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Posts posted by drredfox

  1. Hi,


    Just reporting some errors in Tour 1 Mission 2: "Scr\init_client.sqf" isn't executed. Also, the sound "sandstorm.ogg" is missing (lots of .rpt spam).


    EDIT: also, no CAS (ADF_CAS not executed), and I have the same issues reported by loopdk. Using the last version from steamworkshop and 2sierra.com.

  2. Hi,


    I'm having some issues with difficulty settings. I'm running three instances with different settings, each one with it's own profile, and the difficulty settings is being overwritten by the last profile edited for each instance.

    E.g.: If the last profile saved as thirdPersonView=0, every server gets thirdPersonView=0. I've checked the files and they aren't modified (thirdPersonView=1, or whatever setting).


    Command line sample:

    -profiles=d:\GameCreate\arma3\Profiles\21100 -port=21100 -config=server21100.cfg -cfg=network.cfg -mod=...

    As you notice, I'm running the servers through Gamecreate interface. No issues before 1.58/1.60


    Any info or workaround for this?


    EDIT (added info): each profile has this settings in common

    class DifficultyPresets
        class CustomDifficulty
            class Options
               settings for that server

  3. Hi,

    I'm having an error while trying to compare the addons with the repository. This is the log generated:

    Generated by ArmA3Sync 1.5.80
    31-may-2016 0:30:48
    Check for Addons finished with errors for repository name: ST1
    An unexpected error has occured.
    java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: -1
    	at fr.soe.a3s.jazsync.FileMaker.mapMatcher(FileMaker.java:534)
    	at fr.soe.a3s.jazsync.FileMaker.getCompletion(FileMaker.java:135)
    	at fr.soe.a3s.jazsync.Jazsync.getCompletion(Jazsync.java:118)
    	at fr.soe.a3s.dao.connection.HttpDAO.getFileCompletion(HttpDAO.java:359)
    	at fr.soe.a3s.service.connection.HttpService.determineFilesCompletion(HttpService.java:305)
    	at fr.soe.a3s.ui.repositoryEditor.workers.AddonsChecker.run(AddonsChecker.java:151)

    It shows on clients and the local machine aswell. No idea what's the cause. I'm using http protocol and never had any issue building or updating my repos.


    EDIT: solved. It seems that there were some corrupted pbos.



    Whenever I save the progress of the mission on a Dedicated Server, I get this line on the rpt:


    Warning Message: Problem occurred when saving profile data. The file may be set to read-only or can be blocked by another instance of the game (e.g., dedicated server).




    Hi again,


    I've created one single profile for the server where im playing this mission and it's working now. ArmA 3 doesn't likes multiple profiles...Solved then.



  5. Hi,

    Whenever I save the progress of the mission on a Dedicated Server, I get this line on the rpt:

    Warning Message: Problem occurred when saving profile data. The file may be set to read-only or can be blocked by another instance of the game (e.g., dedicated server).

    There's only one instance of a3server.exe. Running several mods, and using -profiles for launch different instances. You can see the setup on the RPT attached.


    Thanks, and happy new year.

  6. Ok, I see the problem:

        class ST1_WDL_Soldier_01: B_Soldier_02_f
            scope = 1;
            _generalMacro = "ST1_WDL_Soldier_01";
            uniformClass = "ST1_WDL_Uniform_tshirt";
            hiddenSelections[] = {"Camo","Camo2","insignia"};
            hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"\ST1\data\WDL\St1_WDL_clothing.paa","\ST1\data\WDL\ST1_WL_BasicBody.paa"};
            nakedUniform = "ST1_BasicBody";

    I've thought that the items were defined on cfgWeapons. Anyway, I've managed to break it even more:




    Sometimes loads OK, and sometimes happens ^ THAT ^. I went full retard...

  7. Sorry, I didn't had much time to post. Here we go:


    In our community, we use a pack of custom textures for uniforms, vests and helmets. What happens is after the last patch (v1.52), some uniforms are not visible, I can see my PJ in underwear. I can pick it has an item in-game, or select it in the Virtual Arsenal. I can even put magazines inside, and doesn't throws any error. The texture and model are invisible.

    This only happens on the items that are inherited from "U_B_CombatUniform_mcam_tshirt" and "U_B_CombatUniform_mcam_vest".


    The only warning I receive it's from the .rpt of the session, that indicates:

    In class "ST1_DIG_Uniform_vest" is abstract config class "ST1_DIG_Soldier_02" and can't be used with uniform.
    In class "ST1_MC_Uniform_vest" is abstract config class "ST1_MC_Soldier_02" and can't be used with uniform.
    In class "ST1_DS_Uniform_vest" is abstract config class "ST1_DS_Soldier_02" and can't be used with uniform.
    In class "ST1_ACU_Uniform_vest" is abstract config class "ST1_ACU_Soldier_02" and can't be used with uniform.

    And this is the CfgWeapons of the uniforms:


    class cfgWeapons
        class UniformItem;
        class VestItem;
        class HeadgearItem;
        class ItemCore;
        class ItemInfo;
        class U_B_CombatUniform_mcam;
        class U_B_CombatUniform_mcam_tshirt;
        class U_B_CombatUniform_mcam_vest;
        class U_I_CombatUniform;
        class U_I_CombatUniform_tshirt;
        class U_B_PilotCoveralls;
        class U_B_HeliPilotCoveralls;
        class U_O_CombatUniform_ocamo;
        class V_Rangemaster_belt;
        class V_BandollierB_rgr;
        class V_PlateCarrier1_rgr;
        class V_PlateCarrier2_rgr;
        class V_TacVest_khk;
        class V_PlateCarrierIA1_dgtl;
        class H_HelmetB;
        class H_HelmetB_light;
        class H_PilotHelmetFighter_B;
        class H_PilotHelmetHeli_B;
        class H_MilCap_mcamo;
        class H_Booniehat_mcamo;
        class H_Cap_blk;
        class H_Cap_headphones;
        class H_Beret_blk;
        class U_BasicBody;
        class ST1_BasicBody: U_BasicBody
            scope = 2;
            displayName = "ST1 Camiseta";
            picture = "\ST1\data\WDL\Icon_ST1_WL_clothing.paa";
            hiddenSelections[] = {"Camo"};
            hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"\ST1\data\WDL\ST1_BasicBody.paa"};
            class ItemInfo: UniformItem
                uniformModel = "-";
                uniformClass = "ST1_Naked";
                containerClass = "Supply0";
                mass = 5;


        class ST1_PMC_Uniform_B_BlackGreen_vest: U_B_CombatUniform_mcam_vest
            scope = 2;
            author = "ST1";
            displayName = "ST1 PMC Uniforme Combate Negro Verde Mangas";
            picture = "\ST1\Data\PMC\icon_U_PMC_CombatUniformRS_BSGPBB.paa";
            model = "\A3\Characters_F\Common\Suitpacks\suitpack_blufor_soldier";
            class ItemInfo: UniformItem
                uniformModel = "-";
                uniformClass = "ST1_PMC_Soldier_B_BlackGreen_vest";
                containerClass = "Supply40";
                mass = 60;


        class ST1_ACU_Uniform_tshirt: U_B_CombatUniform_mcam_tshirt
            author = "ST1";
            picture = "\ST1\data\ACU\Icon_ST1_DU_clothing.paa";
            model = "\A3\Characters_F\Common\Suitpacks\suitpack_blufor_diver";
            displayName = "ST1 Uniforme Camiseta (ACU)";
            hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"\ST1\data\ACU\ST1_ACU_clothing.paa"};
            class ItemInfo: UniformItem
                uniformModel = "-";
                uniformClass = "ST1_ACU_Soldier_01";
                containerClass = "Supply30";
                mass = 20;
        class ST1_WDL_Uniform_vest: U_B_CombatUniform_mcam_vest
            scope = 2;
            author = "ST1";
            picture = "\ST1\data\WDL\Icon_ST1_WL_clothing.paa";
            model = "\A3\Characters_F\Common\Suitpacks\suitpack_blufor_diver";
            displayName = "ST1 Uniforme Mangas (Woodland)";
            hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"\ST1\data\WDL\ST1_WDL_clothing.paa"};
            class ItemInfo: UniformItem
                uniformModel = "-";
                uniformClass = "ST1_WDL_Soldier_02";
                containerClass = "Supply40";
                mass = 40;


    I've posted only three classes, because the file it's way too big. I've marked in blue an item that works (using "U_B_CombatUniform_mcam_vest") and red the ones that aren't working. The only difference I can see, it's the model, but I've changed and still no luck.


    And heres the config of the unit ST1_ACU_Soldier_01:

    	class ST1_ACU_Soldier_01: B_Soldier_02_f
    		_generalMacro = "ST1_ACU_Soldier_01";
    		uniformClass = "ST1_ACU_Uniform_tshirt";
    		hiddenSelections[] = {"Camo","Camo2","insignia"};
    		hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"\ST1\data\ACU\ST1_ACU_clothing.paa","\ST1\data\ACU\ST1_ACU_BasicBody.paa"};
    		nakedUniform = "ST1_BasicBody";

  8. Hi,


    I have the same issue with my custom uniforms. They depends from "U_B_CombatUniform_mcam_tshirt" and "U_B_CombatUniform_mcam_vest". The addon worked until patch 1.52.

    	class ST1_ACU_Uniform_tshirt: U_B_CombatUniform_mcam_tshirt
    		author = "ST1";
    		scope = 2;
    		picture = "\ST1\data\ACU\Icon_ST1_DU_clothing.paa";
    		model = "\A3\Characters_F\Common\Suitpacks\suitpack_universal_F";
    		displayName = "ST1 Uniforme Camiseta (ACU)";
    		hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"\ST1\data\ACU\ST1_ACU_clothing.paa"};
    		class ItemInfo: UniformItem
    			uniformModel = "-";
    			uniformClass = "ST1_ACU_Soldier_01";
    			containerClass = "Supply30";
    			mass = 20;

    This uniform doesn't works, isn't visible. Any idea?

  9. Also for the love of god can someone tell me how to get Medical buildings to work. I've got it set so Medic can use PAK at medical building. My medics don't get an option to do a full heal anywhere and I'm using medical tents synced to the module. WTF am I doing wrong?

    Quick way: place the module Medical Facility, place an empty object (cars, structures, or anything) and sync together.
