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Everything posted by 160thSOAR

  1. 160thSOAR

    How to play this game?

    Well, I played ArmA 2 for about 5 hours last night. I am absolutely awful at it. This game is completely different from anything I've played before. Your view bounces up and down a huge amount, but that doesn't really bother me and is a pretty good simulation of running. The problem is that whenever you turn quickly, the entire world blurs into a mess. I can see what this is intended to do, but it doesn't work at all. I don't like it. Is it possible to turn off the blurring? I spent most of my time trying to shoot targets in the first training mission. After a few hours of practice, I finally managed to get to a score of 10. The gunsight doesn't move where I expect it to. Helicopter flying is extremely difficult as well. Instead of a WASD/mouse configuration, the controls are a complete mess. Tilting the mouse right and left and using the A and D keys seem to do the exact same thing usually. However, when the chopper is upright the mouse acts like a rudder but when I'm tilted at all it just seems to bank me more. It's really strange and I'm going to have to spend a very long time messing around with the controls to make them more Battlefield style, if it's possible. How do you open the parachute? What is a good key for switching between 1st/3rd person view?
  2. 160thSOAR

    How to play this game?

    Thank you very much for your help! @ArmArrific: I've shot an Airsoft sniper rifle before. Although the distances were nothing compared to real life, the pellet was much more wind-affected than a bullet would have been. The other problem was that I could see more than I could hit through the scope. At any rate, it was really difficult and I was very bad at it. Oh well. I didn't come play ArmA 2 for the sniping. More for the Humvee with M2 and V22 Osprey. I'll probably be flying/driving all over the island and crashing with those a ton in SP mode. Thanks for the info! @Gunter Severloh: Your links were most helpful. I had already read the first one. That guy put a ton of work into his guide. I would pay for that if it were an eBook. :bounce3: The second one was good too, although it wasn't really what I was looking for. Thanks! EDIT: Where are the gunsights for the weapons zeroed into? Does this differ in different weapons? Does an attached suppressor change it?