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Posts posted by nimrod123

  1. That depends. Most of the staff working on larger, big budget titles are marketing, voice acting, support, beta testing and other stuff. I've seen big budget games that had core teams of 30 or 40 people.

    ah nope, marketing is normally sperate. most large AAA teams are 100+

    i will bet that BI has a better ratio of code monkeys to artists then almost any studio out their

  2. i keep wondering if noone here understands project management.

    ARMA 2 is a example of feature creep, where shit keeps getting added long after you should have decided whats in the game. they may still be adding stuff to this game, but they shouldn't be changing that roadmap, since down that path lies unfinished features and a bunch more bugs.

    normally it works like this for full features. you get 1 thats pretty decently finished, their may be some bugs and balance issues, but overall its done, or you get 2 that both need a several hundred more hours TLC EACH along with every thing else that will crop up when the game hits a wider audience, with all the hardware configurations that intails

    if they say they can't do it without compromising the project plan, then we should accept that and look for work arounds

    also, and this is important


    Yeah seems like BIS has pretty much thrown ArmA series onto a sideline with the stuff that is needed the most - engine changes - not happening at all. Because obviously most programmers are working on DayZ SA incl. lead engine programmer. And we aren't going to see any much needed improvements for a long time since they are planning to support DayZ for at least a year (but it will not even fly).

    A "sixty people" team has done a lot less in 3 years than an even smaller team on DayZ SA in less than one. In fact "sixty people" mostly broke it and keep doing it as evidenced by the latest patch which makes one man armies absolutely unrestricted.

    this is a perfect example, dayz became popular ~12 months ago, WTF are you meant to do with 12 months, engines take years to build, RV4 is clearly a extension of what come before, alot of what was in the alpha was clearly done (by looking at screenies) early last year. where they meant to scrap all that and somehow still make the Q3/4 2013 deadline, which if they missed, the community would implode?

  3. Apparently Gunny Hathcock (IIRC) found that under certain circumstances, people would remain standing / moving or get back up after being hit by a .50 when he was using an m2 as a sniper weapon. The rounds themselves to not fragment or tumble. They do horrible things if they hit bones but they leave a half inch hole in other structures.

    depends on round type and stability in the air, if its wobbling (so your standard MG round, thats not perfectly formed) your in a world of hurt. my old Bio teacher mentioned that when he was in bosnia (sniper, 50cal, UK army) people could survive being hit, but they sure as hell weren't going far or doing much once shock wore off

  4. The .50 caliber round in this game seems too underpowered. In the really real world the .50cal will rip the flesh and limbs off a man if it misses within 5in. Why does it feel like when I used a M2 it feels like a m249?

    more that if you are clipped by a round that large your completely combat inoperative no matter what. those rounds can destroy engine blocks on civilan cars, a person stands no chance

  5. Yep. Thanks. Looks like BIS should get rid of the "x" keybind for turn out, eh? Turn out currently has two default keybinds, x and c. There is no need for the x, and it conflicts with the handbrake.

    before they do that i want them to either add the airplane control menu in, or make it so all plane key are unbound and that helicopters can't change them.

    its a pain in the ass when you config the helicopter and then go back to default, but the plane keys still conflict

  6. That parachute thing isn't as big of a deal. There are workarounds. They will get out of parachutes when they land as long as you are not the leader. There was an issue with something in OA where some units got stuck in certain positions and you, as the leader couldn't get them out, yet switching AI to the leader would get them unstuck, even with the exact same orders. So if they don't get out of parachutes, team switch for a brief second and switch back. In fact Ai as lead will tell them to disembark while still in the air.

    It's weird that when I don't skydive (stay on ground) no one dies in air. Seperating them far apart prevents death too. Not being in the group at all usually keeps them alive. You can also use a "allowdamage false" on AI until chutes open,then trigger it back to true.

    And if you are worried about losing backpacks from some of your units because of parachutes, you can trigger them to add backpack once the chute has opened. The backpack will appear once on ground. But don't trigger it before chute opens or they lose the parachute.

    And on subject of vehicles flying. After all this time why hasn't bi figured out how to damage vehciles? rather than an intact wreck model bounching around. And why dayz can animate a jump and arma can only step over things.

    the AI only seems to fail at HALO when you place then "in formation"

  7. Arma doesn't have what ever VBS has that allows for Carriers that are fully functional(including compartments that are below the water line).

    The issue with arma is that ships behave like boats no matter what size they are, the larger the ship the more obvious its is, at least at the current time.

    BI has already stated a bunch of times that Arma is a Infantry game and people keep wanting to add navy and air force to the game which it really isn't designed for.

    That's why the majority of the air vehicles are large slow moving Chinook style choppers and slow boats that you launch in after the carrier has already shown up and is in place.

    in VBS =/= in ARMA. they are in a similar engine, they are not the same game/sim

  8. Where did you get the information about cooling system in opfor uniforms? I've been trying to figure out why they look the way they do when they have pretty much been regular infantry.

    metioned when people asked about the big cap on the back of the uniform. i think it was in the "is this autentic or not" thread

  9. Opfor Uniform on a technological basis should do this already, but doesn´t.

    What also doesn´t seem to be modelled is ground temperature: I´ve seen some pictures of TI taken in the desert, where the entire picture was basically white. So, even at points where the Ti should be useless due to atmospheric and ground/target temperature contrast problems, people remain perfectly visible.

    Furthermore, we have no Idea how the TI affects the AI. I find it kinda hard to balance things in a mission if you don´t even know what your assets do.

    OPFOR uniform does actually.

    load up dysleixes paper doll gear menu, and then compare the BLUFOR to OPFOR in the termal mode. OPFOR bodies are singficantly cooler

  10. the lift effect when you pull up at high speeds is correct, the rotor is a wing and if you pul up 10 degrees you climb in proption to the speed you are going. most helicopters land along a glide path for this reason, they almost never do a vertical descent into the LZ.

    easiest way to counter it is to come into the LZ off center, and bank before you start pulling back so you "lift" into the LZ itself.

    once you understand how the heli will act in different parts of a landing sequence (so do them in the editor) you can go from 300km/h to landed in about 20 secs

  11. So did anyone figure out a fix for this issue? I'm thinking about installing Windows 8.1, but if ARMA 3 won't start then it's a no go for me.



    its not a BIS problem, MS has removed that .dll from the windows install

    its why other games don't work with win 8, as MS put it, its the price of "progress"

    they clearly state they do not actively support win 8

    requirements: Windows Vista SP2/Windows 7 SP1 (Apple OS not supported)

    and if they have no win8 development PC's they won't see this issue.

    the fix itself is easy, just find that .dll in another OS instal, and copy it to the ARMA3.exe location on the win8 instal.

    in win8 has changed the calls for that .dll your out of luck and need to make a feedback tracker report to see if they can recode the game to use another .dll

  12. [Niipaa;2436500']For the life of me' date=' I can't find a fix for this bug. Without the Addon, on Manual Fire, when cycling weapons, Internal Bays do open/close properly. But something about having the pilot start with and have control of the weapons that are supposed to open/close them is not working. Or I'm being a moron. Regardless, I'll look at it through the days if I think of something, but right now, I'm stumped. The best I can do is add it to the Known Issue list, and keep trying to figure it out. Who knows, maybe someone else will figure it out before I do. Until then, I guess pretend they open? Sorry guys, I'm trying.[/quote']

    i would say their is a script that checks when the copilot/gunner has that weapon selected.

    their is some new code (i don't know the structure) that lets you check specific positions in a vehicle, so you may need to find that.

    maybe search for the internal (as in what the code calls it) name of the weapon in scripts releating to both the helicopter, and the weapon it self

  13. I wouldn't accuse Arma 3's devs of not "putting in enough effort". As Rocket pointed out, there's way more VBS devs:

    also another point is that the miltary has a far higher tolerence for non-gamebreaking bugs. they also care more about functionality more then style.

  14. I wonder why Opfor would be operating the L-159.

    Is there any background for this yet?:confused:


    Nothing is too unreal for the armaverse! ;)

    the L-159 is a cezch light fighter (fufilling a similar role to the supper tanco) that they are very keen to sell to all comers, hence the US ban on trading of it.

    its not unlikely that it will be sold to middleeastern nations to provide a cheap yet decent light jet multi role fighter.

    as to the super tanco being to old, its only just entered into trials (along with some of its contemporaries) to become a cheap CAS plane for SOCOM

  15. I think the spread on the Little birds guns needs to be a little bit higher, just a little bit.

    Also look at this:

    (awesome paint skills :p )

    Left: How it is now

    Right: how I think it should be

    Red: The flightpath of the bullets (I don´t know at wich distance they cross IRL I totally made up that distance)


    you want convergence.

    thats normally only useful if your targeting something like a plane and you have significant distance between guns (like WW2 US fighters).

    but like the uh1y, i suspect IRL the guns are on flexible mounts, and convergence can be set by the pilot.

    also can we get rid of these piddly 7.62 miniguns and give it some teeth, either the GAU-19 12.7mm minigun, or the 30mm chain gun. both of which the MH-6 mounts.

    then throw in the hellfires it can also mount
