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About JuanD21

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  1. JuanD21

    USS Nimitz

    First of all sorry by my english, I will try to write as well as i can, but i don't do promises. I want to congratulate you by the magnificent work you has done. I've modified towing tractor script to allow to player tow all air vehicles in the vanilla version, and meatball's F/A-18F. Here you have a link to download it: Modified tow script for USS Nimitz (It is the last version, but i've changed the PBO by the modified one, and include the script's folder with the modified config.sqf. Thank you by this fantastic addon.
  2. Hello! I'm doing a mission and i need to create a missile to destroy any aircraft that enter in a prohibited area and fly over 30 metres. I won't use setdamage because the plane may be destroyed by a AA batery. Thanks, and sorry by my english.