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Everything posted by _michal

  1. Mi-17 as a future DLC (after the Hind, you know :D) would be awesome. Imagine the campaign possibilities on the desert map, Mi-17 and Mi-24... awesome...
  2. Hello BIS. Could you release high resolution cover art for those who bought digital copy? I'd like to make a backup dvd and print cover for TKOH. I've played few hours today, made few free flights, tutorials and after playing in editor I got shot down with Igla. Love this game. :bounce3:
  3. I did all tutorials (and failed on autorotations :D), took few free flights, and love it. Congratulations on release and thank you guys for great game.
  4. _michal

    DVD cover for digital version?

    No, there is front cover only. Without back and spine. Yes, I'd love to have front side, back side and spine. And I don't want scan because of printed raster which scanned and printed again looks bad.
  5. _michal

    DVD cover for digital version?

    I know how to use google and TKOH main site. There is no dvd cover there though. I've already checked both google and press kit before asking on the forums you know.
  6. _michal

    DVD cover for digital version?

    It's front page only. BIS certainly have full dvd cover, maybe they will share it with their customers.
  7. _michal

    Flight dynamics

    He was talking about Dodosim 206, not stock 206. Dodosim 206 doesn't use FSX flight dynamics, but it's own. However I think FM in TKOH is nice.
  8. I'm curious, does TKOH simulate helicopters on floats and boat-like hulls for 3rd party?
  9. Yes, he likes the game very much. We all at Polish forums hate him. ;)
  10. I'm more aircraft than scenery guy, I've been modding FS9 and FSX for a long time, I did few planes, and few sceneries for these sims as well. I believe TKOH modding is easier for Arma veterans, but since TKOH is a flight sim it would be nice to show newcomers how to start modding, both maps and new helicopters.
  11. I know, I know. Just saying. :)
  12. Mi-14 would make a perfect fit for Take On mod...
  13. Almost. It's inverse kinematics. Legs animation is driven by feet attached to the pedals. Same thing with arms controlled by collective and cyclic animation.
  14. Preordered. Can't wait.
  15. I had only Arma2, without OA, and I've just ordered OA to play TakeOn CommPreview. Awesome video, keep them coming, cant wait to fly by myself.
  16. I've always thought about buying Arma, but never did. TakeOn sparked my interest. I've bought Arma2 few days ago and love it. I've played Carrier Command on C-64 (I'm not bald, and have only one child), can't wait for this game. Suddenly BIS became one of my favorite developers :)
  17. So, I assume Godzilla is confirmed?
  18. Hehe, I thought exactly the same. Thanks for news!
  19. _michal

    Realism VS. Arcade style fun

    Me too. I love DCS Black Shark, and I really like precision flying in FSX with HTR flight dynamics. When I saw Take On announcement just before 1st April I thought 'no, they can't be THAT cruel and make this kind of April Folls joke'. Can't wait for TO:H.
  20. _michal

    Realism VS. Arcade style fun

    Of course there are flaws, each software has them, but you can always aim for the best product you can do. That's my point.
  21. _michal

    Realism VS. Arcade style fun

    I know that. I've read most of press release about Take On. But those terrains are 'slightly' bigger than 40x40km map ;) I'm not here to bash BIS, ARMA or Take On. I appreciate what they did with ARMA, and I'm more than happy that they want to make a civilian flight sim. I just want to say what I'm interested in. I believe BIS want to hear our opinion, that's why Dwarden invited us here by posting on hovercontrol. Perfect simulator offers both - systems and flight experience.
  22. _michal

    Realism VS. Arcade style fun

    My first post here, hi. I'm a long time simmer, right now I play FSX, DCS and Rise of Flight mostly. If TakeOn is aimed to simulation fans, it has to be realistic, at least to FSX level in terms of avionics, with better flight dynamics. I'm with thermalburn here, I really hope avionics and overall realism will be much higher than in ArmA2 helicopters. Otherwise I'm not interested...