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Everything posted by 160thSOAR

  1. I cannot get ArmA2 to install properly. Every time I hit "play game," I get the "Performing first time setup" message and can only watch as the window tries to install DirectX, and then mysteriously closes. No matter how many times I try, it just installs DirectX and shuts down. I went into the Steam folder and tried to start the application manually, but it said that I was missing "X3D_Audio6.dll" and advised me to reinstall the program. Any idea what's going on?
  2. Nope, I'll try that. My computer's a bit messed up in general right now though, that might be what's causing it. ---------- Post added at 06:26 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:28 PM ---------- This issue is FIXED. Please close this thread.
  3. 160thSOAR

    Question Regarding the AAVP-7A1

    Yeah, it's unfortunate. I've spent a lot of time with the AAVP-7A1 in single-player, I love that thing. I thought about trying to mod that myself actually, but then ran into the problem that PuFu stated and gave up. The AAVP-7A1 is a kick-ass machine if I may say so myself, and if you ever want a crew member, call on me. :)
  4. 160thSOAR

    PMC05 - Elimination

    What's the range you need to be at to be able to distinguish the engine blocks from the rest of the vehicle? I keep crawling up pretty close, not seeing anything, getting shot at, and dying.
  5. I'm going to assume you posted this in the wrong thread? I think that giving out a Beta test to the public would be a good idea. Even if most people aren't willing to devote a large amount of time to testing the same bug over and over again, it might help the professional team find bugs faster so they have more time to do the intensive testing. And I'm sure that there are some customers who would be willing to intensively test the game as well. I would be happy to spend a few hours driving a Humvee around and seeing if I notice any bugs, or do something like testing different guns and vehicles for problems. I think having people doing things like this would limit the amount of time the professionals spend hunting for bugs, and increase the amount of time they can spend on fixing them. However, this really depends on how difficult it is to release a game to the public. If it's very hard to do, this probably wouldn't be worth it because you wouldn't be getting enough return out of the time put into releasing it in the first place.
  6. 160thSOAR

    Plane and Helicopter handling

    I flew TKOH in the beta, and I could fly, but barely. It was fun though, seeing what I could do in a new environment. The thing is, even after playing for around 3 hours, I could still not take off without the help of the auto-hover. I'm not sure if I was doing something wrong, but I found the aircraft's performance so terrible that there would be no way to survive in a combat situation. As for DCS, I don't even have enough keys on my keyboard to play it. That doesn't make me so happy. Tab = God AA will also now far exceed the capabilities of realistic helicopters, turning them into big "shoot here" signs. If helicopters get a boost up to simulation levels, why should its AA counterpart not become more difficult to use as well? Now that you bring it up, I think I might actually be able to keep a helicopter in the air. That's more than what I thought I'd be able to do. But the idea still has major problems. Isn't the arcade/simulation option serverside?
  7. 160thSOAR

    Plane and Helicopter handling

    I really hope they keep the flight model as-is. For me, flying transport is a big part of this game, and without it, I might quit for a few months. I will come back; to say I would quit for good would be a lie. But having to learn to fly DCS-style would really put me off. You people argue that you don't like people leaving helicopters lying around because they're useless that way. Well let me tell you something: a helicopter lying in a charred heap on the ground is just as useless. So is one sitting on the ground because someone who doesn't know how to cold-start is sitting in the pilot's seat. The argument about people flying off in helicopters holds no water, I'm afraid, because putting in hardcore simulation will make helicopters more useless in other ways. If you include this suggestion, helicopters are going to get shot down a lot more. You're going to have to do a lot more running to and from combat zones. You can do impossible things with ArmA2 helicopters that make them much less vulnerable than real-life helicopters. I know that real helicopters can't do anything near the types of maneuvers I can pull off in ArmA2, and I'm hardly an excellent pilot. I'm good, but I've flown with people who are truly awesome, and they're still head and shoulders above me. You people also seem to think that ArmA2 is designed to be a perfect simulation of everything. Sorry, it's not. ArmA2 fulfills a niche between something like Battlefield and something like VBS. It's a lot closer to VBS, but it is not entirely sim-like. If you really want a sim, do you want to include real qualification tests to use weapons? (Actually, this might be kind of cool for some weapons, but a SOPMOD kit, not so much....) Maybe stay up 20 hours every day to simulate Ranger training? Or maybe only be able to drive, gun, or command an M2 Bradley during the entire time you play ArmA2? No? I didn't think so. But that is what you're asking for when you say "as much realism as possible, it's a SIMULATOR!" Everything can go too far. ArmA2 aircraft are not as easy to fly as you seem to think. I spent about an hour just learning how to stay in the air for more than 30 seconds. Then I spent another hour learning basic flying. Then I spent 2 or so hours learning how to fly under fire after a debacle in multiplayer. And I've spent a lot more time than that learning more advanced maneuvers. I believe that I'm a pretty good pilot now, but I've put about 10 hours into it in SP, and have probably 70 or so hours logged in MP. That's a lot of time. I don't want to have to spent 10 times that to learn how to fly all over again. As you might be able to tell from my username, I enjoy flying in this game. I don't think I'll be able to fly if this idea gets instituted, and I'm not happy about it. It would definitely put me off of this game. If I want realism, I would play TKOH or DCS. I don't really want that in ArmA3. Gentlemen, I close my case for now. I understand that some people feel differently, but most of the people I've talked to in the game feel the same way that I do. I think I've forgotten a few things, so I might be editing this post later.
  8. They've already got the F2000, so I hope they include its little brother the P90. I love that gun. (Yes, haters, you can hate.) I'd like to see the FN FAL reappear on the OPFOR side, although I sincerely doubt it will. The AN94 with its recoil modeled properly would be nice as well. And please, please, do not make the M27 IAR our automatic rifle. M249 is so much better at that role. The M27 is just a way to get the HK416 into the armed forces in cameo.
  9. 160thSOAR

    How to Play Music Over VON?

    I'm trying to use Audacity to format Highway to the Danger Zone. I converted it to a .ogg file and stuck it in my Sound folder. Unfortunately, it's about 4,000 Kb. Any advice?
  10. 160thSOAR

    The trouble with getting people into Arma

    I got someone I know to get ArmA2 yesterday. He's played it before on my computer, and he liked it. I finally got him to buy it yesterday. He really likes the number of vehicles and I'm starting to teach him how to fly helicopters. I hope he'll stick with the game. I don't see a point into trying to get the Call of Duty kiddies into this game though. I found ArmA2 through the BFBC2 Forums, where people were talking about it as something that was too realistic and too boring. Regardless of their opinions, I looked up some gameplay videos and read dslyecxi's guide. I ended up buying the game and have stuck with it ever since. Right now, BIS seems to be doing all right. If they let people who honestly want to play a game like ArmA come on their own, they will do fine and we won't get a huge influx of immature idiots.
  11. 160thSOAR

    [Vehicle/Aircraft] Improvement Thread

    They're introducing TKOH's flight model to ArmA3? That kind of sucks.
  12. 160thSOAR

    Why is this game not more popular?

    You could have used one word instead of 4. Repetitive much? I don't really care that ArmA2 doesn't have a larger playerbase. BIS seems to be doing fine as is, and I'm happy with things the way they are now. I do not see a need to change anything. Like that old saying says, "If it ain't broke, don't fix it."
  13. Well think of it this way. You walk around a corner and run straight into a T-55. "Oh my god!" you scream, hoping that it won't notice you as you pull out your NLAW. It's an easy shot, at point-blank range. You think you're safe. Then, just as it's about to explode, three guys in stupid-looking brown helmets with AKS's jump out and start shooting at you. Thanks to ArmA2's crappy animations, you freeze while having to switch to your other weapon. An AKS bangs twice, and you die. It can be the difference between life or death. And I'm not saying that the NLAW isn't a good weapon; it is. There's just other stuff out there that's better.
  14. 160thSOAR

    How to Play Music Over VON?

    Thanks, that pretty much answers my question.
  15. Yeah, the Mosin-Nagant would be cool. It was a fun weapon back when I had an old Mac and played AA 2.5 (long time ago). I'd like to use it again, just for old times' sake if nothing else. I tried out the M14 AIM last night, and I have to say, it's awesome. It has a sense of power behind it, feels like a man's weapon. Everyone I shot got knocked flat with one bullet. The low magnification is sometimes a drag, but it also saved my life twice because I could acquire targets much more quickly at close range. I was surprised at the range that I could engage enemies with it. I was on a sidemission team, which tends to do a lot of closer-in combat, but I might use it for some main AO's too. The NLAW seems to be like a 5.56 version of anti-tank rockets. It doesn't pack enough punch to blow up an armored vehicle instantly, so the crew almost always bails. I'm liking the Javelin more and more. Does the MAAWS suffer from the NLAW's low damage as well?
  16. 160thSOAR

    Multi-optics support?

    Actually, one of the prime advantages of the M110 SASS, the rifle that is scheduled to replace the M24, is its ability to mount multiple scopes just as the OP is suggesting. The ability to do this gives operators an advantage that can't really be modeled that well in ArmA3, at least as far as I know. It allows you to just slap a thermal optic in front of the one you already have attached to the weapon, instead of having to exchange day/night sights like you had to with the M24. It provides a far higher level of adaptability to changing situations. So Beagle, you are incorrect. It is far more practical to add a single scope in front of the first one instead of replacing the previous scope altogether. I believe you were with the Bundswehr (sp?), so you probably know that. I support this idea and hope it is added into ArmA3.
  17. 160thSOAR

    What is your favorite ARMA 2 Loadout?

    Yes, I was talking about the ghost ring type of sight.
  18. This is basically where I will ask any questions I have about the campaign & AI commanding. I am currently playing the BAF campaign, and have just finished the second mission. A few questions about it, though. 1. How do I get all of my people to climb into the Jackals? It seems that there is usually an empty seat that the AI refuses to use. 2. Why can't I get the other Jackal to follow the one I'm driving? I tried to get it to follow me with the "regroup" command, but it didn't seem to want to go anywhere. I gave it a move command to go to the next objective, and it popped up there eventually, to my great fortune. 3. After having issues with the second Jackal, I used just one Jackal on the mission until killing the thieves and retrieving the doctor's car. Then, I had to drive the car back over to the village. I ordered "2" to get in the driver's seat of the Jackal and gave him a "move to ____" command, but he just climbed out and ran over. Luckily, the second Jackal had arrived by that time, so I just used that one. Those are all of my dumb questions for now. Thanks!
  19. 160thSOAR

    Does anyone have a problem with Age?

    You, sir, act more like a kid than the OP. I suggest you take a look at the group you are talking about, and realize that you are acting just like a child. I don't think age is really an issue. I'm 14, turning 15 in about a month, but nobody has had any problems with me. I don't know if this is because my mic makes my voice sound more bass than it actually is though. I've made people's mouths drop open by telling them my age. The community is, on the whole, not really concerned with age, but rather maturity. If you act like a mature person, no one will have a problem. The main reason players dislike kids is that the average kid is, on average, average. This day's children tend to think that the internet makes any behavior acceptable, plus there are too many parents that do a bad job at upbringing. Thankfully, my parents are amazing people who have done a very good job at raising me. Okay, I'm rambling. Basically, don't act like a score-obsessed idiot who cares for nothing more than being a 1337 pwnz0r. Other tips: Don't fly helicopters until you have logged about 10 or so hours in them offline. I've flown for 6 months and I'm still not much better than average. If you hop in a helicopter without any idea of what you're doing, you'll crash on takeoff and most people will get ticked off. Adjust to what others say. This is probably one of the most important things I can say. I know a certain young person who is a regular on the 7th Cavalry Domination server and acts completely immature in this way. He never listens to advice and insists that his way is the best way. He thinks he's hot sauce at flying, and he refuses to listen to what anyone else tells him to do. He's probably the most annoying person I've met on ArmA2 next to blatant hackers and teamkillers.
  20. The Vz.58 is a 7.62mm weapon? *drools* I'm going to try that out tonight then. I'm thinking about messing with something that has less magnification than an ACOG, but I'm afraid I just won't be able to see crap and will do nothing but shoot at armor / air contacts.
  21. 160thSOAR

    What is your favorite ARMA 2 Loadout?

    I agree with you about the AK iron sights, BOTA. I just can't understand why so many people love them. AK notch - and - posts are terrible in-game and in real life. Give me a ring sight any day of the week. Ghost rings are especially awesome.
  22. I'm a tad confused as to why the I44 turrets traverse so much more slowly than vanilla or ACE2 turrets. I can barely get them to move even by moving my mouse all the way across my mousepad. Is my install messed up or is this intentional? What should I do to fix this problem, considering it makes the gunner position in tanks near useless?
  23. I am looking for a non-milsim unit that I do not need to devote a tremendous amount of time to. I normally play between 10:00 and 12:30 at night, although when I start may vary depending on homework load and other real-life issues. Fixed fireteams are generally a plus, as are some smaller-unit type of operations. I do not consider small unit size an issue. About me: I've played ArmA2 for about six months and logged approximately 200 hours on it. I enjoy flying helicopters, but I believe I am only an average transport helicopter pilot, and I have little to no idea how to fly/gun for attack aircraft. I don't think I'm all that good at this game to be honest, so if skill is a requirement, do not consider me. I'm 14 years old, almost 15. I like to think that I am mature for my age, although I really don't have much to measure myself up against. I've played on the 7th Cavalry server for a while, and was known as a regular on there until my old computer broke in July and I went for over a month computer-less. I'm not really sure how many people over there remember me any more. I was also a member of the 97thRR for about 4 months until real-life circumstances forced me to take leave of the unit. I'm rather useless with computers, although I understand the basics of mod installation. I'm trying to improve my skill with them, but it is difficult. I would like to learn how to use low-magnification sights more effectively and learn to fly fixed-wing and attack aircraft properly.
  24. I know it's possible to build an aircraft factory and fly from airports, but I have no idea how. Sorry, Warfare isn't a game mode I've played very much, and I've never played it more than 5 times or so. But it is possible.
  25. I don't know about you, but give me a FAL over an Enfield any day. I pick up the FAL off of dead bodies occasionally when I'm playing. It's an awesome CQC weapon, with no bolt worries to speak of and the same knock-down capabilities. I just don't understand why someone would take a ridiculous 5.56 weapon that takes 2 shots to knock someone down. When I shoot someone, I expect them to STAY DOWN. Now I sound like Paul Howe.