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Everything posted by SpragClutch

  1. SpragClutch

    Sooo Disappointed!

    Trying to make things work.
  2. SpragClutch

    Sooo Disappointed!

    What kind of device were u using in the box video, HonO? Thanks
  3. SpragClutch

    Sooo Disappointed!

    Logitech G940 is a system, including pedals, throttle and joytic?
  4. SpragClutch

    Sooo Disappointed!

    Alright guys, cool it. I watched a few videos in the video thread and spied the take on helicopter box training video. Which allowed me to see that it is possible. So the question is, what type of controllers are you guys flying with? Joysticks, or full set such as cyclic, collective, and pedals? Thanks in advance.:) PS. For those degrading to the low likes of calling other liars, is putty stupid. But I guess that's the internet.
  5. SpragClutch

    Sooo Disappointed!

    I found the best thing about this game! THE CREDITS! a game with in a game. ARMA2 states on the box its the most realistic military simulation ever developed. And I play that with a mouse and keyboard!:j:
  6. SpragClutch

    Sooo Disappointed!

    No longer needed
  7. SpragClutch

    Flight dynamics (important issues)

    In reality, this will never be, nor should it ever be a true realistic flight sim. Only a few are going to be buying complete flight controls for a game, and the majority are going to be playing with a keyboard and mouse. I bought this like I bought ARMA2. As a game. A game that I want to be able to play and enjoy. I want to be able to control the helicopter as one should be able to fly a helicopter, with precision and control, being able to land on the spot I choose.(And believe me I know how one flies) Do this all with a keyboard and mouse. ARMA2 had it good. If only they could bring those Flight Models to Take on Helicopters. Then one could enjoy the campaign and the game. So all I'm saying is, sure they can make it so realistic in expert mode. But at novice mode, one should be able to fly as one can fly in ARMA2. My 2 cents.
  8. SpragClutch

    I want this game, should I?

    In my opinion I would wait on till the new flight models come out, and see where it goes. The Flight models as they are make this game in my opinion not fun at all!
  9. SpragClutch

    Aerial Applicators

    I hope you guys do not forget Aerial Applicators! Its the one career that really matters when it comes to helicopters. Heck, I made a mission in ARMA that was all about doing aerial applications, and it was more fun playing coop with my brother in that mission then ARMA itself. Put the oh-58 in the game with spray gear and let me do some spraying. Anything else is just boring. :yay:
  10. SpragClutch

    Aerial Applicators

    I guess anything that is not straight and level is pretty non-boring.;)