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Posts posted by 160thSOAR

  1. Thank you very much for your help!

    @ArmArrific: I've shot an Airsoft sniper rifle before. Although the distances were nothing compared to real life, the pellet was much more wind-affected than a bullet would have been. The other problem was that I could see more than I could hit through the scope. At any rate, it was really difficult and I was very bad at it.

    Oh well. I didn't come play ArmA 2 for the sniping. More for the Humvee with M2 and V22 Osprey. I'll probably be flying/driving all over the island and crashing with those a ton in SP mode.

    Thanks for the info!

    @Gunter Severloh: Your links were most helpful. I had already read the first one. That guy put a ton of work into his guide. I would pay for that if it were an eBook. :bounce3: The second one was good too, although it wasn't really what I was looking for. Thanks!

    EDIT: Where are the gunsights for the weapons zeroed into? Does this differ in different weapons? Does an attached suppressor change it?

  2. Hello everyone! As you must be able to tell from the title, I am new to ArmA 2. In fact, I'm not even sure if I can call myself new, as I haven't even played yet. I'm still downloading the game.

    At any rate, I am coming over to ArmA 2 from a Battlefield background. I've played both Battlefield:Bad Company 2 and Battlefield 2. I've had to delete BF2 to save Hard Drive space, unfortunately. So I will only be playing BFBC2 and this game.

    I'll tell you what I'm good at and bad at in the Battlefield games. With a few exceptions, what I am good at and bad at in one game usually applies to the other.

    The Good:

    Flying Helicopters

    Sniping (BF2 Only)

    M203 Usage(BFBC2 Only)

    Driving Humvees and other light vehicles

    Using Submachine Guns and high ROF, low DMG assault rifles like the F2000

    Using AT Weapons

    Flanking and combat while mobile

    The Bad:

    Sniping(BFBC2 Only)

    Using high-recoil fully automatic weapons

    Driving Armored Vehicles

    Flying Planes(BF2 Only)

    Fighting from a completely static position. This basically means when you and a group of allies are holed up behind cover shooting at another group of enemies who are holed up behind cover. I absolutely suck at this and usually die very fast when this happens.

    That's all I can remember for right now. Due to computer troubles, I haven't been able to play either game for a while.

    I know that ArmA 2 is a very different game from BFBC2 or BF2 and requires a completely different way of fighting. Generally, when I have to do this type of transition, I absolutely suck at the game I'm trying to move into. I was hoping that I could minimize this by getting help from people who are more experienced than I am before I even start playing. Basically, what I want to know is what bad habits from Battlefield I have to break. General tips are nice too, but breaking bad habits is my main goal for this thread.

    I would also like to know how helicopters fly in this game compared to others. Similar controls? Harder or easier to fly? That kind of thing. But this fairly unrelated and just something I'm curious about.

    Thank you very much! :yay: :yay:
