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Everything posted by 160thSOAR

  1. 160thSOAR

    What do you think off the "future" setting

    I like it. It gives them at least some amount of freedom from people complaining that the soles of U.S. combat boots are modeled wrong. Also, more modern weapons like the F2000 give a thankful break from the AR15/AK variant monotony. If they introduce the P90, I'll send BI brownies.
  2. 160thSOAR


    The G17 has a flashlight on it? Never knew that....
  3. 160thSOAR


    I don't think writing whole new animations is necessary. If you want more light for pistol firing, either A) use night vision or B) ask for a headlamp mod in the Mod Request thread or whatever it's called.
  4. 160thSOAR

    New to the series - Help wanted.

    Thanks! Have you been on the 7Cav server yet Para? I forgot to mention this very important piece of information.... To find it, filter for "7Cav" or maybe "Tactical Realism 1.58"
  5. 160thSOAR

    Will you buy ARMAIII?

    I love the concept of the game, and I would certainly buy it if I thought my computer was up to it. Right now, I have ArmA2 down to lowest settings. My computer can handle quite a bit higher but it might overheat. It's a MacBook Pro from like 2007 though. I really don't think it will be able to handle ArmA 3. That's my cent - I'm saving the other one to buy a new computer.
  6. 160thSOAR

    new to arma 2.confused about all the realeses..

    If you're using Steam, you can install either Operation Arrowhead or Vanilla ArmA2 first.
  7. I somewhat disagree with Point 2 of the OP. I do agree that Domination can be chaotic if not managed correctly. For example, in the TAW Domination server, people are constantly spinning up in valuable helicopters and slamming them into things like the ground. People take AH-64's and rip up the AO before infantry can get there and do much of anything. Infantry gets left painstakingly searching for the two guys still sitting around and spending time capturing camps and blowing radio towers. In short, fun for one or two people, utterly boring for the others. That's not to say that this is what always happens. When fewer people are on the server, teamplaying becomes much easier to coordinate even in largely un-moderated servers like TAW. The reason I play Domination incessantly is that I've actually found a good server for it. The 7th Cavalry have organized the best Domination server I've found to date. I've found a good server and i've stuck to it. Teamwork is routine on this server if you're in the TS3 channel, especially if the population is lower. They have a sensible RoE and admins are usually available for contacting at most hours of the day. When the server is full, it can still get somewhat difficult to handle. Still, it's nothing close to what I've found on other servers. What you need for Domination to work is a good, strictly enforced RoE. Anyways, enough of that. I think that one large problem is that a lot of people, such as me, are utterly clueless about computers. I had to get a very nice person to guide me 3 times through Addon Sync so I could install ACE. Luckily, I don't need to be shown multiple times and I understand how it works now. But something needs to be done to get 6Updater and Yoma out there and give them an instruction manual for computer idiots.
  8. 160thSOAR

    Mk16 and Mk17 variants

    I almost always use the Mk 17 over any other American assault rifle. It completely outclasses the Mk 16 at the usual engagement ranges. The 7.62 stopping power and accuracy actually makes each 20 round mag have more "kills" in it than a Mk 16 30 round one. I do prefer the M249 over the M240 because the M249's 200-rd belts give it a much improved sustained fire capability. The 7.62 round does make the M240 a bit better at skeet shooting though.
  9. 160thSOAR

    Mk16 and Mk17 variants

    How do you use those backup sights? I've been stuck with a pistol sometimes in CQC situations because I always try to carry a magnified weapon. Does ArmA2 model the .45 ACP round as having more stopping power than the 9mm Parabellum round?
  10. 160thSOAR

    USS Nimitz

    Does the carrier simulate things like movement direction, rough seas, and multiple arrestor hook wires? A night landing in rough seas without night vision.... Now that would be fun. Of course, it would also probably involve a lot of headline news in ArmAverse about a serial killer fighter pilot called 160thSOAR who was constantly crashing into carriers causing major loss of life.
  11. 160thSOAR

    cant connect to multiplayer game

    Seems as if you also might need Reinforcements for that server, actually. But try it with just OA first.
  12. 160thSOAR

    Tanks & rocks

    Yeah. It's really annoying when your Stryker hits a tiny rock and proceeds to barrel roll several times while flying into the air....
  13. 160thSOAR

    New to the series - Help wanted.

    I don't think being in the UK should be an issue. Over 2 continuous months of playing on there (3 total if you count when I played in March/mid-April), there has only been 1 time when there was only 1 other person on TS3. The TS3 channel has never been completely empty for all the time I have been on, and I often set my alarm clock to 3:30. (I have odd sleeping patterns...) The main "dead zone" is right around the server restart at 4:00 AM U.S. Central Time. It varies night to night, but I've never encountered a situation where the server was completely empty. The least it's ever been was I think 3 people. That's not many, but it's a serious all-time low. Normally it's about 10 or so at that time, and most of them tend to be on TS3, which isn't always the case in the daytime. The server does tend to get more orderly when it's at less than 20 or so people. The Admins have an easier time dealing with any miscreants. Sometimes it can get a bit overwhelming when the server's at full capacity. When I started, I found TS3 very confusing while the server was at full capacity. There was so much going on that I had trouble figuring things out at first. It's best to have about 5-7 people in TS3 if you're just starting out, because there's not nearly as much radio chatter and it feels much more open. When the server's full, people are talking almost every second. Basically, all you need to do is be a mature person and follow the server rules and instructions given to you. If you stay on there a while and don't act like an immature idiot, people will get to know you. I've rambled.
  14. 160thSOAR

    New to the series - Help wanted.

    I recommend the 7th Cavalry Tactical Realism server. It runs a game mode called Domination 2. I find Domination 2 immensely fun, but I also think it's good for new players to learn the MP ropes after they know the basics. Domination 2 is a coop game mode that puts you and your teammates against a large number of AI. It revolves around taking a large number of AO's(Areas of Operation), along with completing optional side-missions to get bonus vehicles. As for why I think it's good for new players.... 1. There's a "revive" option. After a player is killed, they will start rolling around on the ground yelling things. Other players can revive them by walking up close and using the action menu. Downed players can also be dragged and carried. The good thing about this is that it makes friendly fire less of an issue, as you can revive people you accidentally killed if you can reach them. Especially when you're new, accidents are bound to happen. 2. You have access to a large number of weapons from the ammo crates located at base. You can experiment with different loadouts and find out what you like best. 3. There's a large selection of vehicles at base as well. Although you should know basic vehicle handling before you enter MP, you can learn the finer points of a lot of different vehicles. Just watch other players who know what they're doing and imitate them, and also ask for advice whenever you need it. 4. The server isn't nearly as chaotic as most public servers are. You can reach capable admins via TS3 at almost all hours of the day. The air vehicles are strictly controlled so that people who just jump in and crash them will be kicked. 5. All OPFOR vehicles are locked. In my early days of ArmA-playing, I made the mistake of jumping into OPFOR vehicles way too often, and got friendly AT units lighting me up all the time. You simply can't do that in this server, and it will save you a lot of pain, even if it doesn't seem like it. Other things about the 7th Cav server. 1. Get TS3 and join their TS3 server. It makes playing much more fun. It can be confusing at first, however. Don't be afraid to speak up if you need something. The TS3 Info is on a sign in front of the helicopters, and you can always ask someone for it. 2. You MUST be on TS3 to fly. This is to coordinate the aircraft more efficiently and make sure there is a proper ratio of pilots to units on the ground. People who are not on TS3 WILL be kicked if they do not comply to the rules after being warned twice. 3. Don't fly the UH-1H Wreck Chopper unless you know exactly what you're doing. The UH-1H is a 2-bladed helicopter that is painted dark green and has skids. It is used to pick up the wrecks of bonus vehicles and bring them to the repair pad. Under no circumstances is it to be used as a transport chopper. 4. If you hear people talking about things like "Buffalo 1", "Grizzly 1", and "Hog 1", don't be afraid to ask what these mean. They're callsigns of the aircraft for more concise communication. The numbers are dependent on how many aircraft of that type are in the air at the moment. Here are some of the callsigns. Buffalo 1 - MH-60 Black Hawk Grizzly 1 - CH-47 Chinook Raven 1 - MH-6J Little Bird Hog 1 - A-10 Thunderbolt II Snake 1 - AV-8 Harrier Raider 1 - AH-64 Apache Infidel 1 - Close Air Support Coordinator with Laser Designator If you want more information, just PM me.
  15. 160thSOAR

    New to the series - Help wanted.

    First off, do as many of the Boot Camp missions as you can. They are very useful in helping to learn the fundamentals. I suggest trying some coop game modes before fighting other players. As soon as I can use an actual computer instead of an iPad, my recommendation will follow. Some basic rules for MP. Don't fire unless you know you're shooting at an enemy. Don't fly helicopters until you can land and get out of a hot LZ. (use the editor) Keep in mind that some servers require you to join TS3 to fly. Be attentive to friendly players' needs. If you have a tank and they're telling you that a BMP is shooting at them, get over there and shove a SABOT up its ass. Follow server rules. I have a question now. How do I find my natural resolution?
  16. When I start firing on AI, they tend to just run, making them harder to hit. Sometimes they also go prone. Their aim does seem to be impacted though when being truly suppressed.
  17. 160thSOAR

    Helicopter flight model from TakeOnHelis

    I just don't like the fact that the feature is there at all. It's the most blatantly unrealistic thing I've seen in ArmA2, despite the fact that I find it quite unhelpful anyways. Real helicopters don't have a magic hover button.
  18. 160thSOAR

    Customizable Soldier Load ( seriously?? )

    I would like the ability to mess around with what type of load-bearing equipment you're carrying, what type of bullet-proof vest you're wearing, that sort of thing. I do not want the ability to put modifications like M203's on your weapons. In the real military, attachments are distributed by position. Only the FTL gets an M203. I don't want a CoD-like sort of thing regarding weapons. It would be nice though if the scopes were more realistic. So an ACOG scope doesn't take up your whole screen, instead it's more like a Holo sight where you can see around it as normal view.
  19. 160thSOAR

    Helicopter flight model from TakeOnHelis

    I would like certain elements of more realistic flight.... 1.You should get turned into shredded meat if you walk through an MH60 tail rotor. 2.If you tilt the helicopter too far forwards, and you are flying something with external benches, the passengers should fall off. 3. There should be an ability to rappel in from larger helicopters like the MH60. 4. Helicopters with two or even three engines should have the effect of just one or two engines being lost modeled. 5. Instruments and cockpit layout could be more realistic. However, I don't want to have to pull a billion switches each time I fly. 6. More realistic crashes. 7. NO MORE AUTO-HOVER!
  20. First off, I'm terrible with computers. I will need to be slowly walked through anything involving computers. Anyways.... STEP 1: I'm looking for a WW2 Mod that contains a large selection of vehicles, especially air vehicles. Also, if there is a mod that contains a Stuka, please direct me to it. So far, the best thing I've found is Invasion 1944. Any other advice? STEP 2: I will probably need serious help installing it. Is Invasion '44 available for Yoma Addon Sync? If so, can someone direct me to a server URL to install it from? Do you need to have ACE2 installed to run '44? If the mod isn't available for Addon Sync, how to I install it and turn it on/off? After I select a mod and download it, I'll probably run into more problems and ask more questions.
  21. Okay, I'll start downloading I44 tomorrow probably. If I have any issues, I'll update in this thread. I learned also that there are Domi versions of I44. :D
  22. 160thSOAR

    Why is this game not more popular?

    Actually, you can. You just almost never win.
  23. 160thSOAR

    Why is this game not more popular?

    That final sentence is exactly why I don't want the community's size to balloon. I haven't encountered many of the types of people you're talking about. Now, I have had my helicopter explode for an unexplained reason while fully loaded. I really don't know what happened, as I was landed on the ground not near any obstacles. Some people did get angry at me, but I feel it is understandable to be irritated when the pilot blows up the helicopter you're in. It wasn't my fault that that happened, but I certainly know why they're annoyed with me. Actually, most people were quite good natured about it, but that might be because I'm a server regular. As for friendly fire and all that jazz.... I play on the 7th Cavalry Domination server almost exclusively. Friendly fire does happen, but the revive option, the Stryker Mobile Respawns, and the HALO parajump flag at base make friendly fire less of an issue. Accidental friendly fire is usually followed by an apology while the guy tries to get over to my position and revive me. Are there tards on occasionally? YES, there are. But the 7th Cavalry have administrators available for contacting almost 24/7, which makes dealing with the guy who just shot down your Apache with a Bradley much easier. Even on TS3, I've encountered extreme rudeness. This one guy swore in about 10 consecutive sentences, insulting a kid who wasn't yet through puberty. Then he tried to accuse me of doing it when an admin came on. Bad move on his part...I've been on there daily for almost 2 weeks now. He got a permanent ban. There are people who want to mess up others' experiences, but capable admins can minimize that problem. And I haven't seen as many tards on ArmA2 as any other game. As for the comment about Americans.... I've never encountered anyone like that yet. But I'm sure they're out there somewhere. There are idiots around. There just aren't as many, and the non-publicized nature of the game keeps the nice person to idiot ratio high by gaming standards. That's why I like our smaller community. As to Zipper's post, which I'm assuming is talking about the forums, modding, and all that. Yes, I mean forums and editing too. I'm clueless with computers, so I have no mods other than ACE2, which I use sparingly at best, but the BI forum community's quality wipes the floor with BFBC2's community.
  24. 160thSOAR

    Why is this game not more popular?

    Personally, I like the ArmA2 community the way it is. I like the fact that BI is putting their money into their actual product rather than on advertising campaigns. It makes for a better end result - and it gets rid of a lot of lower-quality people I'm not sure if I want the community to grow enormously. So far, ArmA2 has, on average, the best community I have ever seen in any game. People are helpful to new players (no "N00B" screaming here), and are perfectly happy to answer even the stupidest questions. Even in random servers, I can usually get some level of coordination going as well. Increasing the size of the community will undoubtedly bring in more good people, but it will also bring in more BAD people. I want to keep the CoD kiddies away from this game as much as possible. I like the way BI is handling things. Over-marketing and all that crap really bugs me, and it tends to make for worse, but overly hyped, games. BI has found their niche group of players, and is doing a much better job for their playerbase than, say, EA. This game is great as is. There's no need to change it. And to some of the previous posters.... @JonnyMendoza: I'm no expert on this sort of thing...I'm not married, nor do I plan to be any time soon. But I know several families who would have a much better time of it if the father didn't go out to bars and get drunk so much. They'd be much better off if the father just stayed at home and played games instead. @AJAX and jblack: Even the idea of ArmA2 on consoles is laughable. I mean, there's not even anywhere near enough buttons.... And the console players as a whole seem to be much more immature than PC players as a whole. (I'm talking general groups here, not trying to cast aspersions on individuals.) @76: I got into this game through something rather similar. I played ArmA2 for a few months, then put it down for about 2 weeks. I soon realized just how much ArmA2 outclassed BFBC2. BFBC2's adrenaline rush is much less satisfactory than spending 30-40 minutes getting a sidemission base organized in the 7thCavalry Domination server. And ArmA2 has its adrenaline rush moments too! Just this afternoon I had to sneak up on a T34 to put a satchel charge on it since my squad didn't have any AT munitions left. Much more "adrenaline" type of thing than anything in BC2 or CoD. That's it for now.
  25. Hello everyone! As you must be able to tell from the title, I am new to ArmA 2. In fact, I'm not even sure if I can call myself new, as I haven't even played yet. I'm still downloading the game. At any rate, I am coming over to ArmA 2 from a Battlefield background. I've played both Battlefield:Bad Company 2 and Battlefield 2. I've had to delete BF2 to save Hard Drive space, unfortunately. So I will only be playing BFBC2 and this game. I'll tell you what I'm good at and bad at in the Battlefield games. With a few exceptions, what I am good at and bad at in one game usually applies to the other. The Good: Flying Helicopters Sniping (BF2 Only) M203 Usage(BFBC2 Only) Driving Humvees and other light vehicles Using Submachine Guns and high ROF, low DMG assault rifles like the F2000 Using AT Weapons Flanking and combat while mobile The Bad: Sniping(BFBC2 Only) Using high-recoil fully automatic weapons Driving Armored Vehicles Flying Planes(BF2 Only) Fighting from a completely static position. This basically means when you and a group of allies are holed up behind cover shooting at another group of enemies who are holed up behind cover. I absolutely suck at this and usually die very fast when this happens. That's all I can remember for right now. Due to computer troubles, I haven't been able to play either game for a while. I know that ArmA 2 is a very different game from BFBC2 or BF2 and requires a completely different way of fighting. Generally, when I have to do this type of transition, I absolutely suck at the game I'm trying to move into. I was hoping that I could minimize this by getting help from people who are more experienced than I am before I even start playing. Basically, what I want to know is what bad habits from Battlefield I have to break. General tips are nice too, but breaking bad habits is my main goal for this thread. I would also like to know how helicopters fly in this game compared to others. Similar controls? Harder or easier to fly? That kind of thing. But this fairly unrelated and just something I'm curious about. Thank you very much! :yay: