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Everything posted by evil_brownie

  1. evil_brownie

    RKSL - Foxhound LPPV 0.5 BETA

    Congrats on the amazing release. Love it! ;)
  2. evil_brownie

    Mig-15 Converted to ArmA 2

    If you have a set of addons you only use for SP, but also want to play MP without them, i'd suggest you setup your mods in modfolders, and have two different properly made shortcuts, one for SP and another one for MP.
  3. evil_brownie

    PedagneMOD - Amphibious pack at 360°

    Did some further testing: - Definitely isn't a problem with vehicle number, never has been an issue for me, all the showcase missions included work, except the previously mentioned ones. Managed to narrow down some of the ship vehicles that are crashing the game (tested simply by putting myself flying a helicopter and spawning the ship empty): On the blufor side: RHIB, FREMM frigates, san giusto (both normal and dummy), pontoon, pontoon end, gommone-lancia The list isn't complete, but still perplexes me as to why they istantly fail to load and crash the game, so unless the afformentioned vehicles are so resource intensive, which seems unlikely, i don't know what to do, but look at the pbos themselves to try and find problems.
  4. evil_brownie

    PedagneMOD - Amphibious pack at 360°

    Game crashed on load of the San Giusto show and new vehicles missions. Same happened with just @pedagneMod and @CBA installed. Seems to be related to ships. Now, is Mando Missiles always required with any ship? (or is it along the lines of Yura's Seahawk, where if you don't have MMA for the torpedoes, it's all good but you don't actually use them, obviously). I was really excited to try the big ships and i can't :/ Also, was it meant to be run on 1.62+ (or beta), or was it tested on 1.60 (version i use). EDIT: Also, just to be sure and further error check: Is there any other file need other than the ones mentioned here (say, the original modpack)?
  5. It's not a bug, just use the rktweapons pbo that comes with the b52 instead of the frigates one, it's a more complete package. I know this because i had that issue, and that fixed it.
  6. evil_brownie

    80s, 90s, early 2000 US Military

    That's a pretty sweet idea IMHO, even with the clipping issues ;)
  7. Definitely looks like an A-6, that bit sticking out of the rudder looks exactly like it. Hope it is one, that would be awesome :D
  8. evil_brownie

    80s, 90s, early 2000 US Military

    Loving the hatch, very detailed! :o Are all the dials going to be accurately animated (say, the speedo actually reading the right speed)? Keep bringing the awesome ;)
  9. evil_brownie

    80s, 90s, early 2000 US Military

    If it is like that, i'd suggest taking a look at a few cargo loading scripts already available, like the sling loading ones, albeigh making it simpler. If anything, I would try and get a named selection point for the location at which you want the cargo to be secured (say, the middle point between all four coupling points (don't know the right name)), where you'd attach the container. Past that, a simple proximity condition where you're the vehicle in question, and to only detect arma's big container classnames, and perhaps the orientation so you're perpendicular to the container (but i may be making it harder this way). EDIT: A quick adaptation based on a old version of (IIRC) BTC's sling loading script (hope they don't mind me doing this :p): container_lift_init.sqf: attachcontainer.sqf: detachcontainer.sqf: Now, there may be a few rough edges on there, the orientation conditions missing and maybe a few newbie mistakes, but it should prove useful, i think.
  10. And I assume it still exists, right? I have looked throught the beta patches and did not see any mentions of it. I'm still using 1.60 (for a few reasons, this included), and i'm pretty sure the issue came with 1.62 (though i might be wrong, but at least it isn't in 1.60). Anyway, back OT, will 1.62 be required for the Typhoon (because of features not already in 1.6)?
  11. evil_brownie

    Blackhawks by YuraPetrov

    One, there's an addon request thread for that. But secondly, several of the aircraft you mentioned already exist, you might to do some research before asking.
  12. evil_brownie

    F/A 18 Super Hornet for Arma 2 OA

    In a blunt and simple answer, it's your flying :p It's rather "easy", use full flaps, slow down as much as you can without losing altitude control, and watch your angle of approach, try to avoid steep angles. Compared to several other planes i've tested, JS's F-18 rates rather well for carrier landings.
  13. evil_brownie

    Operation FrenchPoint 3.2

    Congratulations on the release. Already DL'ed it. Kudos on the amazing new R91 and Hawkeye, loved them ;)
  14. Awesome units IMHO. Just one suggestion if I may. Add some custom icons for the weapons, because it would help to quickly distinguish them in a weapon box packed with them as well as other guns, as well as looking just a tad better :p
  15. evil_brownie

    Invasion 1944 v2.6 (CO)

    Gonna be honest, while i don't use this mod, i have DLed it again to check it out, honestly, hats off for the new Willys, its freaking gorgeous :D
  16. A few things, does the vehicle you want to go in has a commander position, or any other position by that matter? (Might sound like a pointless question, but you never know). Also, where you select which vehicle you start in,(example: an Abrams tank) where you can choose to play as driver, gunner, commander and then playable as...so on, did you check if you could start as commander or any other postition, if available? Now, if those above do not help you out, try looking in the config of the vehicle for a line that says: "driveriscommander = 1;" (minus quotations obviously), which would define the driver as the commander of the vehicle, as well as the default position where the game would put you in the editor.
  17. Hello everyone, While playing a bit with the frigate in the Anzac mod, i thought i'd try and give it a useraction so it let's you go directly to the rear deck (much like it happens in Gnat's frigates by default), because if you disembark, you end up in the ocean. So, i wrote a small config and script pbo to change it's useractions, like so: Which leads to: Now, I can get the action to pop-up and all, but i'm sure as hell making some stupid mistake on the script. All i need it to do, is move me to that selectionpoint's location, with a bit of offset, just in case i had landed a chopper there, moved the boat a bit, then, came out to the deck to use the chopper again. EDIT: No need for help anymore, managed to conjure something myself that i'm pleased with :)
  18. evil_brownie

    80s, 90s, early 2000 US Military

    Those Humvees...:D Will you be including any opening doors/trunk as useractions/some other format? Because that would be amazing.
  19. evil_brownie

    Will Arma 3 replace Arma 2?

    Unless they launch a Steam-free version later on, it's a no-go for me. I don't want Steam, nor the game's future-esq setting. I'll stick with A2 for now.
  20. It's all good. Thanks for the quick "fix".
  21. Dunno if anyone is having this issue, but can you guys get locked on while in the A-7? As in an enemy AI activelly locking on with missiles on you, because i've been trying for a while and it isn't working. I compared it to other mods i'm using and they all work fine, except this particular plane. The AI refuses to use SAMs or AAM on me, only going in with guns or manually targeted missiles.
  22. Me? Oh, nothing :rolleyes: It's just i've always liked your addons, 'cos they don't come with annoying "YOU ARE MISSING bla bla bla" errors everytime i try to use them, but mostly because they look and work great, and from what you've shown of them so far, I often had myself asking: "will they come for A2 still?" Happy to know that :) Can't wait for what's to come.
  23. Having just recently started playing A2 again, after a bit of a hiatus (actually, quite a big one), I'm sorry but I have to clear my conscience of this, but is your F-35 and/or Tornado (actually a few others as well, but nevermind :p) coming eventually to A2, or will you shift your focus solely to A3 for'em?
  24. evil_brownie

    JSDF MOD 1.0 released

    You can do that yourself in a couple of ways. You could write a config pbo for adding weapons by default on it (If you need help PM me). The other, simpler one is through the editor, in the init line: this addweapon "weapon_classname"; this addmagazine "magazine_classname"; Pylons on it (The P-3C that is) work in this order IIRC: 4 under the wings then 2 inside the weapon bay.
  25. evil_brownie

    F-14D Super Tomcat

    Congrats on the update. Had a quick look at it. The sweep options though i found weird, because the normal full sweep is now the cargo sweep (I asked myself, why?). The cargo sweep would go fully over the untextured gray-bits behind the wing roots, but i guess you'd have to extend the animation for that.