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About {E-Z}Killa

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  1. {E-Z}Killa

    {E-Z} E-Z Co. 101st

    {E-Z} is recruiting Arma players of all ages and experience. We like to have fun. We are organized, but do not have a massive rank structure. We're a close knit group of guys who have been playing together since 2002. We'd love to add some new blood and blow some shit up with you. We have a 20 slot server (filter E-Z). We have a customized Domi map which we play frequently as well as insurgency. Our website: www.ezco101st.com Our TS3: ez.zebvoice.com:10012 Our forums: www.ezco101.proboards.com
  2. {E-Z} is looking for a few more people to join our ranks. We're not too serious. We just like to have fun. We use ventrilo and we do have our own public server (feel free to come in anytime). Check out our website http://www.ezco101st.com and come to the forums http://ezco101.proboards.com and say hello. There isn't really any real "structure" to what we do anymore. We're just a tight knit group of guys who have been playing games together since the original America's Army many years ago. If you can't handle swearing and the occasional goofing off, I'd look for a different squad.