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About Maestro

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  1. https://dev-heaven.net/projects/jvm all bugs not accepted and not assigned to anybody. :( some bugs more then 10months with Created state :( Someone will fix bugs related with TOH and Java or java for arma2 / TOH - dead-born feature? I submitted two blocker bugs, they are affected to securities and logging features. :j: so currently can't develop/investigate Java for ToH. https://dev-heaven.net/issues/70025 https://dev-heaven.net/issues/70202
  2. Anyone know how to use log4j (logging http://logging.apache.org/log4j/1.2/) in solution for TOH. When I try usage log4j - called method not executed, not raise any exception or errors in ToH.rpt commenting log4j usage and method entryPoint called successfully (have reporting rpt), but with log4j - nothing, have empty rpt :( import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.apache.log4j.xml.DOMConfigurator; import com.bistudio.JNIScripting.RVEngine; public class takeonSample { static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(takeonSample.class); public static Object entryPoint(Object [] args) { RVEngine.diag_log("jMission| entryPoint| start"); DOMConfigurator.configure("jmission.log4j.xml"); logger.info("jMission entryPoint - begin"); logger.info("jMission entryPoint - end"); } }
  3. tried it. conclusion: Now is a pre-pre-pre-alpha version. Not playable yet, a lot of bugs, problems with markers and a lot of script errors (use -showScriptErrors at commandLine) I think would be better if you would have continued to develop this version, it working and playable now. IronFront44-Warfare-Warfare-V1-01-Lite-40
  4. SOLVED: need add to inventory Item_Radio
  5. execute this script without any progress with messages in sideChat, sidechat is empty [] spawn { while { true } do { sleep 5; player sideChat "Side HelloWorld"; player globalChat "Global HelloWorld"; } }; PS. Reproducted only in IronFront 44
  6. confirm sideChat/groupchat/vehicleChat commands not working at IronFront44. work only globalchat command in A2OA w/wo latest betapatch all commands work fine.
  7. If benny just simply modify BIS version, why most people play at Warfare BE, but not BIS CTI? BIS CTI and WarfareBE very similair and both are used common models but it absolutely different by gameplay from warfareBE. description.ext /* WARFARE Benny Edition Note: This mission was made from scratch. Status: Work in Progress. Contact: benny_boy66@hotmail.fr Description: Warfare is a gamemode which focus on the PvPvAI (Player versus Player versus AI), each team has a commander which have to build a base and perform upgrades. The others players have to conquer towns in order to gain more supply, this supply is used to build a base and perform upgrades, a town generate a variable income each x min (Supply and Funds), the funds are used to purchase different assets (Infantry, Vehicles, Support...) Each team has a MHQ, This last one is used to build the base, once that the MHQ is lost, The commander won't be able to build a base until that the MHQ get fixed with a repair truck. The towns are defended by resistance, once that all resistance is neutralized, the town will belong to the team who took it, depending on the Supply Value of the town, a defense team will spawn in that town to prevent enemy from taking it. The game will end as soon as all towns are captured by a side or once that all of a side's base is destroyed. Credits: Benny - Mission Maker MrNiceGuy - UI Design - Beer provider */
  8. On some presale videos in Youtube I see start menu IF with icons BF, PMC, A2, A2OA - So I think is it possible, but probably locked in ironfront.exe
  9. just rename ifa to pbo - and you can use any packer ---------- Post added at 11:03 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:01 AM ---------- > Now the path is open to convert Warfare BE..and for a decent JSRS '44 later on yesterday I was try... but warfare buildings are missing, third side are missing... and vevy disappointed that IF cannot me combined with A2
  10. Is Possible IF combinate with A2 CO? And use addons from A2, A2CO
  11. hmm interesting. But I think this tool is not supported by ArmA2 or in future by ArmA3. This tool special for VBS which probably has C/C++ interfaces for intergration, but A2 does not have :(
  12. VisualStudio has a set of tools and plug-ins to facilitate and accelerate the development and quality improvement. And if start develop own IDE specifically for SQF obtain (mac squint) - lack of these tools. In this case, I did not see the point to do anything and use a notepad (or squint), ie leave everything as it is now. Although ideally it would be if BIS would forego its scripting language in favor of industrial languages JAVA or C#.NET. Make public API (.NET or java) for use and manipulate arma objects from high level languages. In this case do not need reinvent the wheel specialized IDE for SQF
  13. publish svn repo http://code.google.com/p/arma2warfare/source/browse/#svn%2Ftrunk%2FTools%2Fa2script.net
  14. >can I write LINQ queries over enumerators for example? Yes you can var pos111 = new double[] {1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0}; var pos1 = pos111.Where(m => m != 0).ToArray(); Will compiled To _source = [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0]; _numArray2 = [_source, { Private["_m","_res"]; _m = _this; _res = if !(_m == 0) then { true } else {false}; _res; }] call SystemLinq_EnumerableWhereOfTSource call SystemLinq_EnumerableToArrayOfTSource; >There are over 500 of those native functions last time I looked so even if you were willing to put the work in, it's quite a big project to create a virtual debugger. virtual debugger and interact with arma2 environment is not my target. This is a very difficult task. In which will always be behind, because API arma2 constantly changing
  15. Hi guys, Recently I started a project: that have main target: compile .NET project to sqf scripts for ArmA2. What prompted: Having some experience in creating scripts for A2, constantly faced with the problem of the lack of a normal editor and debugger scripts A2 like VisualStudio. Therefore, the idea to write recompiler. Scripts are written in a familiar C#.NET or VB.NET Interested in the question whether there are similar projects already? Has no desire to spend time reinventing the wheel. I've searched but found no What do you this about this? Will this tool usefull, or it can dead today :) Now I have some working compiler prototype that can compile. NET script to SQF and supports about ~15% commands of ArmA2 API (from Wiki). http://code.google.com/p/arma2warfare/source/browse/#svn%2Ftrunk%2FTools%2Fa2script.net