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About Wobbley

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  1. Thanks for that one Defunkt :) I got the server file to run but getting the same error as before now where I am missing tons of files. I am going to play around with it a bit and see how the hierarchy has to be. I don't understand why i am having such a hard figuring this out as this is not the first server I set up, granted it is the first Arma server. I decided to drop trying to get OA running, and just see if i can get the base Arma II going. EDIT: Well I got the Arma II server going on the first go without issues >.> Let's see if I can get OA going
  2. I finally got some time to mess with Arma II servers today, and it's doing my head in. It says the server is running and it reports no erros anywhere, yet the server is not up :S I run an Ubuntu server and this is what i do after everything is installed and I run it: Terminal: The arma2oaserver file: The Config file: I have opened UDP ports 2302 - 2305. I have also checked locally to see if it's there, but nothing :S Any help would be appreciated!
  3. So if i need to understand you correctly in my server folder should contain these files before i start setting up with ./install unzip etc. the server trg.bz2 file OA folder with Addons, Common, Expansion and Dta folders CO folder with Addons, Common, Expansion and Dta folders Will I need anything else? You have to understand I know nothing about the arma series or how it's addon expansions were made. I am merely doing this for some friends. I got the games though :D
  4. My point is I do not own the game in any way, I simply wish to host it for a group of friends. Oh well I guess I can get it if Steam still has a discount. Thanks for the help though :)
  5. Hey I am having some issues setting up the A2:OA server. Some of the members in our community started playing the game and wondered if i could set a server up on the linux box. I followed the instruction in the A2OA Linux Server beta 1.59.79548 thread, but I assume I also need the game or some kind of game files? When i tried doing ./server I got loads of errors. Errors I got if it matters (some of them as i did not output to text file and only had terminal)