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Posts posted by 160thSOAR

  1. A few ways to improve the grenade system.

    1. Make them a weapon selectable in the scroll wheel menu. Ideally, what I would prefer is a menu where you scroll to something marked Weapons. When you click that, you get a commo rose type of thing prompting you to select your weapon, with your primary rifle in the center, grenade types on one side, and launchers/sidearms on the other side.

    2. Make them less bouncy! I've killed myself with my own grenades by throwing them into a house and having them bounce out the door onto my feet.

    3. Allow players to move around while throwing them, and make the throwing animation less clunky. Currently, it takes quite a bit of time to perform the throw animation, and you can't move while doing it. It makes throwing a grenade while under fire a possible death sentence. When I throw a grenade, I want to be able to pull the pin from behind cover and move out from cover for the short time it takes to just aim and throw it.

    4. Give some indication of where the grenade is going to go. ACE2 does this pretty well with the outstretched arm thing.

    5. Please, please give us a roll option like in America's Army. I don't want to kill myself in room-to-room CQC any more by not being able to throw a grenade softly enough.

  2. Well, ArmA2 does need a sound fix. When an AKM sounds like an airsoft gun, something's wrong. You can also use the Mk16 and especially the Mk17 as silenced weapons right now, they're really quiet.

    I haven't played the BF3 Beta yet (thanks Battlelog!), so I can't really comment on that aspect of it.

    ACE2 does a pretty good job with sounds, making AK's and variants very loud, etc. If the devs would implement some of the ACE2 sounds and make the ground vehicle sounds a bit louder and more "rumbly", I think we would be good.

    A mod that does a nice job with echoes is I44. Go onto the firing range, and get an MG42. When you fire it, there is a definite echo. However, the echo doesn't seem to be affected by the length of the burst you fire, just a recorded sound that activates whether you fire an entire clip or a single bullet.

  3. In general however, give me an A-10, and by the end of the match i'll be right at the top of that score board I just love flying in and squashing an entire town with my 500 pound bombs, Mavericks, Hydras, and Gau-8

    I hate people like this. People who are 1) concerned with their place on the scoreboard and 2) don't give a crap about other people's experiences.

    When you level a town with an A-10, you leave the infantry with absolutely nothing to do other than wander around looking for those last 3 infantrymen and UAZ you didn't see. It eliminates any challenge from groundpounding and leaved the infantry with nothing to do but look at smoking ruins that used to be towns. In my opinion, CAS exists to support the infantry, not replace it. It should be called in on specific targets instead of used to wreck entire towns.

    My favorite loadout is a Mk17 EGLM RCO with 6 magazines and a Stinger. I put 2 more Stinger missiles and a satchel charge in my backpack. Finally, I bring a Glock 17 or M1911 and fill up the pistol/grenade launcher ammo slots with 4 pistol mags and 4 HE grenades.

    If there is no air threat at the AO, I replace the Stinger with a Javelin or an NLAW. I don't really like using the NLAW though, as you can Tabkill most threats in an AO by yourself due to the tremendous amount of space available from half your inventory + backpack.

    Occasionally I'll pick up an OPFOR FN FAL and use it just for kicks. I love the FAL, as it's a 7.62 mm weapon and it sounds awesome.

  4. I agree that this would be a really good idea. I usually carry a pretty large amount of weapons/firemodes (semi/auto, grenade launcher + different types of ammo for grenade launcher, frag grenades, red smoke, green smoke) so pressing the F key 5 times to cycle through my weapons has gotten me killed several times. I also once killed myself by thinking that I had my primary weapon selected, clicking, and getting blown up by my own frag grenade bouncing off a rock and landing at my feet.

    Tl;dr. Very good idea, please implement it BIS!

  5. Our eyes already do this to some extent. As I am typing this message, I see the signature of the guy above me (Hellfire257) as more of a gray blur than an actual aircraft. I can still kind of tell that it's an aircraft, but I have no idea what is attached to the pilons or anything until I actually shift my eyes up.

    Long story short, our body does this for us already. It might not be to the same extent, but it is there. There is no need to try to simulate the human eye with a camera and in all likelihood fail.

  6. Yes, I used the Search button.

    Anyhow, I fiddled with my graphics cards settings and got ArmA2 to run laglessly even on high settings, but now I am faced with a new problem. When I turn on TS3, it cancels out the ArmA2 sound.

    Now, I know why this is happening, but not how to fix it.

    Why it's happening:

    In my sound mixer, there are two audio devices (I guess you could call them that?): Speakers and Headphones, and Communication Headphones. When I run TS3, it runs in Communication Headphones, but everything else runs in Speakers and Headphones. So TS3 starts to play through my headphones and ArmA2 starts to play through the speakers. I don't know why it does this, as it plays through my headphones normally.

    What I need to do is to either get TS3 to run through Speakers and Headphones or ArmA2 to run through Communications Headphones. How do I do this?

    I've tried to disable Communications Headphones, but it doesn't work.

    UPDATE: I managed to get TS3 to run through Speakers and Headphones by setting S&H as my default communication device and disabling the Communication Headphones. Unfortunately, this muted ArmA2 and everything else other than TS3. *groan*

    UPDATE 2: When I set S&H as default communication device and DID NOT disable the Communications Headphones, it worked.

  7. Well, I was playing on a computer with half the RAM earlier. It was a 2007 MacBook Pro. I forget the other specs, but I assume they were similarly worse. And I could still run the game without lag, albeit on low settings.

    My new computer can run stuff like Bad Company 2 on higher settings than my old one. But it seems to hate ArmA2, which rather ticks me off.

  8. I just got a new computer and am trying to install ArmA2 on it. I have already successfully installed ArmA2 on other computers, so I don't understand why I am having problems this time around.

    ArmA2 OA works fine, but when I try to start ArmA2, I get to the first Bohemia Interactive logo, then the game shuts down. A message appears saying: "Bad serial number given in Setup."

    I have already tried reinstalling the game. It did not work.

    I have the Steam version.

  9. At above post: what the hell are you talking about?

    @ OP: Poison gas is an interesting concept, but I don't see any reason to have that in ArmA3. Frankly, it would be more of an annoyance than anything else. If it ain't broke, don't fix it.

    Also, dps? I don't want something like Combat Arms nerve gas in ArmA3.

  10. I play around in the Armory a lot whenever circumstances/time constraints prevent me from getting on MP. One thing that's frustrated me is that I can't get the gunner to properly use ATGM's like the Hellfire and TOW. I tell the AI to switch to ATGMs and use the 2 menu to select a target. Then I press the fire button and the AI shoots the missile off into the middle of nowhere.

    The only way I can hit targets is by using Manual Fire and doing it myself. How do I make the AI lock targets?

  11. I'm glad you got your problem fixed. I suggest you stay off the TAW server though, as it's usually complete chaos. A lot of people just like to grab helicopters and fly them off into the middle of nowhere. Try the 7th Cavalry Domination server, they don't let just anyone fly and make sure the groundpounders have fun too.

  12. I enjoy co-op the most because it eliminates that dog-eat-dog mentality brought over from games like CoD and Halo. In PvP, I too often find players calling others noobs and all that crap. I don't know if I'm playing on the wrong servers or something, but co-op has proved to be a much more enjoyable experience for me so far.
