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About Namireon

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  1. Hi, I have got a little problem with my ACRE 1.2.6. In general the programme runs quite well with my Arma 2, both on public servers, in the editor and in the LAN. But if I play a mission in the LAN mode with some friends, save that mission at some point and continue playing on the next day, my ACRE does not work anymore in that mission. Teamspeak says "not connected to Arma 2" but ingame I do not get any error message. When I am using caps lock I still get the "TRANSMITTING" notice in the bottom right corner of the screen - but I cannot listen to any radio transmissions nor do my friends hear my own ones. But if I happen to start any other mission in Arma 2 or just restart the same mission I have the problem with, everything works fine again with ACRE. As long as I save and load the mission during one session I do not get any trouble neither. Only if I want to load the mission later like on the next day, I cannot use ACRE. Does anybody have an idea what could cause this trouble? I will be thankful for any kind of help in this thread or via private message. Thanks