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Posts posted by 160thSOAR

  1. The only thing I'd really like to master is;

    - Fast Stop

    - Landing within 5 seconds.

    - Hover w/o autohover

    Maybe I can help with some of this.

    Stopping is easy. Stopping without flaring massively, not as much. The most effective way that I've found to slow down fast, without any previous preparation, is to do an extremely hard bank to one side or the other. You'll need a lot of space to do it, but not that much altitude. If you don't want to do that, remember that you won't ascend nearly as much if you're already descending before you start your flare.

    #2, can't really help you with it, as I can't yet do that reliably myself.

    The key for #3 is to make sure you only make very small, smooth movements and corrections. Doing sharp, sudden maneuvers will make it impossible to hover without the autohover. But once you get the hang of it, you'll never want to go back to the autohover.

  2. Gnat, thank you very much for that wonderful link. I got started using it tonight and have made my first box. However, I'm not sure where I should create the "crate" folder to save the 3D project and place the textures.

    When I installed the BIS Editing Tools pack, it created a P:// drive on my computer. In that drive are some locked folders, bulldozer, and some other stuff. Is this where that folder belongs? I think it is, but I don't want to mess up and have my computer do something screwy.


    EDIT: Fixed the first problem I think, but now when I try to finalize the texture, I get a message saying: "Background Mapping Error - maybe invalid mapping region specified or no texture is selected." Any idea what's going on?

  3. @ PuFu:

    1. Thanks. What you said here was by far the most helpful information I've found yet. I had no idea that there was any software other than O2 that I could use.... I think I'll get started using Blender (just downloaded it) and take a look at its documentation. Good way to pass the time, since I have a 2nd-degree burn on my hand plus five stitches in my face, so I can't do too much else right now.

    2. All right. So that's what ArmAStack is ... I've seen links to it in some signatures around here.

    3. I do have some patience. I was able to finish writing a novel about a year ago, so sticking to a task is not really a problem. I think I'll get started by trying to make a shipping container.

  4. I think for right now I'd like to focus on 3D modelling and maybe a bit of texturing. Everything that I'd like to be able to do right now is largely based on that. Some things that I'd eventually like to be able to create:

    • Certain Israeli Defense Force vehicles
    • Future Combat Systems Manned Ground Vehicles family

    However, I realize that these will be a long time coming and I will need to start with something much simpler to just learn the ropes. That's really the problem I'm having now, that I can't find any way to get myself into modding without throwing myself into a project that is really way over my head. I don't have a person who I can really go to to ask questions if I have them, which makes it worse. I just feel rather lost right now.

  5. The default C-130J can carry players who get inside, and gear which is manually loaded in by players. By manually loading, I mean you have to take the gear from its initial container, walk over to the C-130, and move it into the C-130's cargo manually. If you're trying to move stuff like weapons or the larger missiles, it can take quite a long time. All other things that you see in missions (Ammo Boxes and vehicles for example) have been scripted in by players.

    In most ArmA2 public servers, lift choppers that can carry vehicles cannot load an ammo box as well. You have to pick one or the other. The MH-60 is a fairly common ammo box-carrying chopper, while the Merlin and CH-47 are often used for heavylift stuff.

  6. Hello everyone. I'm interested in learning how to make mods for ArmA2. I realize that it won't be easy and that I probably won't be able to do much for quite a while, but it's something I've always wanted to do. I've tried to find information on it on my own by searching the internet, but information for complete beginners seems to be very sparse. I found an article at http://tactical.nekromantix.com/tactical/wiki/doku.php?id=arma2:beginner_editing_guide that was helpful to at least get my head around extremely basic stuff. However, I don't have enough background information to understand most articles I find.

    So, a few questions.

    • Does anyone have some documentation to help me get started?
    • What are the modding related websites (DevHeaven for example) and what are they used for?
    • What sort of skills do I need to start modding? I have a very basic knowledge of Java and HTML as of right now.
    • Any other recommendations?


  7. DayZ has increased the sales of ArmA2 by a huge amount, giving BIS much-needed revenue, publicity, and reward for their great work. It has also reinforced BI's views about the excellence of user modification, a view which I hope never changes. Finally, it has opened up ArmA2 to the larger world, getting more prospective sales for ArmA3.

    On the other hand, it has brought in a lot of new players who behave very poorly and flooded multiplayer with DayZ servers, but that is a small price to pay for the good things it has brought about.

  8. There are a few things wrong with adding zombies into ArmA.

    1. There are other areas of the game that need more work, and frankly, I don't want my money going to pay for zombies when it could be used improving animations, flight models, or whatever else might need fixing.

    2. ArmA2 is at its core a military simulator. Zombies don't belong in a military simulator; it's fine for the community to mod them in, but BI can't just produce zombies in ArmA2 and still call themselves their game the world's best military simulation game.

  9. OA is basically a whole new game in that it does not need vanilla ArmA2 to function. If you have both ArmA2 and ArmA2: OA, you can combine them to get ArmA2: Combined Operations, which is what most people have.

    ArmA2: OA has several new factions (the U.S. Army, the Takistani Army, the U.N., and some guerillas), a campaign and SP missions, and a new map called Takistan. It also introduces new features like thermal scopes and wearable backpacks. Most servers these days use Takistan (not talking about DayZ, no idea what the deal is with that), so it's definitely worth downloading.

    Hope this helps.

  10. This video shows an issue with ArmA 2 3rd person animations. When you're in 3rd person and turn slightly, your body plays an animation that causes your point of aim to lag behind, which leads to many a missed shot in ArmA, sometimes in very, very bad situations.

    It would be nice to see this animation issue fixed with A3.

    Huh. I tend not to really think of this as an "issue" and more as a good thing. I like the fact that your weapon lags behind your point of aim; it makes it feel like your gun actually has weight. I really don't like the fact that most games allow you to spin around and shoot extremely quickly with very few penalties. When you turn to fire, it should take a bit of time to realign your aim, shouldn't it?

    Other than that, I'd like to say that the 15th MEU is an awesome group. Y'all keep up the good work.

    @DMarkwick: I agree that pixel density gives certain players an advantage, and that "zooming in" should stay as it is. I don't really care that much about the differences between someone's high-quality monitor and my laptop screen, but the zoom function shouldn't be modified.

  11. Just so you know, a lot of the AI helicopters that you encounter in SP seem to be scripted. For example, the chopper that drops you off at the start of the Operation Arrowhead campaign is scripted, as is the Merlin that picks you up at the end of the first BAF campaign mission. If you're having trouble getting a chopper to go somewhere, checking the Support menu is something you should always do.

  12. I recently received $100 in Amazon gift cards. Does anyone know if this DLC will be available on Amazon when it comes out? I'm happy to buy it on Steam if I need to, but I'd rather not let $100 in gift cards go to waste. Unless I've got something that I know I really want, I'll probably forget about those gift cards and lose $100 in potential cash. I might buy ArmA3 off of Amazon now that I have these actually....

  13. Okay, nice to know. To use eyewear, you need to take some from a gear box or something like that, and it should appear in the same inventory slots that your compass, map, and other general utility things use. Then use the self-interaction button (left windows key for me) to take them on and off as you wish.

  14. I'd like to see BI port over all of the old ArmA2 weapons and vehicles instead of having a user-made mod. I get a feeling that the divide between "let's use futuristic stuff" and "let's be ultra-realistic and stick with current-day stuff" will cause another rift in the ArmA2 community, kind of like the rift between those who use ACE2/ACRE and those who don't. As the current ACE problems are bad enough already, it would be very bad to create another divider between groups of players. I'm afraid that a lot of the tactical realism units are going to stick with current military stuff, but that might just be me making stuff up.

    RH weapon packs. AUG's, SA80 family, and some old AK's would be great.

    ACE3 and ACRE, of course.

    Icebreakr's islands.

