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Everything posted by 160thSOAR

  1. 160thSOAR

    How do you play Arma 2\OA ?

    I enjoy co-op the most because it eliminates that dog-eat-dog mentality brought over from games like CoD and Halo. In PvP, I too often find players calling others noobs and all that crap. I don't know if I'm playing on the wrong servers or something, but co-op has proved to be a much more enjoyable experience for me so far.
  2. I'm sorry it took me so long to reply to this. CoD, Halo, and all of that do seem like toys after playing this. Battlefield too. 1. I know there are communities like that out there (I think tangodown.nl is something like that), but I don't know any from the US. But as for being not so great at the game, I haven't encountered any squad yet that insists on skill as necessary. Most squads just demand a willingness to work as a team and a willingness to learn. 2. I have a very odd schedule myself. I haven't actually been able to go to any formalized operations yet, and I've been a member since March/April. I think the key to what you're looking for is a squad with a lot of members, as the more people there are, the more likely there will be people around at the times you can come on. The 7th Cavalry has a lot of members and even at freaky times like 3:35 in the morning people are usually on their server. I don't think it's really necessary to join a squad at first if you're just looking for fun. There are servers out there that use teamwork on a regular basis; you just have to find them. 3. No. I play with built-in laptop speakers. I'm very cheap. :/ My brother ruined the last microphone I had, and I don't intend to buy a new one any time soon. If Logitech makes any microphones, you might want to consider one of those. I'm not sure about the cost, but Logitech makes very good products as far as I've seen. I hope this answers your questions.
  3. 160thSOAR

    Why don't people play Coop Missions??

    Yeah, I used to play Domination every night. Not so much recently, as I tend to just sit around on TS3 more and chat with clan people. Good Domination is awesome, while terrible Domination is one of the worst ArmA2 experiences. The 7th Cavalry server is a very well-adminned Domination server, and you need permission to fly aircraft, or you WILL be kicked. I flew as dedicated transport pilot a lot, but I have to say that my most fun experiences came from being on a dedicated side mission team. Several times, about 5 or so people of us would organize a sidemission team and switch into another TS3 channel. We'd take a few MTVR's, an HMMVW, a Stryker MHQ and an MH6 and make a little FOB at the mine near Feruz-Abad. The great thing about this was that you got away from the huge battles of regular Domi. You could still get that "Oh shit, a tank!" feeling, and actually be afraid when you saw a place crawling with enemies. Sometimes you had to recognize when getting in and just completing the objective was more important than shooting your way through the enemies to it. I once landed the Little Bird inside a hangar we had to destroy, my buddy threw about 5 satchels on the corners, and we were out before the enemy could get their boots on. And once we got tired of smaller-unit stuff, we could always rejoin the larger fight. :) It was, and still is, very fun. I'm just trying to explore other things like CTI and Berzerk now.
  4. If you press B, you should be able to access your binoculars. Chances are you weren't carrying any. People might have seen what you said, but not cared to respond. Domination servers are infamous for their lack of coordination. Try joining the 7th Cav server (filter for 7Cav). Make sure to download TS3 and join their server. Also, it's usually a good idea to join a clan. Take a look at a few and pick the one you like best. Check out the 97th Ranger Regiment at 97thrr.org. I'm a member.
  5. I agree. While some people might think that higher difficulty makes them somehow more 1337, mature players prefer higher difficulty because of the greater amount of teamwork required to succeed. Higher difficulty settings for the win!
  6. Perhaps you're seeing night vision goggles and thinking they're binocs. The NVGs tend to be on the left side slot of your gear, while binocs are on the right slot. Access NVGs with the N button and binocs with the B button. You do not need to holster your weapon to access binocs, and they are not in the weapons menu like a LAW, Satchel Charge, or Laser Designator.
  7. 160thSOAR

    Changing profile name

    Just make another profile. Problem solved! You could also try changing the name of your computer's admin and reinstalling ARMA2.
  8. 160thSOAR


    Really good idea! Having a comprehensive tutorial system for this game would be great. I'm sure the developers are coming up with something like this, but I think the first training mission, where the instructor does most of the flying and lets you handle individual parts, would be a really good idea for people who are new to flying. I had trouble landing an Mi-8 in the length of an Utes runway without blowing the engine out when I first started ArmA2. I was used to Battlefield-type of flying, which I was quite good at, and simply could not adjust for a very long time to the fact that the rudder was not my primary high-speed method of control. I constantly crashed, and it took me a month just to get basic skills. I spent a tremendous amount of time learning things that this tutorial could have easily solved. I'm now pretty good with helis, but it was all through watching other people and SP trial-and-error. No doubt, flying in TakOH will require much more finesse than ArmA2 flying, but this tutorial system could take some of the edge off for players new to flight sims. (ME!)
  9. If you want to regroup on you, you can always just point at the ground using the space command menu. I've had this issue some myself in MP, but I usually just left the server and came back whenever it happened. It still got really annoying though.
  10. No, no, no. Don't get started on CoD's pistols. ArmA2 is almost as bad as CoD that way. It takes 3-4 shots to kill someone with a pistol, which is understandable if they have body armor and you're shooting them in the Kevlar, but when I walk up to someone and put a bullet in their face, I expect them to go down. (I tested this in the Editor by blowing the heads off of some friendly units. Sometimes it took more than one shot to kill them to the face.) CoD pistols aren't much worse than ArmA pistols. ArmA pistols are one of the worst parts of the game in my opinion. This brings to mind another thing I hate about games like CoD. Especially in f2p games like Combat Arms, people are constantly asking you things like "Wats ur kd d00d?" and if it's not good enough for their taste, well, "ur nub" or something like that. The kiddie obsession with ratios really frustrates me, because you're not only judging your entire opinion of someone on how good they are at killing people in a virtual world, but this exact same thing largely depends on internet connection. *sigh* CoD sucks.
  11. 160thSOAR

    Combined what??

    If you use Steam, and have both ARMA2 and OA installed, there should be an option to play CO when you click the OA play button. More specifically..... Start Steam. Go into Library and click OA. You MUST click OA at this step, NOT ArmA2. It doesn't matter what time they were installed. Click play. You should see a menu with "Launch as Combined Operations" or something like that at the bottom. Select it. Have fun!
  12. 160thSOAR

    How would You design it?

    Rain on windshields, windshield wipers? That would be full of win. These sorts of little things take ARMA to a whole other dimension compared to other games. Back on topic. For reasons stated above, parachutes in helis are a bad idea. Haptic control is a bad idea. What about downloaders who use things like Steam? What will they do to get it?
  13. Lawl. I deleted every other BF game I have, and just kept this one for the lulz. You get into a lot of really funny situations and it's a great way to blow off steam after a tough day. But ArmA2 is much, MUCH better in general.
  14. 160thSOAR

    Dslyecxi's MH-6 Practice Scenario

    I'm already good at some of this (fast slides, for example), but doing things like descending fast, all I know how to do is tip the heli on its nose/tail or hold S.
  15. 160thSOAR

    Confused beginner

    Put that in the New Player Q&A thread. I'm not sure about this myself, but it's more likely someone will notice this if you place your question in said thread. I'm better at gameplay questions.
  16. 160thSOAR

    Confused beginner

    I'd be happy to pop on with you, if you can get on at 3:35 AM before Friday. (US Central Time) Make sure to do OA coop though, as vanilla A2's is a total mess, so I've heard.
  17. 160thSOAR

    flight video feature?

    +1 I'd like to see this in game. It could be quite helpful in improving my flying school.
  18. ACE and single player aren't very compatible. The Armory seems to work okay, but the rest of it is very glitchy. Use ACE for MP. ANSWERED Next waypoint is a command that directs the AI to move through that point en route to a final destination. ANSWERED Unless you're asking about something programming related?
  19. I get this exact same feeling. After mission making for 3 hours straight, I thought I might try another game, Battlefield Heroes specifically. I played 2 matches, then got bored and went back to ArmA2. ArmA2 rocks and that's all there is to it.
  20. AH-1Z Gunner - CHECK AH-1Z Pilot, Manual Fire - No crosshair in 1st/3rd person for any weapon UH-1Y - CHECK AH-64D- Same as AH1Z AH-6J - CHECK Lynx - CHECK That's all I have for now.
  21. I've noticed that some aircraft have 3rd person crosshairs, while others don't. Also, selecting certain weapons turns off crosshairs. While this might be understandable for bombs, it certainly isn't for FFARs. I'm going to be looking at every single aircraft in the editor and try to find out which aircraft have these problems.
  22. 160thSOAR

    Detailed component-driven damage modeling.

    I don't think we need a system that detailed, but just a basic skeleton of it would be nice. The hitpoints system is way out of its league in a game like ArmA2, and more realistic damage to vehicles is something that should be implemented in future titles. Right now, half the time when you put a satchel charge under a tank and detonate it, it doesn't work like it should. It should blow the guts out from the vulnerable underside, but instead the entire tank turns greyish and then explodes a few seconds later. A satchel charge should be able to track tanks and kill people in the hull, but the turret might still work in certain cases. In any case, NO MORE HITPOINTS!
  23. 160thSOAR

    All the Bis game have Counter Strike sounds

    I agree that the game needs some more realistic sounds. Right now, in the default game, an AK gives a little "pop" that sounds only slightly louder than my Airsoft AK-101. In ACE, an AK gives a very loud "BOOM" that sounds much more like what one should sound like in real life. Heck, the AK's are almost as good as a supressor without the bad ballistics at the moment. Although it would be nice to fix this, I would prefer that the BIS team focus on things like more realistic gravity and that sort of stuff first. Fix the basic laws of science before messing with the sound. I don't want my Stryker to keep flipping when it hits a pebble.
  24. 160thSOAR

    Automatic Mod Downloading

    1. Your logic makes no sense. If someone was dedicated to CoD/BF, they would at least need some sort of extended attention span. It's what the word "dedicated" means, you see. 2. I'm not an idiot and I have a pretty good attention span. I don't like installing mods myself, not because I have no attention span but because I'm absolutely terrible with computers and have a download rate of 150kb/s on average. I had to be walked through how to use Addon Sync and 6Updater, but the person who did that by no means thinks I'm stupid. (Username on here is secludedsfx, ask him if you want to know....) I'm not good with computers at all and I have trouble with the mod scene. That doesn't mean I'm a "griefer" or someone who won't follow the rules. You, sir, need to keep your elitist views to yourself. What you're doing is equivalent to me saying, "I expect you to know De Moivre's Theorem because I do. If you can't, your an idiot and a vegetable-head." @OP: I would welcome that system with open arms. If something could do all the complicated mod-installing for me, I would really appreciate it. I have enough troubles with just ACE, ACRE, and I44 as it is.
  25. 1. ACE is a mod for increased combat realism. ACRE is a mod for increased radio realism. They're both popular, but hardly necessary to play the game. Plenty of people don't use them. Hell, I haven't used my ACE in like a month. ANSWERED 2. I'm not sure what you're talking about. Screenshots would be helpful. 3. Try running the game as an Admin and making sure your firewall isn't blocking it. 4. Go to the "User Missions" forum and ask in the Mission Requests thread. ANSWERED 5. Make sure they aren't using mods you don't have. That's usually the cause. If you have OA or CO, try joining the 7th Cavalry server I recommended. If that doesn't work, I'm not sure what's wrong. Hopefully someone more techno savvy than I will be able to help you though.