: 1) No error message on main game menu 2) Game loads fine, no crash. I can play SP scenarios using ArmA 2 characters. That's a good thing I guess since there is no more A3-A2 character substitution. So this is playing A2 within A3 ? 3) No more displaced or overlapping Save and Audio button when game is paused. This is another good thing since this solves what I have previously posted http://s15.postimg.org/mr7lv8dzv/arma3_2013_04_23_12_05_56_88.jpg http://s21.postimg.org/vvui7fiaf/arma3_2013_04_23_12_03_34_87.jpg http://s10.postimg.org/kpdtxmra1/arma3_2013_04_23_12_34_25_54.jpg Errors encountered: 1) This script error once game is loaded. I think this is due to the fact that I don't have ACR DLC (Army of Czech Republic) installed http://s13.postimg.org/nqdu7g22v/arma3_2013_04_23_11_52_24_56.jpg 1) No pistol cursor when in 1st person view http://s23.postimg.org/nctyc0kff/arma3_2013_04_23_11_54_53_58.jpg http://s24.postimg.org/r08qrsi9h/arma3_2013_04_23_12_09_32_16.jpg 2) When I use this launch code (let's label this Test2.bat)... rem rem Since I have A2 and OA installed on the same folder, I use same path also. I dont have TOH. rem set ARMA3_PATH=C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Arma 3 set ARMA2_PATH=C:\Program Files\Bohemia Interactive\ArmA 2 set ARMA2OA_PATH=C:\Program Files\Bohemia Interactive\ArmA 2 rem This is where custom mods are declared set CUSTOM_MODS=@voice_com rem My game profile, other parameters, other mods used set DEFAULT_PARAMETERS=[color="#FF0000"]-nosplash[/color] -cpuCount=4 -exThreads=7 -mod=@CBA_A3;@CBA;@CBA_A2;@CBA_OA;@dfs_3rdperson;@anzins set PROFILE_PARAMETERS="-profiles=%ARMA3_PATH%" "-name=MSI GX640" rem rem I DONT HAVE TOH INSTALLED rem cd /D "%ARMA3_PATH%" arma3.exe %DEFAULT_PARAMETERS% %PROFILE_PARAMETERS% "-mod=%CUSTOM_MODS%;@AllInArma\ProductDummies;%ARMA2_PATH%;%ARMA2OA_PATH%;%ARMA2OA_PATH%\Expansion;%ARMA3_PATH%;@AllInArma\Core;@AllInArma\PostA3" exit Effects: 1) I get this error on main game menu http://s22.postimg.org/txf41brz5/arma3_2013_04_23_12_16_01_35.jpg 2) Game crashes when loading SP scenarios. === I wasn't expecting that the -skipintro and -nosplash parameter would make a difference. Thanks for your hard work. :)
  2. Hi kju, Here is one major issue encountered: Game crash; can no longer play ArmA 2 singleplayer Scenarios (and Campaigns) :( Files used: AiA version: 2013_04_22_v6 A3 Alpha Game version: 0.54.103957 Stable branch Steps: 1) In the main game menu click Play 2) Click Scenarios 3) Click Arma 2... 4) Click 'Village Sweep' (sample SP scenario in ArmA 2 *) http://s24.postimg.org/tkaclra0l/arma3_2013_04_23_08_58_26_62.jpg 5) Click Play 6) Game tries to load then get stuck here for a long time http://s10.postimg.org/syc25rift/arma3_2013_04_23_08_59_38_30.jpg Finally, when you hit Enter on your keyboard, ArmA 3 crashes to desktop. I am sure it does not happen with the previous version of AiA (v5) as I have provided sample screenshots of me playing the SP scenario. My AiA launch file (.bat) rem rem Adjust the path with your local path rem set ARMA3_PATH=C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Arma 3 set ARMA2_PATH=C:\Program Files\Bohemia Interactive\ArmA 2 set ARMA2OA_PATH=C:\Program Files\Bohemia Interactive\ArmA 2 rem Define your additional modfolders set CUSTOM_MODS= rem Adjust your parameters set DEFAULT_PARAMETERS=-cpuCount=4 -exThreads=7 -mod= set PROFILE_PARAMETERS="-profiles=%ARMA3_PATH%" "-name=MSI GX640" rem rem DONT MODIFY ANYTHING BELOW rem cd /D "%ARMA3_PATH%" arma3.exe %DEFAULT_PARAMETERS% %PROFILE_PARAMETERS% "-mod=%CUSTOM_MODS%;@AllInArma\ProductDummies;%ARMA2_PATH%;%ARMA2OA_PATH%;%ARMA2OA_PATH%\Expansion;%ARMA3_PATH%;@AllInArma\Core;@AllInArma\PostA3" exit My rpt file for this session: Download zipped rpt file here == * So that others may reproduce the steps above, I always use try the Village Sweep SP scenario as I believe everyone have it whether you installed the DVD version of Arma2 or the Steam version. I have the DVD version of ArmA 2 bought from this store many many days back. Thanks.
  3. Thank you' date=' Sir! :cool: Will try your suggestions. Thank you very much.
  4. You're welcome. I glad the sample batch file worked for you. As for the Script initJIPcompatible.sqf not found error, you are not alone. I also encountered that like what I have stated in my previous post. I guess we'll have to wait for kju's reply regarding that issue. Maybe you can try inserting the @SampleModFolder to the custom mods section like this: rem rem Since your A2 and OA were installed on same folder, use same path rem set ARMA3_PATH=C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Arma 3 set ARMA2_PATH=C:\Program Files\Bohemia Interactive\ArmA 2 set ARMA2OA_PATH=C:\Program Files\Bohemia Interactive\ArmA 2 rem Define your additional modfolders in this section [color="#FF0000"]set CUSTOM_MODS=@SampleModFolder[/color] rem Edit your profile name set DEFAULT_PARAMETERS=-mod=@CBA;@CBA_A2;@CBA_OA;@CBA_A3 set DEVELOPMENT_PARAMTERS= set PROFILE_PARAMETERS="-profiles=%ARMA3_PATH%" "-name=YOUR PROFILE NAME" rem rem DONT MODIFY ANYTHING BELOW rem cd /D "%ARMA3_PATH%" arma3.exe %DEFAULT_PARAMETERS% %DEVELOPMENT_PARAMTERS% %PROFILE_PARAMETERS% "-mod=[color="#FF0000"]%CUSTOM_MODS%;[/color]@AllInArma\ProductDummies;%ARMA2_PATH%;%ARMA2OA_PATH%;%ARMA2OA_PATH%\Expansion;%ARMA3_PATH%;@AllInArma\Core;@AllInArma\PostA3" exit
  5. Sir, try this bat code: rem rem Since your A2 and OA were installed on same folder, use same path rem set ARMA3_PATH=C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Arma 3 set ARMA2_PATH=C:\Program Files\Bohemia Interactive\ArmA 2 set ARMA2OA_PATH=C:\Program Files\Bohemia Interactive\ArmA 2 rem Edit your profile name set DEFAULT_PARAMETERS=-mod=@CBA;@CBA_A2;@CBA_OA;@CBA_A3 set DEVELOPMENT_PARAMTERS= set PROFILE_PARAMETERS="-profiles=%ARMA3_PATH%" "-name=YOUR PROFILE NAME" rem rem DONT MODIFY ANYTHING BELOW rem cd /D "%ARMA3_PATH%" arma3.exe %DEFAULT_PARAMETERS% %DEVELOPMENT_PARAMTERS% %PROFILE_PARAMETERS% "-mod=@AllInArma\ProductDummies;%ARMA2_PATH%;%ARMA2OA_PATH%;%ARMA2OA_PATH%\Expansion;%ARMA3_PATH%;@AllInArma\Core;@AllInArma\PostA3" exit See to it that you have @AllInArma, @CBA, @CBA_A2, @CBA_OA, @CBA_A3 folders inside the root Arma 3 folder (C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Arma 3) before you launch the game thru the batch file.
  6. asuseroako


    I also have no idea why it won't load as a mod on my machine. :confused: I tried to experiment by moving the 'dta' folder from @anzins to C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Arma 3\Dta but still with blur on 1st person view. http://s23.postimg.org/jnv0xhvzv/Dwm_2013_04_20_08_53_16_61.jpg The bin.pbo and bisign file above are the original BI files. I launch AiA with this parameter set DEFAULT_PARAMETERS=-cpuCount=4 -exThreads=7 -disableVON=1 -mod=@CBA;@CBA_A2;@CBA_OA;@CBA_A3;@dfs_3rdperson;@anzins I don't play MP online so I guess its ok for now. ---------- Post added at 09:31 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:04 AM ---------- Here are some observations... I made a desktop shortcut to arma3.exe then used this target line: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Arma 3\arma3.exe" -cpuCount=4 -exThreads=7 -mod=@anzins As you will notice above, only @anzins mod folder (NoBlur) is used. Result: no blur in 3rd person view and 1st person view while on secondary optics. So I guess something is acting up when @anzins is combined with these mods/addons. As to which particular mod, I have no idea. :confused: set DEFAULT_PARAMETERS=-cpuCount=4 -exThreads=7 -disableVON=1 -mod=@CBA;@CBA_A2;@CBA_OA;@CBA_A3;@dfs_3rdperson;@anzins
  7. asuseroako


    I have a copy of the bin.pbo and bisign files. I'm not sure now if these are the ones from BI. Here are the hashes. http://s23.postimg.org/k5bxor0hn/Dwm_2013_04_20_08_06_34_51.jpg Without the bin.pbo and bisign files, I get this on launching the game even with the @anzins mod folder intact. http://s16.postimg.org/d07rcw92d/Dwm_2013_04_20_08_01_25_97.jpg Then after a few seconds, game terminates with this error http://s13.postimg.org/to20npxgn/Dwm_2013_04_20_08_01_45_95.jpg If I copy the files from your @anzins folder to the root Arma 3 Dta folder, I get no error on game launch. I believe these are your files. http://s24.postimg.org/4asg14mdh/Dwm_2013_04_20_08_11_11_00.jpg Will not having the original BI bin.pbo inside the root Dta folder pose ill effects in the future? :confused:
  8. asuseroako


    @nivong Thanks for reminding me of the root Dta folder. @Defunkt It's working now. Below is a sample screengrab I took while moving left to right. No more blur in 1st person view while using Katiba's secondary optics. Yeah! :cool: http://s1.postimg.org/5d8gfcdsf/arma3_2013_04_20_07_19_21_65.jpg I was updating the @anzins mod folder but forgot to delete the old files at the root ArmA 3 Dta folder. My fault. :o My new AiA default parameters are set DEFAULT_PARAMETERS=-cpuCount=4 -exThreads=7 -disableVON=1 -mod=@CBA;@CBA_A2;@CBA_OA;@CBA_A3;@dfs_3rdperson;@anzins And no problem so far with NoBlur and Dfs_3rdperson. Thanks all for your help. This addon is a must have! :)
  9. asuseroako


    Ok. Here is my load order. I'm using a modified AiA launch batch. set DEFAULT_PARAMETERS=-cpuCount=4 -exThreads=7 -disableVON=1 -mod=@anzins;@CBA;@CBA_A2;@CBA_OA;@CBA_A3;@dfs_3rdperson I will try to experiment on the order and see how it goes. Thank you very much for your replies. :)
  10. asuseroako


    Here's how my install directory look like http://s24.postimg.org/gn2tz7n05/Dwm_2013_04_19_23_02_54_97.jpg Expansions installed on my machine http://s14.postimg.org/j565t1dkh/arma3_2013_04_19_23_01_36_64.jpg EDIT I tried using small caps for the mod folder http://s10.postimg.org/bwsd76qah/Dwm_2013_04_19_23_21_24_67.jpg Still with blur on 1st person view http://s4.postimg.org/4f369bqz1/arma3_2013_04_19_23_18_18_59.jpg
  11. asuseroako


    Hi there Defunkt, Thanks for this mod. :) I'm using anzins_noblur_2013-04-18_dev with this ArmA 3 Alpha dev version. Works great in 3rd person view. No rotational blur. http://s13.postimg.org/4vd37d86f/arma3_2013_04_19_21_58_15_60.jpg Just wondering, with this mod enabled, is it normal or expected to have blur when in 1st person view, turning around using optics? http://s24.postimg.org/9bnkhzy9h/arma3_2013_04_19_21_57_53_74.jpg My laptop's video settings (MSI GX640 with Mobility Radeon HD5850) http://s22.postimg.org/kr5mx7eox/arma3_2013_04_19_22_21_06_41.jpg http://s17.postimg.org/c9ehcht0f/arma3_2013_04_19_22_21_09_96.jpg
  12. Hi kju, Noticed DnA posted an update to Dev branch today at 7:14PM so I gave it a try. File versions used: Game: Alpha dev 0.55 updated 19-04-2013 via Steam AiA: 2013_04_15_v5 from this page New issues encountered: 1) I get this error message on the main menu http://s15.postimg.org/uzub510a3/arma3_2013_04_19_20_42_45_92.jpg 2) Click Editor then Stratis not shown on the maps list http://s7.postimg.org/5viot657f/arma3_2013_04_19_20_14_19_49.jpg 3) Scenario titles not shown, photo not in the middle, and there's the 'Loading picture' notice http://s23.postimg.org/nnevs9gdn/arma3_2013_04_19_20_15_18_29.jpg Old persistent issues from my earlier post 1) Press Esc to pause game. Notice the 'Save button above the headgear http://s17.postimg.org/sffbvumjj/arma3_2013_04_19_15_11_19_49.jpg 2) Press Options and still the 'Save' and 'Audio' overlaps. http://s12.postimg.org/iwjsfxpyl/arma3_2013_04_19_15_11_28_90.jpg Thought I'd let you know how it goes. Thanks.
  13. Yes Sir' date=' I still have that problem even with the latest Alpha dev build 0.55 04268, April 18, 2013. I'm using your 'AllInArma_2013_04_15_v5.7z' file from this download page. Here are sample screenshots from ArmA 3 'Vehicles Showcase': 1) Press Esc to pause game. Notice the 'Save button above the headgear http://s17.postimg.org/sffbvumjj/arma3_2013_04_19_15_11_19_49.jpg 2) Press Options and still the 'Save' and 'Audio' overlaps. http://s12.postimg.org/iwjsfxpyl/arma3_2013_04_19_15_11_28_90.jpg Also, after the 04268 update (via Steam)... http://s23.postimg.org/r8krun8kr/arma3_2013_04_19_15_12_35_32.jpg http://s15.postimg.org/d7x1mhs8b/arma3_2013_04_19_15_15_59_51.jpg ... 3) I don't see names of Arma 2 scenarios and other titles :confused: http://s16.postimg.org/707grixgl/arma3_2013_04_19_15_15_00_31.jpg http://s8.postimg.org/71q840jfp/arma3_2013_04_19_15_14_46_38.jpg Just like the 2 screenshots above, there are no Scenario names such as 'Private Military Company, Benchmark, Arma 2 etc.. unlike the ArmA 3 Alpha build that I havehttp://s2.postimg.org/pjf9mpsq1/arma3_2013_04_19_16_45_44_20.jpg This is the error message thats shown when I click 'Scenarios' on the main A3 game menu http://s21.postimg.org/5iv8j2vx3/arma3_2013_04_19_16_45_12_69.jpg My AiA install directory http://s22.postimg.org/pptik1ag1/Dwm_2013_04_19_15_27_39_56.jpg Here is my (.bat) launch file rem rem Adjust the path with your local path rem set ARMA3_PATH=C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Arma 3 set ARMA2_PATH=C:\Program Files\Bohemia Interactive\ArmA 2 set ARMA2OA_PATH=C:\Program Files\Bohemia Interactive\ArmA 2 rem Define your additional modfolders set CUSTOM_MODS=@voice_com rem Adjust your parameters set DEFAULT_PARAMETERS=-cpuCount=4 -exThreads=7 -disableVON=1 -mod=@ANZINS;@CBA;@CBA_A2;@CBA_OA;@CBA_A3;@dfs_3rdperson set DEVELOPMENT_PARAMTERS= set PROFILE_PARAMETERS="-profiles=%ARMA3_PATH%" "-name=MSI GX640" rem rem DONT MODIFY ANYTHING BELOW rem cd /D "%ARMA3_PATH%" arma3.exe %DEFAULT_PARAMETERS% %DEVELOPMENT_PARAMTERS% %PROFILE_PARAMETERS% "-mod=%CUSTOM_MODS%;@AllInArma\ProductDummies;%ARMA2_PATH%;%ARMA2OA_PATH%;%ARMA2OA_PATH%\Expansion;%ARMA3_PATH%;@AllInArma\Core;@AllInArma\PostA3" exit The mods I use http://s24.postimg.org/agrn6j8dx/arma3_2013_04_19_16_46_11_03.jpg Thanks for your time and support :)
  14. Hi kju, I just tried the latest version (2013-04-15 v5) of AiA with Arma 3 Alpha dev build 0.55.103960 and here are some minor issues I ran into while playing an ArmA 2 scenario called 'Village Sweep'. 1) Press Esc to pause game then there are two 'Save' buttons. The one on the left is the normal Save button and the other one I think is redundant ? http://s10.postimg.org/rrhqjnh2h/arma3_2013_04_16_16_31_40_51.jpg 2) While game is paused then you click the 'Options' button, 'Audio' button overlaps with 'Save' which is not in its proper place. http://s8.postimg.org/yyep9hnjp/arma3_2013_04_16_16_34_02_08.jpg 3) BMP-3's outer skin scrolls when vehicle is in motion just like the one shown .Confirmed based on this changelog Thank you! :)
  15. asuseroako

    ARMA 2 and VAC (Voice Activated Commands)

    This link not working for you? http://www.dwvac.com/download/Arma2_OA_default_v305.zip Maybe you can try this http://www.mediafire.com/?n2kl29x047uxh1d MD5: de89bc90b3335ae80fa9cf7a893cdf67
  16. I tried 2 so far: Voice Activated Commands (VAC) software and GlovePIE 0.45 Free VAC got user-friendly interface, free to try for 14-days, accurate and fast speech recognition. GlovePIE 0.45 got straightforward interface where you have to manually enter your commands, freeware (donate to say thanks), adjustable 'amount of confidence' in speech recognition. VAC saves commands as a profile (XML), GlovePIE saves commands as a PIE script. Both programs run in background, waits for phrase/s then once a phrase is recognized executes the commands which you 'programmed' it to do. You can program both to activate speech recognition only on specific action like a button press or a phrase as in the case of GlovePIE where you can script it to temporarily deactivate listening to commands but main script still runs. My first-hand experience with both programs did not give me issues with game performance. Check out JojoTheSlayer's YouTube channel (above) for basic the commands in VAC then syntheticsoundscapes' YouTube channel for GlovePIE Arma2 demo video. I think they also have threads about it here at the forum. I just don't know the specific thread address. I use voice recognition on my laptop while playing ArmA II and the experience is really gratifying. I only play in single player mode. Got several videos on my channel (or check my signature) demonstrating VAC and GlovePIE in action. Voice-activated artillery strike, remote detonation, adding of weapons vehicles etc no longer 'realism' on a milsim. To each his own.
  17. I play ArmA II on an MSI GX640 laptop. I'm pretty satisfied with my settings shown in details here: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?t=121752 All videos in this playlist were recorded on the MSI GX640 laptop. http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL3BCD097A54E0B028&feature=viewall Voice command in ArmA II is so much fun. :)
  18. asuseroako

    Where did you buy Arma 2?

    ArmA II from DataBlitz Philippines :)
  19. Hi folks. ArmA fan here from the Philippines! I'm new to this forum so please be kind. I hope I posted this thread on the right section. :) While most of ArmA 2 gamers out here are perhaps gaming on their desktop rigs, there are also those like me who play ArmA 2 on laptop/ notebook. Let us share our ArmA 2 laptop settings in this thread. It would be best if we could provide a video proof of the laptop actually doing the benchmarks and showing all important settings so we could clearly establish the average FPS. It is way better than just stating without proof that 'my laptop can do 100 average FPS with all settings maxed out'. Aside from the Video settings, maybe we can also provide salient info like laptop model, CPU, GPU, RAM, HDD, OS, and other important notes. With these pool of information arranged in an orderly manner, ArmA 2 laptop gamers can assess how (good or not that good) a system performs given the Arma 2 video settings. Allow me to start with my laptop settings... Laptop: (model MS-1656)CPU: Core i7-720QM (EIST, C-States enabled, Turbo Boost up to 3.02 GHz) GPU: ATI Mobility Radeon HD5850 1 GB DDR5 (OC'd to 810/1020 MHz) RAM: 8GB DDR3 (Transcend JM1333KSN-4G x 2) HDD: 500GB SATA (Hitachi 5400 RPM) OS: Genuine Windows 7 Professional x64 SP1 ArmA 2 Video Settings 1 (OA average FPS = 39, A2 average FPS = 37) Basic Visibility: 2503 Quality preferences: Very High Interface resolution: 1680x1050 3D resolution: 1680x1050 (100%) Advanced Texture detail: Very High Video memory: Very High Anisotropic filtering: Disabled Antialiasing: Disabled Terrain detail: Normal Object detail: Normal Shadow detail: Normal HDR quality: Normal Postprocessing: Disabled Aspect ratio: 16:10 wide Vsync: Enabled ATI Catalyst Control Center Settings ATI Overdrive = Enabled (810 MHz GPU clock /1020 MHz memory clock) Standard = Use Custom Settings Smoothvision HD Anti-Aliasing = 8X (using Box filter) Smoothvision HD Anisotropic Filtering = 16X Catalyst AI = Disabled Mipmap Detail Level = Quality Wait for Vertical Refresh = Performance Anti-Aliasing Mode = Super-sample AA Video demo of settings 1 Z_3tb7FD4_8 Video Settings 2 (OA average FPS = 35, A2 average FPS = 32) Basic Visibility: 2236 Quality preferences: Very High Interface resolution: 1680x1050 3D resolution: 1680x1050 (100%) Advanced Texture detail: Very High Video memory: Very High Anisotropic filtering: Very High Antialiasing: High Terrain detail: High Object detail: Very High Shadow detail: High HDR quality: Normal Postprocessing: Disabled Aspect ratio: 16:10 wide Vsync: Enabled ATI Catalyst Control Center Settings ATI Overdrive = Enabled (810 MHz GPU clock /1020 MHz memory clock) Standard = Use Custom Settings Smoothvision HD Anti-Aliasing = 2X (using Box filter) Smoothvision HD Anisotropic Filtering = 2X Catalyst AI = Disabled Mipmap Detail Level = High Quality Wait for Vertical Refresh = Always Off Anti-Aliasing Mode = Super Sample AA Video demo of settings 2 K2vJpTVGbRE Other notes I'm running Operation Arrowhead game version 1.59.79384 and using video settings 2. I only play Single Player missions. The benchmarks used were Operation Arrowhead E08 and Arma 2 Benchmark 01. Videos filmed using a Panasonic Lumix DMC-ZS3 point-and-shoot digital camera. Of course Fraps captures the stunning visual details of the game but FPS is compromised per personal experience. Tinkering with the ArmA UI settings and Catalyst Control Center settings does produce varied results. I am also launching the game with a -cpuCount=4 -exThread=7 parameter. Remember, it's on a laptop and... as for average FPS results anything over about 15 FPS is acceptable and anything over 30 FPS is considered really good. Source Feel free to post your laptop settings and findings as patterned above. Thank you. :cool:
  20. asuseroako

    ArmA II / OA Benchmarks on Laptop

    Thanks Sir for the warm welcome. I tried 'Village Sweep' mission and per HWInfo log, max was 90C CPU and GPU temp. Hot. I should have tried it with my room aircon unit on and a laptop cooler. HWInfo log http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?y84cxkes40c4eja CPU using 144 FSB (3.02 GHz turbo boost) , GPU @ 810Mhz/1020MHz (default is 625Mhz/1000MHz), using ArmA settings 2 on first post. I hope they sell units with 7200RPM HDDs here in the Philippines. Pardon me Sir for this silly question: OFP as in Operation FlashPoint? Fun to play (on my ASUS T101MT netvertible)
  21. asuseroako

    Debug Console for ARMA 2

    Thanks for this also! :) Works ok on ArmA II 1.09 and Operation Arrowhead 1.59
  22. asuseroako

    Debug Console for ARMA 2

    Working fine now. Thank you! :)