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i wub pugs

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Everything posted by i wub pugs

  1. Two questions: Can I profile AI that I've given waypoints to? Like I've got some boats and some planes flying around on endless loops with infinite fuel. Wanna know if I can profile them to save processing and if those units will keep their waypoints. Also if can profile them, do I need to sync just the group leader or all units to the profiler? I prefer to use "profile synced units", or would it be smarter just to blanket the map with the profiler and sync some special units with "don't profile synced units". I've got some stuff that's height and placement sensitive like helos and planes aboard ships.
  2. I'm actually not using the CQB module in this one. I've got the civilian module loading in the larger cities with maximum saturation in those areas. I'm using the vanilla and the 2 aggressors civilians for that module. Like I said, it take about 2-3 minutes to load in on my PC, buy my server just isn't launching it in any sort of acceptable way. I'll go back through stuff again, probably turn off the Aggressors and see how that comes out.
  3. I just have the modules placed down...................I profile the modules?:confused: The CAS and Transport helos spawn where I've placed the modules.............the arty is not doing anything except showing the callsigns. EDIT: Just deleted the modules, redid them and they work.:bounce3: 2nd EDIT: To anyone's knowledge is Aggressors + Zeus breaking ALiVE missions at the moment? I know in the Aggressors thread there's some conflicts right now. I'm using vanilla civilians along with Aggressors African and Middle Eastern to populate the civ module. Load times are excruciating on my dedicated server and I never actually get in. Get to a load screen and hear some noises and then I'm stuck. I can load in about 2 minutes from the editor.
  4. Anything on this. Also I'm having a problem getting artillery to do anything in the Support Module. I can select them in the screen, but I'm not given any missions to choose from. I've just changed the round counts in the module and I'm using O_MBT_02_arty_F. CAS and Transport work fine. Edit: Is the CSAT SP arty not supported? The Mi-48 gets a little icon in my Transport and CAS, but no icon for a unit next to the callsign in artillery.
  5. I'm trying to model ground and ship radar in an MP mission. Right now I've got triggers for RED and BLU radars that show hints (old forum posts I found) and they work for each side: Condition: found = false; {if (getPosATL _x select 2 > 400.0) then {found = true;};} forEach thisList; found; Action: if (side player == west) then {hint "Radar Contact. Check Map"}; What I need though is moving markers for planes that only show up when those planes are above 400m. I figure I can just put them in the init.sqf but how do I get them to only show for each unit when they're at > 400m?
  6. Hmm, I just looked at the AniRadar. A bit of overkill for me. What I'm going for is a simple hint and moving map marker. Its to keep pilots below 400m and thus subject them to more ground fire. If they go over 400m it gives the opposing team the awareness advantage. This is a big TvT ALiVE scenario. I want the BLU pilots flying off the Nimitz to have to either contend with the substantial RED AD that's on Altis or show up on the map which would let the RED team scramble Su-35's, fly under 400m and sneak up on the Hornets for the kill. RED is also subjected to the 400m height. I've got the two separate triggers working for the hints........but.......... I'm not great with scripting at all. I figure though that someone with some more knowledge would be able to combine the getPosAlt with map marker visibility in the init.sqf. I'm outside of my capability with this one.
  7. Any way I can run a script on the transport helo? I'm trying to set it captive and run another captive script for when units enter the cargo. Script works fine on the editor placed helo and I got it to work all right with the BIS support modules.................but lets just say those BIS modules are.........uh............great....................... Anyway I can make an editor placed helo with scripts running in its init be the helo that the ALiVE Support uses for transport? Or got another solution?
  8. Can I add additional ALiVE exclusive stuff like say additional MILCIV or edit TAORs and then reload and ALiVE will make the appropriate additions in addition to the persistent stuff?
  9. Yes, what I mean is does the server have to remain connected to the War Room the entire time? So say I load the mission, it starts, everyone plays for a bit. I do a "server exit" the mission stops is this where it saves? Can I actually kill the server, as in shut it down completely and then start it up again? Where am I loading the data from? Is it just automatic? Like in the WarRoom, is it going to consider the reload as another operation of the same mission and load all of the progress from there? Or is every operation separate? Basically, what I want to know is how do I reload my saved mission? Is it stored externally and I link to it? Or does ALiVE just recognize that I'm loading up the same mission and it loads in the saved stuff?
  10. Question about persistence. So I've run a campaign in ALiVE, connected to WarRoom, worked well enough sometimes. Gunny informed me "its a WIP" but at least it updated my guys kills and kept the stats for the group. The map thingy wasn't refreshed though. Anyway, I'm new to this server thing. I've obviously got a dedi and static IP since it works with WarRoom, but I'm new and I've been using Tophe's Dedicated Server Tool. http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=11656 its super easy. Now that we can save player and AI data to the ALiVE database, how do I go about doing this? Basically, how do I exit the mission and reload the mission without breaking the server? Previously, I just let the server run for like 14 days without restart and just had OPCOM enabled/disabled via trigger. Yeah, so, help a noob out.:p
  11. I mapped the custom user button #20 to my "home" key as I do not have a right windows key. I did this because I do not have a right windows key. Now for some reason this brings up the admin console and it has overwritten the "apps" key that used to bring up the admin console. So yeah............ whats that about? Edit: NVM. I mapped to left windows and now the tablet and admin console come up together.
  12. Ah, meant to say I'm not using the multispawn module. I ripped the mobile respawn out of Divide and Rule. That's it. I haven't played D&R. Do players have to respawn every time they join?
  13. So I'm using the dual respawn points from 'Divide and Rule'. I've got my server persistence set to "1" and I've got persistence turned on in the ALiVE module. Why are my guys having to respawn every time they come in the server? I know that persistence isn't totally achieved yet, but do you guys know any reason why positions and gear aren't saving and everyone has to die and respawn on rejoin? Is it to do with the multispawn?
  14. Does OPCOM place down a unit like a Colonel at the HQ flag? I ask because one of my guys just killed Colonel Namdar in Sofia and this is very near where ALiVE put the CSAT OPCOM hq flag. And another one just killed Gen Attar.
  15. What happens if an OPCOM HQ is overrun? Like right now my player side (AAF) OPCOM HQ marker is at the big base in Telos..............and CSAT have more or less broken then line and are running over the are. Any effect on the AAF? Is the HQ dead?
  16. Cool. Really love the feature, that's why I was so adamant about getting it fixed for my group.
  17. Okay. I deleted the server while it was linked to the War Room and registering activity, then I linked the server again like 30 seconds later. Did I break something?:butbut: Feel free to delete all previous history of Operation Helen if it needs to do a reset.
  18. Oh. I just deleted the server and redid it like 5 minutes ago. The events from 2 days ago are all showing up now. Guess I gotta wait on the latest info from the guys that are playing right now. Thanks.
  19. Very strange, I'm seeing the events in the live stream and the operation is listed in the recent operations. Obviously followed the directions fine since it worked for a bit. Anyway to purge it and have the map link start over? Edit: I just deleted and redid the server on the WarRoom. Maybe that will fix it.
  20. Is show operations still a WIP? We've ran the OP twice since you guys announced it in the last patch and its still only showing a couple events. http://alivemod.com/war-room/showoperation?name=ALiVE%20%7C%20Operation%20Helen&map=Altis&clan=HFTP In the video you guys had different events at the top that you could click on and go to on the map. My groups kills and deaths are loading in the ALiVE live feed but not in this.
  21. So if I'm using multispawn.... how do I get the base spawn to work? Right now the only respawn I can do is on the group? What am I doing wrong if anything?
  22. Does the xStream camera need to by synced to anything and how do you access it?
  23. I fumbled my wording there and have edited it. No, it is 10 TAORs that are 500x500 that are linked to 2 MIL CIV modules. There are 3 TAORs for the MIL modules. There are 2 OPCOMS, 3 MIL, 2 MIL CIV, 1 CQB. I'll port to Stratis and compare. Guess I could cut one of the MIL modules too. May just be something we have to suck up. Also, is the load time going to be uniform for everyone or should it just be one load on the server to get things going and then everyone should load in rather quickly? Like if I hop in 10 minutes prior, OPCOM gets going, why would everyone else have a long load time?
  24. Quick question. So since ALiVE now initializes before the start of the mission, it takes longer to load in? I've noticed in my latest build that once I hit continue from the slot selection screen, it can take up to 5 minutes to get into the game. Also I have OPCOM synced to a trigger to be true when Independent (my side) are present on the map. There are no non-profiled units. This causes what I guess would be called a double load. I load in, get about .3 seconds worth of "eyes on" where I spawn before being sent to the load screen again, except I can hear the sound effects in game, then eventually I get into game. What is initializing before I get in? Is the trigger being false for OPCOM causing a problem? Any suggestions on how to get load times down would be appreciated. Most of the map is covered with mil placement zones to populate ALL military sites. There are only 2 MIL CIV modules that are linked to 10 500x500 circles over the larger cities. CQB is set to I think 5 maybe 10% with density set to off. I was running straight ALiVE with no other mods required in the scenario, and then I added in the Raven and Lifter along with some really basic scripts for creating ammo boxes. Didn't seem to affect the load time, pretty slow either way.