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Everything posted by drredfox

  1. Well, they are 30 persons connected to the repository, I can't make trial and error. Anyway, what I'm asking is if it's possible to build remotely a existant repository every time I update it. I have a FTP client with access to the main folder, so I can upload files (with a little patience...1MB upload speed).
  2. Hi, It is possible to manage a repository (upload files, re-build the repo...) on a remote server from my local computer?
  3. Hi, I've created this script by mixing some others FARP scripts (I don't remember the authors, sorry) and some code by me. It works fine in editor and SP, but in MP i get a critical error. This is the script (sorry for spelling mistakes, I translated to english to post here): //Rearm, repair and refuel script by Dr.Redfox _heli = _this; _class = typeOf _heli; _timeFactor = 100; //Max. time per block //Loop. Wait until the engine is off while {isEngineOn _heli} do { _heli vehicleChat "Please, stop the engines."; sleep 10; }; //isEngineOn == false. Continues script _heli vehicleChat "Starting service..."; disableUserInput true; //Check vehicle status. If not necesary, goes to the next block if ((damage _heli) > 0) then { _heli vehicleChat "Repairing..."; sleep (_timeFactor*(damage _heli)); _heli setDamage 0; } else { _heli vehicleChat "No repair needed."; }; //Check ammo. If not necesary, goes to the next block _actualAmmo = 0; _totalAmmo = 0; { _actualAmmo = _actualAmmo + (_x select 1); _totalAmmo = _totalAmmo + (getNumber(configFile >> "CfgMagazines" >> (_x select 0) >> "count")); } forEach magazinesAmmo _heli; _heliAmmo = _actualAmmo/_totalAmmo; //Expected value <=1 if (_heliAmmo ==1) then { _heli vehicleChat "No ammo needed."} else { _heli vehicleChat "Rearming..."; sleep (_timeFactor*(1 - _heliAmmo)); _heli setVehicleAmmo 1; }; //Check fuel. If not necesary, goes to the next block if ((fuel _heli) < 0.9) then { _heli vehicleChat "Refueling..."; sleep (_timeFactor*(1 - (fuel _heli))); _heli setFuel 1; } else { _heli vehicleChat "No fuel needed."; }; _heli vehicleChat "Ready to takeoff."; disableUserInput false; //if (true) exitWith {hint "End script";}; And activation by trigger: Condition: (getPos ((list act_farp) select 0) select2) <=1 On Act: _farp = (thisList select 0) execVM "farp.sqf"; The problem is that I wanted to put a limitation to the script: if the pilot engages the engines, the script goes to the while loop to check the engine status. I didn't find a clean solution for this, so I put disableUserInput. But, in MP, when the script activates ALL players suffer the disableUserInput...not desirable in a combat (that happened). So, how can I stop the script when the pilot engages the engines?
  4. Hi, I have a trigger that ends the mission when a defined group of enemy AI it's not alive. Like this: Condition: (({alive _x} count units group1) == 0) && (({alive _x} count units group2) == 0) && obj2 && obj1 And in the leader of the group: group1 = group this In editor, if I check the condition on the debug, I get the number of alive units: {alive _x} count units group1 But in MP, i get 0. The point is, the units in the group exists. So, when obj1 and obj2 are true, the mission ends. I think it's a problem of timing: the trigger checks the condition before the groups are defined. What's the best solution for this?
  5. I didn't tried, but you can use enableSimulationGlobal (https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/enableSimulationGlobal). It says that is the same command but for MP. I guess you need to execute only on server by if(isServer) then {enableSimulationGlobal};
  6. Checked. It's working. I get the number of units in the debug, the trigger activates when all units are dead and the mission ends. Thanks all for your time.
  7. I'm sure the problem it's the group check, because if I remove the obj1 and obj2 conditions, the mission ends once it's started. The variables group1 and group2 are defined in the leader of the group with the code group1 = group this; In the debug menu I get the value 0 for the code {alive _x} count units group1 in MP, while i get 11 (units alive) in editor. So i know the problem it's there, but why? EDIT: I found on the wiki that the command group it's global, but it says: In MP the command is not initialised in functions called by initline or init eventhandlers. So, maybe in MP the group doesn't exists, the condition gets true and the trigger activates.
  8. Hi, I'm making a FARP script and I need to get the max ammo of the vehicle's weapons. Something like this (i've picked this code of an a script i've used in some missions, and I know it works): _totalAmmo = 0; _maxAmmo = 0; { _totalAmmo = _totalAmmo + (_x select 1); _maxAmmo = _maxAmmo + (getNumber(configFile >> "CfgMagazines" >> "VehicleMagazine" >> (_x select 0) >> "count")); } forEach magazinesAmmo _veh; _getVehicleAmmo = _totalAmmo/_maxAmmo; So, _getVehicleAmmo it's a value between 0 and 1 In my script, there's a condition that where _getVehicleAmmo <1, it rearms the helicopter, and if it's ==1, goes to the next block (refuel and repair). After some testing i've realised that _totalAmmo works well (the return value it's the actual ammo count of the vehicle), but, the _maxAmmo doesn't works (it returns the value defined at the beggining, 0 in this case). So, how i can get the ammo limit of vehicle's weapons? This is the whole script I've had for now: ---------- Post added at 04:56 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:30 PM ---------- Solved. The error was: _maxAmmo = _maxAmmo + (getNumber(configFile >> "CfgMagazines" >> "VehicleMagazine" >> (_x select 0) >> "count")); And the solution is: _maxAmmo = _maxAmmo + (getNumber(configFile >> "CfgMagazines" >> (_x select 0) >> "count"));
  9. Seems the hotfix didn´t solved the problem. My old (1.10) custom ammoboxes (generated with LEA) don't work. ammoBox.sqf Same script fixed
  10. I think I found the problem. The commands clearXCargo and addXCargo, now needs to be Global (i.e: addWeaponCargoGlobal). A script example: if (isServer) then { clearweaponcargoGlobal _this; clearmagazinecargoGlobal _this; clearitemcargoGlobal _this; _this addweaponcargoGlobal ["launch_Titan_F",1]; _this addweaponcargoGlobal ["R3F_Minimi_762",1]; _this addweaponcargoGlobal ["LMG_Mk200_F",1]; _this addweaponcargoGlobal ["Rangefinder",2]; }; "Confirmed" http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=17655
  11. Same problem here. Only the backpacks loaded properly.
  12. drredfox

    A-10C for Arma 3

    Same problem here
  13. Solved. The problem was that the mission didn't had the respawn = X; What a noob...
  14. Yes, it is the problem. Once the mission has started, the players cannot join, they stucked in spectator mode. I've checked the description.ext and there's no respawn (you know...respawn = 1 or similar). Needs to be activated? Because i believe that we've never used it...
  15. Hi, Since we've started using this mod in our community, we had some bugs when joining on our dedi server. Sometimes, some players (JIP's) starts in spectator mode. I don't know if this bug it's related to this mod or to ArmA itself. Is someone else having this issue?
  16. Hi, One simple question. I was wondering for long time: what's the diference between the "normal editor" (the one you can acces in the menu) and the editor that appears in multiplayer mission (you know..."Play/ Multiplayer/ New/ Create Game/ <<New - Editor>>). The only difference i can see it's that they have their own folder (missions for one, MPMission for the other). I've searched but i didn't find an answer...
  17. drredfox

    Multiplayer Editor

    Seems useful. Thanks for the answer.
  18. Ok, I had misunderstood that part. Now I have this lines in the init.sqf ["Bandage", "B_medic_F"] call X39_MedSys_fnc_addLimitationToClass; [] call X39_MedSys_fnc_pushLimitations; And of course, all of the #DEFINE stuff. It works, only the "Combat Life Saver" can apply bandages. Thank you again, you're great.
  19. Hi X39, First of first, great mod, we love it. Thank you. Ok, I'm trying lo limit the usage of certain items. In the devReadMe it states: X39_MedSys_fnc_addLimitationToClass [string (MedicalOption), String (Classname)] For what I've understood, first I need to define the MedicalOption (ie: #define BANDAGE "Bandage"), to use as first argument, and the second it's the class of the unit (ie: "CLASS_MEDIC"). When i put this line (extracted from the devReadMe) ["Bandage", "CLASS_MEDIC"] call X39_MedSys_fnc_addLimitationToClass;, nobody can use the bandage, including the "Combat Life Safer". So, how can I define the strings for the classnames? I want to make a class only for the medics, an another for the rest of soldiers...
  20. While developing this I've noticed that I need the script to "talk" with the Sector Module (BIS_fnc_sectorModule). I think I need some variables returned from the function like: Owner Sector module name Total sectors controlled by team I've looked in the code of the function and...had a headache. This is the code (i'm not sure if i can post this, so let me know if i can't to erase) The thing that caught my attention is this sentence: Description: Initialize a sector module. Can be also used to get sector parameters. So, how I initialize to get the parameters (sectorName, sectorOwner, etc...) EDIT: Also, I've found a script that makes something similiar to what I want, but I can't make it works (script made by Larrow, here http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?159426-The-new-Sector-Module&p=2476214&viewfull=1#post2476214) if (!isDedicated) then { //false shows the score of both sides //true only the score of the players side is shown hintTicketSide = false; //A client side function to hint ticket scores fnc_HintTickets = { _HStringEast = format ["East = %1",_this select 0]; _HStringWest = format ["West = %1",_this select 1]; if (hintTicketSide) then { if (side player == west) then { hintSilent _HStringWest; }else{ hintSilent _HStringEast; }; }else{ hintSilent format["%1\n%2",_HStringWest,_HStringEast] }; }; }; if (isServer) then { //Start a thread to monitor the sector _handle = [] spawn { //Setup default variables //east = 0, west = 1 _Tickets = [20, 20]; _captureTime = 120; _Sector = Capture; _AreaLost = false; _GameOver = false; while {(!(_GameOver))} do { //WaitUntil someone actually owns the sector waitUntil { _Sector getVariable "owner" != sideUnknown}; _SectorOwner = _Sector getVariable "owner"; //Start timer _captureEnd = time + _captureTime; _AreaLost = false; while {time < _captureEnd} do { sleep 0.5; if ((_Sector getVariable "owner") != _SectorOwner) exitWith {_AreaLost = true}; }; if (!(_AreaLost) ) then { //Decrease opposing tickets _SectorOwner = _SectorOwner call BIS_fnc_sideID; _opposingTeam = ((_SectorOwner * -1) + 1); //0 = 1 , 1 = 0 _Tickets set [_opposingTeam , (_Tickets select _opposingTeam) - 1]; //If opposingTeam have run out of tickets if ((_Tickets select _opposingTeam) == 0) then { //Debrief WON [["end1", true, 2],"BIS_fnc_endMission",(_SectorOwner call BIS_fnc_sideType),false] call BIS_fnc_MP; //Debrief LOST [["end2", false, 2],"BIS_fnc_endMission",(_opposingTeam call BIS_fnc_sideType),false] call BIS_fnc_MP; _GameOver = true; }; //Send a hint to all clients showing tickets [_Tickets,"fnc_HintTickets",true,false] call BIS_fnc_MP; }; }; }; };
  21. drredfox

    Unable to activate signatures

    Ok, understood. TY. Problem solved.
  22. drredfox

    Unable to activate signatures

    I thougt it was solved, but now I'm having a new issue. The server is checking for signatures, and if I join with an addon not allowed, I can't. BUT, if I load the game with LESS addons (i.e without addons) I'm able to join on the server. Maybe is the normal procedure of the verifySignatures. What i want is that all of the clients join only with mods loaded by the server, and maybe some optional mods (like JSRS).
  23. drredfox


    Hi, I saw this plugin and I had an idea, I just don't know if it's possible (I have no knowledge of programming). I'm trying to create a database to store the status of some ammoboxes (the ammo count), between missions. Something like a lite MSO. Let me explain with an hypothetical: I'm playing one mission (call it "mission_one.pbo") and all the players must rearm in one ammobox. The ammocount get's stored on the database. The second mission ("mission_two.pbo") has an ammobox that loads the ammocount from the database, modified in the last mission, so it has the remaining magazines. The process it's like: database: new box ---> ammobox: loaded ---> database: gets the ammocount on missions end ----> box: new mission, loaded ammocount... The idea is to create a campaign where you need to be cautious with the resources. Just to clarify: I'm not asking someone to do the job for me. Just wondering if it's possible to do this with the plugin. Thanks in advance.