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About beerz

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  1. ok thanks for this fast Answering Nemesis :) yeah You're right! nice now i can Tell em how they get Not Killed near a village or in the Woods :D a "Fire and forget" System would Be nice if they located you and you stop shooting and moving Away they should forget you but they should Not stop being alarmed so it would Be more realistic ( i Hope you understand my broken english) Best regards and good Night beerz
  2. Thanks for posting but only a half thanks to Beagle Cause stupid ai sucks more then Genius! yeah thats a Problem with the Grass if you lay down As a sniper and get a kill when you are in the Woods and over 1000 meters Away and then Move to another Position Cause like Beagle Said don't shoot twice from the Same Position! you get Killed anyways :/ Best regards written from my iphone
  3. Write siruos answers (-.-) i Play ARMA since a Long Time so dont think im a Little baby and give siriuos answers please!
  4. yeah thats right! but im not stupid buddy ;) but its a known problem and im not the only one who says that! a short example of a tactical game of the community i play with its night we get slowly crouched to near a village were we have to destroy a mi 24 hind we stopped near a farm in high grass between a few trees we stayed there for a few minutes that our squadleader can check the map and we checked the area! bam we got seen it was a troop with nightvision yeah but high grass and more damn thats not good i dont want to sound like a whining baby but like i said im not the only one who think it sucks :D
  5. Hi there Last time i played Arma 2 or Arma 2 OA (with ace mod and without) the AI shot through High grass if i activated "Full Gras" in the show status option! Or they shoot through the wood or through trees! Or through some sandbags... Are you fix this bug in the near future or is this a known problem or is this no problem? Love to play ARMA 2 + OA and buying the reinforcements pack when its available on DVD but only if this get fixed ;) With best regards your beerz :) (Sorry, for my broken english and greets from germany )
  6. :mad::mad: very nice but the AI is still shooting through trees and high grass i cant even see them if i activate full gras but they can see and shoot me :mad: :mad::mad: