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About StNickBG

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  1. Hi Guys, ok, if i get this and the info in the biki, then, when i create marker on script wich runs on the server only, with global variable it will be "viwed" from all server side scripts? myMarker = createMarker ["Marker_Sample", _somePos]; myMarker setMarkerShape "ICON"; myMarker setMarkerType "DOT"; ! biki say that createMarker is global, but according to the post of fencr0c - "global" = server side scripts or all machines connected in the session this i cant understand and confuse me. Accordeing to the previous post - the marker that i create will be visible to the server and may be people who start the session in the begining (i dont know, just guess). To make the marker visible to all clients do i must make something like this: myMarkerPos = getMarkerPos "Marker_Sample"; publicVariable "myMarkerPos"; and then in script who run only on client machines: myMarkerOnClient = createMarker ["Marker_Sample_On_Client", myMarkerPos]; myMarkerOnClient setMarkerShape "ICON"; myMarkerOnClient setMarkerType "DOT"; Do its right or wrong? And do it will work, cause i dont have pc with arma around to test it now, but i am curious.... If we accept that its ok, and it "print" copy on that marker on any players map, what about the JIP players? Do they will see it too? And what if the position is changed? I mean if the position of the marker is changed in the server side script? If i get it right - if during the mission the position of the myMarker is changed, then it must be publicVariabled to the clients and on this way changed on their maps too. Can anyone make simple code example for morons like me. Lets say - short example of two threads with server side and player side and interaction between. I read tons and tons and i confess - still cant understand the publicVariables. Last test before month finish with rage quit, because there was always different behavior from this that i expect to happen. :)
  2. Ok, may be i did not ask my question right, but it was early morning... What i did till now: - unpack pbo file - convert .paa file with the body of the BMP2 vehicle to .png file and open it with PhotoShop - than i redraw it save it back as .png and than convert it again in .paa - load the texture myObj setObjectTexture [0, "edited_file_co.paa"] i did the same and for turet file of the BMP2 and set it as myObj setObjectTexture [1, "edited1_file_co.paa"] In fact it works great even in the multiplayer - all players see it and so on, but the bad part is that the reedited files must be in the mission directory and always need to be downloaded from the player when he join the server. So i start to search a way to do following. I prepare a transparent image and on it there was only the bulgarian flags and marking signs - the background was transparent. And i try to apply it over the existing original texture, result was - completly transparent vehicle, only the marking signs was visible.... Than i try and this (found it in one forum): myObj setObjectTexture [0, "\ca\Data\tracked\someexistingingametexture.paa"]; myObj setObjectTexture [0, "mytransparentfilewithmarkings.paa"]...the same result :( And finaly i post a topic here after days of trys...do its possible to "mix" apply both texture files one by other - first to be the camouflage of the machine, the second only markings. Idea is - on the map to appear existing ingame texture (so not need for the client/player to load it), and over it to be second layer only with Bulgarian markings and signs. On this way - files in the mission directory will be more "light". Do its possible to be done on this way? Or i am in wrong direction...thanks in advance.
  3. Hello there guys i am Nickolay and i need your assistance. From a week i read and try and read and try and i still have not any success. In short words i want to do this: (bmp will spawn with this texture)...than i want to add this: thats a texture with transperant background that i want to load over the first one...and to recieve this: or cool BMP with Bulgarian markings who hide (cover the opfor ones) (i am Bulgarian btw). So do its possible to make some "layer texture stuff"? Since now i make it in one .paa file and i did a bulgarian bmp texture, and it can be seen on our server fighting for BLUFOR it looks as this: but the problem is that its close to 3 mb (the texture of the body)...+ the mission = 6 mb...and if i want to make and another Bulgarian marked vehicle = 9 mb...its really boring for the players to wait everything to download. Please give me a tip, i will not stop to read here and there, but in general will wait your support!