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About EmpyreaNx

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  1. EmpyreaNx

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    Lovely mod and voted for it in the make arma not war competition. However I cannot find any servers running with RHS, I only find several empty servers. Am I doing something wrong or is the mod not that popular for online play?
  2. EmpyreaNx

    Merkava... IDF??

    Well, anything is possible since this is sci fi and BIS can make their own story that doesnt have to follow actual historic or modern day lines.
  3. EmpyreaNx

    Merkava... IDF??

    To clear things up, was watching trailers when I saw this. Seems like Iran took over Israel or something and is using their vehicles now? Because I spotted the Namer, Merkava and Achzarit.