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Everything posted by samb

  1. samb

    Realism VS. Arcade style fun

    But on the other hand there are many very well developed addons for FSX that took less than that to be finished and polished. Plus BS had many complex military related systems to be simulated that can be omitted in TOH helicopters.
  2. samb

    Anyone remember SAR4?

    This topic just made me wonder how many hours I have spent flying in sar 4 and sar vietnam... Too many probably... Sam
  3. AFAiK it hasn't been answered officialy, but so far it looks like it's not going to be possible. However it's only my opinion after reading interview and stuff. Sam
  4. Great news! I am starting to believe it's really going to be a proper sim! Sam
  5. samb

    Realism VS. Arcade style fun

    @marcomio Walking out of the aircraft will be possible. Sam
  6. How about including hand signals from ground crew? List: http://www.monsoon-bucket.com/images/Helicopter%20Hand%20Signals.GIF EDIT: I hope raindrops and working wipers are going to be included? Sam
  7. Implementing realistic gunnery with all the systems it comes with takes time I would rather like developers to spend on physics, cockpits, missions etc. Helicopters are fun enough w/o shooting IMHO. And there is always Blackshark... Sam EDIT: There is another bounus video under facebook icon.
  8. samb

    How many Helicopters

    Me want Seaking ekm I meant
  9. I posted same idea. Just imagining a sesion with Arma (being infantry sim) and TOH (chopper sim) together makes me hard:D Sam
  10. Sorry it's language thing. Now I get it:yay:
  11. Community will confirm it after the game is released;)
  12. samb

    Mission IDEA

    I am not a dev at all, but IF it could be made, then there could be Take On Tanks with same coop- capability. I can imagine it's not going to happen, but I just felt like sharing it anyway. Sam
  13. Coordinated oil rig evacuations in coop multi would rock! Sam
  14. samb

    Mission IDEA

    I have one idea which is more of a dream;) I just had a conversation with my friend about possible improvements in Arma. As I am a Helicopter enthusiast, I came up with this: Could it be possible to make Arma Coop missions flyable with TOH together at the same time? What I mean is- in ArmA players play missions usual way, while people playing TOH fly helicopters assisting troops in Arma. Obviously TOH players wouldn't be able to play anything else than helicopters. This way Arma players get more realism as they get assisted by pilots who fly more close to real life way, and TOH players get a chance to play with more realistic enviroment with ground troops around etc. Just imagine dust off missions with TOH realism and Arma enviroment! At the same time Arma helicopter pilots who don't want to swith to TOH could still fly the usual way, so no one is harmed. Sam
  15. samb

    Realism VS. Arcade style fun

    Hi everyone. I am a huge fan of BI, I have bought OFP as well as both Arma products (well Arrowhead is the only one I missed) pretty much the same day it showed on stores and I'm having great time playing it. I always played sniper class because of the realism no other game could give me: bullet drop, wind compensation, target move compensation etc. (not to mention finally being usefull not only while shooting). As great as the series has been so far, none of the factors I mentioned were correctly implemented in vannila game (wind compensation didn't exist at all) and were introduced by community. All the flying stuff in Your games always had very simplistic physics and very limited avionics modeling. Even such basic things like position of default eyepoint was not_so_good for flying helicopters. Helicopters are propably the only aspect of Your games that has yet to see any kind of well made community developed game improvement. I believe there might be two reasons- 1 it is difficult to make them (either because engine limitations, or knowledge required/ complexity involved); 2 lack of interest from players. 1- Take On Helicopters if approached right by You might reduce difficulty a lot as the helicopter oriented game is easier to modify for helicopters related improvements than ArmA series. There are bunch of guys around FSX community (I am talking about Hovercontrol mainly, I'll come to it later on) who can and will make things more realistic if given a chance, assuming TOH is worth it, no matter difficulty involved (just look at HTR for FSX!). 2 If player is not interested in helicopters he will buy Arma any way as it has other features desired by him. If player is interested in helicopters he won't buy Arma and will go for TOH if it is better than FSX for him (and it is not that difficult, proper physics can be made with little attention to it, graphics are not the main concern and are easy to surpass FSX as FSX it is already dated product, and interesting missions such as SAR, firefighting or simply spraying the field with pesticides are pretty much non existent in FSX and can be made possible even in non helicopter oriented ArmA). TOH can draw both hard core sims and arcade type of players if it has complex physics (sic!). It is easy to tweak down complexity/ difficulty of behaviour by releveant sliders in options menu than to make arcade game behaviour realistic by modding it. Arcade interested players could switch over to a simmulation if given such a chance in TOH, while simulation oriented players already had a chance to try one of 100's arcade products, and it they didn't get interested in it so far, then -no offence- but arcade TOH wouldn't make any difference and they won't buy it. It involves both flying behaviour and avionics implementation. Summaring- realistic, hc civilian helicopter simmulation is something we are missing for a long time now, and as it can please every potential customer is a way to go. Modding capability including physics departament is a must (in a game industry history developers have yet to make a product that could not be improved for some of the players by modding it). Realistic avionics are a must ie as simmulators contrary to arcade games are imposible to fly without using gauges. Cool missins are a must to keep non hc players intereste in flying, and will be another factor drawing FSX simmers from FSX to TOH. Please note, that SAR series had many missions based on "fly- pickup- drop to hospital- return to base" scheme and was still being enjoyed by many of us! At the end I would like to mention, that I'm a FSX guy for quiet a while now and I am well aware of it's limitations, and I was waiting for a product that could permanently replace it for a long, long time now. I am sure there are more guys like me, I know of many on hovercontrol boards, but there are so many more! You really have a chance to make a difference on the helicopter sims market, please don't blow it (for our all sake;))! Also You have Fred who developed Helicopter Total Realism (it's like a FSX 2.0 upgrade for helicopter simmers) on Your side. You really have all the opportunites to make it big with TOH. Thanks, Sam PS Thanks for Dwarden for encouraging Hovercontrol members to share our view here. You can blame him for my post;). And sorry for any mistakes, English is not my native language.