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Everything posted by nimrod123

  1. i have some g35's as well, open the g35 control panel and see if surrond sound is turning itself off. mine stuff out when it starts over sampling (did the same in A2). i also have issues in the KA60 whenthe heli turbine noise makes the DD turn off
  2. nimrod123

    mine planting create disturbed ground

    looks to me as if the mine wasn't in the odd patch bit slightly further up the road, so i think it was just under the texture of the road and invisible.
  3. and then there's the carrier variant that the pilots hate because its got the shortest distance between tailhook and the rear wheels. and that distance directly corrosponds to screwed up landing where it either overshoots, or rips the rear wheels off
  4. nimrod123

    Helicopter physics impressions - simplified

    if you want a new feature put it into the feedback tracker in my sig, and try and if its supported it will rise into the devs attention otherwise you have to pray that a dev's trolling the forum and likes it enough to submit a ticket for themselves
  5. nimrod123

    Helicopter physics impressions - simplified

    and the dev from TOH says otherwise, i wonder who to believe
  6. nimrod123

    Helicopter physics impressions - simplified

    read this http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?146949-TOH-flight-model-if-when-how&p=2305558&viewfull=1#post2305558 TLDR is that one heli with only TOH takes ~ a month with the use of a physicist to do the calcs. if thats not hard to impliment i would love to see what you think is hard (and thats with a working engine)
  7. nimrod123

    Inverse Controls For Aircraft Only

    you need to change the keybinds go to options, controls, helicopter the collective foreward and back have 2 mouse releated things. you need to swap mouse up with mouse down and vice versa
  8. nimrod123

    Invert Mouse Only

    you need to change the keybinds go to options, controls, helicopter the collective foreward and back have 2 mouse releated things. you need to swap mouse up with mouse down and vice versa
  9. nope this thread is more developed on the topic and some of the devs chiped in http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?147639-Any-news-on-weapon-resting and if you want weapon resting ingame support this ticket http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=432
  10. nimrod123

    Aiming Deadzone with TrackIR woes...

    i wonder if it has to do with the chages to ADS. in ARMA 2 you used to ADS, and pressing ALT would let you look around, but the gun remained pointed where you aimed. now you actually move the gun in a cone of about 15 degrees off centerline aim
  11. nimrod123

    Tao Folding Map

    it reminds me of the maps pilots sometime have on their leg holder, normally on the fold for the OP's area. and thats what i've been using it for, its great for lining up CAS runs, and ploting inserts and extracts for LZ's
  12. nimrod123

    Any news on weapon resting ?

    you want to support this http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=2452
  13. nimrod123

    Reticles and Scopes

    support this if you want it http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=2510
  14. nimrod123

    Where do I report bugs/problems?

    login with your account, the login is in the top right corner also if you find the design of the feedback tracker bad (mainly the colours) find the ticket about that and support it
  15. nimrod123

    Arma 3 - alpha, to beta, to full.

    the normal policy for beta to retail (at least the several i have done) is a full re download, as alot of the files are recompiled for efficiency and the sercurity features are added in the alpha to beta shouldn't require a full download, as its more a change of testing focus then anything else
  16. nimrod123

    Any news on weapon resting ?

    if you want it make a feedback ticket (or there might be one already so go support it) you want to use the link in my sig infact the thing you need to support is this http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=432
  17. nimrod123

    7.4 mb update?

    which this situation update website is http://alpha.arma3.com/
  18. nimrod123

    Kaelies' SVD mod/port

    does this mean that ARMA 2 scopes can be brought into the game in some kind of working form (you mention normal PSO scopes) or are they just models?
  19. i wonder if thats going to be part of the UI updates anyway? it kinda looks like a popup HUD that you could get on projection glasses for the corner of your eye
  20. nimrod123

    How do I report feedback?

    so your the guy that tries to do damage control, probably thanking your lucky stars that you don't work for EA at the momement i wonder why the QA guys arn't using the project tool and the hidden forums built into this forum? (or am i not meant to talk about that) probally to many people i suppose, but at least that can be configured to suit peoples eyes
  21. nimrod123

    How do I report feedback?

    oh... community manager PR guy, office intern, office "that guy"? it must be one of those (and is the name a suggestion of your actually role, doing not much, but saying you are :D) i'm rather new here and you lack a title so what do you actually do?
  22. nimrod123

    How do I report feedback?

    thats a good sign... the dev had trouble signing up for the project management tool also stealing some of the blue part of your sig :D
  23. nimrod123

    Underslung attachments

    post it in the feedback forum http://feedback.arma3.com/bug_report_page.php that way it will pass infront of QA and i would say this is a failure in terms of funcionality (so ~bug)
  24. nimrod123

    How do I report feedback?

    for heli controls, go into the control menu and swap the colective directions, you have to change mouse up to mouse down and vice versa but its actually better then having a vechile invert, as i like heli inverted and jets not