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Everything posted by evil_brownie

  1. evil_brownie

    F/A-18 Super Hornet

    If you want to change your loadouts on the go: use MMA rearm (by parking your plane next to a rearming truck and turning the engine off) Check out the GLT missilebox .pdf for aircraft weapon classnames, or here for BIS ones: http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/ArmA_2:_Weapons (off topic, try putting a GAU-8 in a humvee, oh my :D) Then you have to choose your prefered weapons...so you can do this(be aware, the weapons, if using the following method, will start at one wing tip and go to the other, filling the slots as you add more weapons): In the plane you want, put the ammo slider to 0, then in the init of it put the weapons and magazines you want. I for instance tested out with napalm tanks from the unsung mod and they worked quite well :) (i unfortunately dunno atm how to remove the actual weapons still in the plane, so you'd have to cycle a lot of them to actually get to the ones you want, sure there's a better scripting form someone can help out with).
  2. evil_brownie

    F/A-18 Super Hornet

    Something i accidentally found out while on the editor. With V1.2 there's an empty f/a-18 in the "air" section, which is a f-35 if actually using it. Some Config left-overs Meat :p?
  3. evil_brownie

    F/A-18 Super Hornet

    Great to see the centering fixed. :D I did spot something new though, on a few ocasions the afterburner and the wing folding sound prolonged itselft well after it had finished the animation (wings) or being switched off (afterburner).
  4. evil_brownie

    F/A-18 Super Hornet

    For automatic fold, use triggers determined by aircraft speed to activate the fold animations, not that hard really. ...and obviously to fold the wings go here: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=14861&highlight=F%2FA-18, check usage.
  5. evil_brownie

    F/A-18 Super Hornet

    Good news. I just found the problem. The BIS default "vehicle turbo" key (left shift) was causing it. As soon as i switched it to the Home key (didn't have to be that, it just so happened to be that one i chose, and it no longer popped flares and switched the A/B at the same time, just flares :)).
  6. evil_brownie

    F/A-18 Super Hornet

    I'll run some more tests now, but as it stands when i deploy mma flares (default left shift) the afterburner goes on (blue flames come out : P) or off if they're on (they are actually engaged, not just an action pop-up). I think your pilot has its "eyes" a bit off, since i tried it out with the F-14, and indeed it caused the view to be a bit off. Basically the pilots offset counter's the f-18's one, a bit wierd that.
  7. evil_brownie

    F/A-18 Super Hornet

    Hey meat. Tried the new version out, looks even better with the low-vis paintjob The CAPS'ed actions were a funny touch, hard to miss those, but they work very well :D Like the new flares, makes them good for show as to not spend the MMA ones. Still get an afterburner on/off (depending on whether they're on or off) when deploying the MMA flares though :/ EDIT: Forgot sth. The cockpit view now looks a bit off to the left :s NEW EDIT: The view is perfectly centered with your included pilot :), but a bit to the left with the regular usmc pilot, and the WSO seat is in both cases a bit off to the right, just thought to let'ya know.
  8. evil_brownie

    F/A-18 Super Hornet

    Once again, thanks Mando ;) EDIT: Why does the afterburner go on everytime i deploy flares now? I don't have any custom controls assigned which could cause that.
  9. evil_brownie

    F/A-18 Super Hornet

    Just came back from a few days vacation and extreme happiness, it's here.:D I can't seem to get mando to work with it, and i get a gear up/down action that is useless.
  10. Looking good so far. I see it has ecm/jammer pods. will it have a ecm jammer action, generating false signatures on radar, like on the A319/320 MPAs?
  11. Gotta love the Abrams chassis carrying a massive styrofoam bridge :rolleyes:
  12. Glad to see this pack getting a rebirth, if you will : P Can't wait to blow those bridges in Proving Grounds just to use the M104 on them :D
  13. I've had a couple of them. First one that properly made me laugh was back when i only had vanilla arma 2 and i still used ace, and i attached an ammo box to the atv that came along with it. Looked great, started the engine and *boink!* i jump 50m off the ground and stayed there. I actually took a screen of me floating :P Second time was using that new fv432 that came out. I put it in a beach on utes, went for preview, and all of a sudden it shoots away into the ocean, simply because where i put it in the editor there was a massive boulder >.< (arma2: armored + rocks = trouble)
  14. How's things going along for this pack? I'm expecting work/other stuff is getting in the way. Just would like to know a sitrep on it ;)
  15. Don't be angry for asking this, but haven't you guys thought of releasing several features/vehicles in ace separately? in case people do not wish to use all of it, but just want to use, for instance the windage effect.
  16. I'm not sure, but i think it has something to do with thermal mapping, something that came along with OA, hopefully someone can make it more clear. And oh dear, there seems to be a bit of floating castle in the fort xD
  17. First time i actually tried out Capraia, and i have to say i rather liked it a lot. Runs really smoothly for me. Only thing i have to report is that the ground loading is a bit wierd, especially on the artificial island airport, ground seems to funnel at distance, it's a bit confusing :S
  18. Well, if this helps for anyone using the MG3 and it always complains about not having the dispersion thing or whatever, the BW compilation brings a fix for it :)
  19. I know how to use it, do not make the assumption that i did not. Point.
  20. Oh noes, the FCS disease is spreading xD
  21. Holy smokes... If i thought that jayhawk and seahawk looked :cool:, now you present us with even more awesomeness :D I'm guessing you're making a black/jay/sea/whatever...hawk pack?
  22. :eek: It burns of sheer awesomeness! Looks really good i have to say.
  23. Have you tried out the BW Mod? It has several of them already.
  24. evil_brownie

    Meatball0311 - WIP Thread

    I guess Meatball could use use RH's mk.18 pack, it also has some pretty good mk.14s and an m39.
  25. *starts hoping it's painted in gray and dark green* :D Unless that easy-texture-thingy comes to life : P As for the scripting for the submunitions, i'm guessing it would be very similar to some cluster bombs already made, right? I've seen a couple of ways so far, one producing a low fps spike by creating a series of explosions, and the other one being much more fps friendly and i believe realistic since it's was used for disabling runways, that makes several spreaded out craters, which i saw in this pack: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=11145 and on the CBU equiped F-15 as well. But as you said, it's obviously up to you and your team to evaluate if it's worth it.