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Everything posted by jakkob4682

  1. jakkob4682

    configProperties Question

    The reason for wanting to use config entries was so I don't need to copy and paste 31 different factions, and 124 different infantry group types just to select one random faction and a random infantry group type from that config. So I'm trying to select a random faction from the config. Then using the same config select a random Infantry group type. Thats where I'm stuck.
  2. jakkob4682

    configProperties Question

    How would I go about selecting a random infantry group from a random faction?
  3. use a distance check for each driver on the final lap after winner crosses the line?
  4. ah not sure how to go about the lap count tbh. single player may be easy enough. have the trigger set to fire repeatedly but not sure how to script it so that it parses the times of each driver on every lap. thats a little complex and beyond my experience sorry man. So only fire the script once the someone has triggered 6x and only when they are the first person to enter the area on the 6th activation. yeah i'm lost in the sauce with this one sorry.
  5. actually that needs refined a bit more if(_winner in _array && _winner == list _trigger select 0) then {hint format ["%1 is the winner",_winner]}; I'm sure someone has a better way but thats what comes to my mind
  6. in the editor or in a script? probably easier just creating a simple script. If its multiplayer, i'm not sure. But single player. Didn't add the distance check in there as it seemed redundant but you could do that yourself and use a simple if then statement or switch statement to do what you want. _trigger = _this select 0;//name of trigger you're using _array = _this select 1;//name of each object you are using in an array [1,2,3,4 etc..] _distance = _this select 2;// distance between each object being checked _winner = list _trigger select 0;//0 is the first index in the array _losers = _array - [_winner];//remove winner from array if thats along the lines of what you're looking for
  7. Basically what the title say. What I want is to be able to select units from from the group(F keys) then use an addAction command to make them leave the group(aka join grpNull) create their own group, and perform a defined task(i.e. taskPatrol,defend,attack etc). Pretty sure I can figure the addAction script out on my own but how do I pass the units selected to the script? This is not a Multiplayer task if that helps.
  8. can also the command unitReady if you issue them a move/board order i think.
  9. yeah guess that will have to work. trying to create an evac mission then once the evac is complete and we're out the heli remove the units from group and have them patrol around the drop off site. Was trying to make it as user friendly as possible so anyone using the script didn't have to edit the script but you're example will do the same thing :) Anyhow thanks for the snippet.
  10. so I guess the real question is how do I pass group members selected the F keys to an array?
  11. so lets say i select the last two units in a 3 man group using F2 and F3 then i can pass them to the addaction? What I'm trying to do is make it so the units dont have to be named in the editor, I can just press the F key and pass the unit or units to a script to manipulate them.
  12. jakkob4682


    CBA 2.4 and Ravage 1.36... and getting init_save errors referring to type bool expected array @ ["postInit",false] Steam version CBA and the google driver version for Ravage which is 1.36. I thought maybe it was an issue w/ alive and ravage at first so I disabled alive but the problem still persists. So only two mods are ravage and cba Its only editor created missions that are bugging... playing the sp ravage mission from scenarios doesn't create an issue, zombies appear as they should but when i extract the mission and port it to the editor it happens
  13. jakkob4682


    What version of CBA and Ravage are you using? When I try to play an editor created mission I'm getting RVG_fnc_init_save errors.... and no zombies spawn using either SP or ambient modules
  14. jakkob4682


    getting an error when using 1.36. RVG_fnc_init_save. Type Bool expected Array index 1["postInit",false]. Also getting the author error still? Is this a CBA issue then?
  15. Looking for a script that 1. Checks if unit knows about another unit enough to determine type,side, etc. 2. Sends pertinent information about the target unit to player(direction target is moving, speed of the target, distance from the observing unit, relative strength of the tracked unit(is he in a group or not? how many enemies are near the target). 3. refreshes the above info every minute or so. will that do what I want?
  16. i.e. using "I" as global variable in a for from loop for "I" from 0 to (count _array - 1 ) do { t = createTrigger _params; // how do I assign a unique id to each trigger? i.e. t1,t2,t3,t4 etc }
  17. got it working thanks man. Now to find a way to get DAC working w/ HAC :cool:
  18. only creates one zone :(. Wondering if there is a function in DAC to create the zones dynamically now. ---------- Post added at 09:32 AM ---------- Previous post was at 08:11 AM ---------- found this, wondering if it will work
  19. here is the problem I am having, Using DAC I am trying to create the zones dynamically with an array of locations. The problem I am having is even using _array = nearestLocations [player,["NameCity","NameVillage"],1500]; for "i" from 0 to (count _array - 1) do { _loc = _array select i; _pos = position _loc; _t = createTrigger ["EmptyDetector",_pos]; missionNameSpace setVariable ["zone" + (str i),_t]; }; z = missionNameSpace getVariable ("zone" + (str i)); //setTriggerArea and activation //now the problem is that DAC requires a named zone inside the array passed to the function, which is spawned from the onAct of the trigger, when I use the array null = ['z',[i,0,0],[3,1,50,50],[],[],[],[0,6,0,1]] spawn DAC_Zone from z setTriggerStatements ["time >1","null = ['z',[i,0,0],[3,1,50,50],[],[],[],[0,6,0,1]] spawn DAC_Zone",""] I get an error that there are two zones with the same name even though z refers to each trigger created from the array. //
  20. Just as the title says. I know how to create DAC zones when there is a user defined name i.e. z1 etc, but what if I pass an array of positions and want to create DAC zones for each of those positions? i.e. _array = nearestLocations [player,["NameCity","NameVillage","StrongpointArea"],3000]; for "_i" from 0 to (count _array - 1) do { _a = _array select _i; _b = position _a; the array passed inside the trigger for the DAC function i.e. ["z1",[1,0,0] is the part I need to figure out how to do inside the script. so how then would I create an array of triggers w/o having to manually createTrigger and all the other trigger commands since any variables passes inside the trigger have to be global.
  21. thanks, got it figured out. ---------- Post added at 02:14 AM ---------- Previous post was at 02:12 AM ---------- so I have another question... how do I go about deleting the vehicle/crew created within a script using a fired event handler.... i.e. A10 or F-18 fires their LGB, I want to delete the vehicle and crew created inside the script so that if the user uses that option again they dont have 30 A10's flying around? ---------- Post added at 02:20 AM ---------- Previous post was at 02:14 AM ---------- I've gotten the the first two options working as intended... suppport menu comes up either infantry support or ground transport gets selected, the fire team or ground transport spawns moves to player position and script fired is fine. However, with the Close Air Support option I'm having an issue with deleting the crew and vehicle that is spawned, here is what I'm using _veh = _this select 0; { deleteVehicle _x; }forEach (crew _veh); deleteVehicle _veh; //addSwitchableUnit (driver _veh); used to check if driver was successfully deleted hintSilent format ["%1",count (crew _veh)]; inside the CAS script _pos = [position player,3000,random 360] call BIS_fnc_relPos; _grp = createGroup west; _pilot = _grp createUnit ["USMC_Soldier",_pos,[],0,"FORM"]; _vehicle = createVehicle ["A10_US_EP1",_pos,[],0,"FLY"]; _pilot assignAsDriver _vehicle; _pilot moveInDriver _vehicle; if(_pilot in _vehicle) then { player sideChat "A10 CAS Enroute"; (driver _vehicle) doMove (position player); player addWeapon "LaserDesignator"; player addMagazine "LaserBatteries"; hintSilent "Use your laser designator!!"; }; waitUntil{_vehicle distance player < 1000}; hintSilent "A10 in close proximity get to safe distance"; _vehicle addEventHandler ["Fired",{[_vehicle] execVM "EH_Stuff\deleteThis.sqf"}]; if(isNull _pilot and isNull _veh)then { hintSilent "objects deleted"; };
  22. I want to create a custom menu with different options and have each "main" option have sub-options. for when u press 0-9 or0-8, it creates a list of options. Then each of those options has a list of sub-options. I looked at the misc folder for the functions module and saw what I believe is the framework for it BIS_fnc_createMenu and showMenu etc, but not quite getting what the parameters mean or how to pass them w/ a called function.
  23. getting this is .rpt file Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin.USER:AirSupport_Menu'. Warning Message: No entry '.title'. Warning Message: '/' is not a value Warning Message: No entry '.items'. this is the script AirSupport_Menu = [ ["Air Support",False], ["CH 47",[2],"",-5,[["expression","nul = [player] execVM 'Helo\CH47.sqf'"]],"1","1"], ["CAS(Cobra)",[3],"",-5,[["expression","nul = [player] execVM 'Helo\Cobra.sqf'"]],"1","1"], ["CAS(A10)",[4],"",-5,[["expression","nul = [player] execVM 'Helo\A10.sqf'"]],"1","1"], ["LGB(F-18)",[5],"",-5,[["expression","nul = [player] execVM 'Airstrike\F18.sqf'"]],"1","1"], ["Transport(Blackhawk)","",-5,[["expression","nul = [player] execVM 'Helo\Transport.sqf'"]],"1","1"] ]; GroundSupport_Menu = [ ["Ground Support",False], ["Armored QRF",[2],"",-5,[["expression","nul = [player] execVM 'InfSupport\ArmorQRF.sqf'"]],"1","1"], ["Mobile QRF",[3],"",-5,[["expression","nul = [player] execVM 'InfSupport\MobileQRF.sqf'"]],"1","1"], ["Sniper Support",[4],"",-5,[["expression","nul = [player] execVM 'InfSupport\Snipers.sqf'"]],"1","1"], ["Transport",[5],"",-5,[["expression","nul = [player] execVM 'InfSupport\Transport.sqf'"]],"1","1"], ["Medic Support",[6],"",-5,[["expression","nul = [player] execVM 'InfSupport\Medic.sqf'"]],"1","1"] ]; [] call BIS_fnc_commsMenuCreate; Main_Menu = [ ["Support Menu",False], ["Air Support Options",[2],"USER:AirSupport_Menu",-5,[["expression","player sideChat 'Pick an option'"]],"1","1"], ["Ground Support Options",[3],"USER:GroundSupport_Menu",-5,[["expression","player sideChat 'Pick an option'"]],"1","1"] ]; BIS_MENU_GroupCommunication = [ [localize "STR_SOM_COMMUNICATIONS", false], ["Support Menu",[2],"#USER:Main_Menu",-5,[["expression",""]],"1","1"] ]; showCommandingMenu "#USER:Main_Menu"; waituntil {!isnil "BIS_MENUS"};
  24. have tried this, am I doing something wrong? _loc = nearestLocation [player,"NameCity"]; _area = size (_loc); _size = (_area select 1); _roads = (position _loc) nearRoads _size; _roadArray = []; for "_i" from 1 to (round(floor(random _num))) do { _rng = _roads call BIS_fnc_selectRandom; _rngPos = getPosATL _rng; _roadArray set [(count _roadArray),_i]; }; { _veh = _type createVehicle _x }forEach _roadArray;