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Everything posted by tom3kb

  1. tom3kb

    PMC BAF light?

    You guys are wrong :) in lite version we have all maps from those two dlc. Only in low texturs ---------- Post added at 04:08 AM ---------- Previous post was at 04:06 AM ---------- If map have objects from dlc like that map with that crater.
  2. tom3kb

    Balkan war mod w.i.p

    I think big mod shuold have a campaign: maybe in first release a mini campaign short story few missions. And couple basic sp/mp missions to have something to play on start. ---------- Post added at 08:17 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:10 PM ---------- I know few people that wenn downlod mod with no missions they delate him fast from hdd. Not all new players can make missinos and dont wont wait few months for someone to make 1 or 2 missions. I make missions from long time and for me its not a big problem. But i understand those guys, and personaly i like to mods with campaigns. ---------- Post added at 08:24 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:17 PM ---------- So i have a sugestion if you dont have time or people and you cant do campaign. You can make a mission pack for sp and mp. Making 10-15 basic sp missions dont take to much time i know this from personal expirience :) I waiting for this mod, good luck in your work :)
  3. tom3kb

    Balkan war mod w.i.p

    @R0adki11 I think that my idea is better for players [all files in 1 package you dont have download nothing else, you have patch for all addons in 1pack, not for example patch for tanks next for planes etc] but i understand that for addonmaker few little packs is better solution :)
  4. tom3kb

    Balkan war mod w.i.p

    I think its better in one package and maybe in future new staff/bug fixes in update/patch v1 v2
  5. tom3kb

    Rejenorst's Missions [SP/MP/COOP]

    Just finished Hunted and its great mission, nice effects i like the soundtruck, this mission have great atmosfer, now i will play rest of your missions.
  6. @PacUk Sorry but we do not understand together. On me hdd i have missions from others missionmakers for this mod, there are not mine. :) Last missions i did it was 9 simple /basic missions for Project RACS, but if i find some time maybe i will try make few missions for Invasion 44. Its great mod and cant wait for next update. :)
  7. @sxp2high If there is no real story then you have right and better to play it as sp scenarios. But on the other hand, im also played the mp campaigns Kalinka and Red Devils and also there was no connecting story in all missions,and playing those mp campaigns [in sp] was also pretty cool. Anyway, thanks for the missions :)
  8. @PacUK I realy like this mod and waiting for 2.6 patch but i have question du you maybe have plans to make a campaign in future patch. I have on my hdd ~40 sp/coop missions for inv44. But its always nice when such a big mod have good campaign for play.
  9. @Muahaha I think its a good idea i like play campaigns more then sp missions, its no to big job only description, overviev and all missions put in Campaignname\missions folder and maybe add intro/outro but i dont need that.
  10. I always make new folders for sp/coop in missions folder: I44, CWR2, Unsung, fdf, csla, racs, or pack for island for example Duala sp mission pack etc. I have ~800 missions so its easy for me to find them if they are sorted this way (or change them if new version is coming). I dont like one very big list with couple houndrets of missions ;)
  11. If you can make sp version to i be very happy. :) Thanks for this pack.
  12. @Chaingunfighter Dont worry, there will by another mods with Japanese and russians. http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?t=112948 http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?t=115081 http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?t=110531 you must only wait :)
  13. I see bullet holes on trees and buldings and other stuff :). @down Or maybe he have graphic options set to low, im on high/v.high
  14. tom3kb

    Behind enemy lines video.

    After i buy arma 2 some 2 years ago Lopotev associate me with that sniper from that movie. I wonder if Bis inspired by this film, I'm not sure, but in COD Modern Warfare, the son of the main enemy also had similar dres (the one who commits suicide after chase)
  15. tom3kb

    [CAMP] Chasing Grim Reaper

    @Mandoble My problems with the addon Mando missiles were in one of the first version of Soldier of Valor campaign. Later, the author resigned from this addon. Stranges thing was that I checked the test missions included in this addon and everything was fine i can lock with tab with all missions, but in campaign that dont work. I dont know if this was [not all have that problem] a bug in the campaign or something else but I remember that several people had a similar problem.
  16. tom3kb

    [CAMP] Chasing Grim Reaper

    Thanks for info, so far all updates make this campaign better, and idea about civilians picking weapons and fight against player sound great. So i will wait for full version to end the story. Ps: du you maybe start making the Charnorus part of this campaign, sorry for asking but i think it will be great to :) ---------- Post added at 09:28 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:02 AM ---------- About problem with mando addon i have, only i cant lock with tab my team ai shoot with javelin and others launchers with no problems so thats no big problem i always can take smaw or maaws.
  17. tom3kb

    [CAMP] Chasing Grim Reaper

    Im playing v1.4 and i must say that now its great campaign missions 1-5 no errors bugs all tasks end with no problems(i remember that v1-1.2 for me was not balanced/to hard) now missions 3-4 are great. I have problem only with mission 6, ---------- Post added at 07:02 AM ---------- Previous post was at 06:56 AM ---------- I think i take AT launcher and destroy them by myself :) Ps: i dont play v1.45 i have problems with mando in addon version in Soldiers of Valor (i cant target with Tab in all at lunchers:javelin,matis) so i dont trust thist addon ;). I dont know how it be in script version of this addon. Im waiting for new update, great work so far, thanks :)
  18. tom3kb

    whats your favorite mod?

    @Herbal Influence I think editor, user campaign/missions and mods/addons are this what makes this game so great, so first we all play vanilla game but few days later all should search for user made stuff :). Sorry for offtopic.
  19. tom3kb

    whats your favorite mod?

    Just installed Blastcore fx and wow, this mod and jsrs sound and i dont need any oder sound or fx mod :)
  20. tom3kb

    What is wrong with the ARMA Community!

    I play most time sp, dont have time to play mp and join to a clan. So i must play on public server and most time i must play domiOA(I dont like this type of game) but if i must play it i like play with guys from The Wrecking Crew Uk-TWC, if i see few of them on server i know i will have good time.
  21. tom3kb

    [CAMP] John - A Rambo Medley

    Just finished John v1.2 and its good campaign i dont have any bugs or errors, all missions end with no problem. This campaign is different from all other campaign and thats good. I like shooting from bow its chalanging but fun, i like shoot HE arrows :D in takistani soldiers. Oh, and that mission in underground prison was cool.
  22. Great news, i will play your campaign for sure. And if campaign is good i dont need voice acting :) .
  23. tom3kb

    Missing heli

    Make CO most people play arma 2 co, mods and addons, campaigns, missions need co.
  24. @nettrucker With so many wip campaign i think you have no choice you must focus specifically on one and finish it. Otherwise you will be added next few missions for each campaign and a few months later you find out that nothing is close to completion. Finally, you lose your enthusiasm or you end with ideas and everything in the worst case will go to the trash. If you want to add voice acting then you have even more work. So my advice is to focus first on this campaign, which you think is closest to completion, release it to the community wait for the feedback and then finish the next one. As the proverb says: a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush, It is better to finish a single campaign than have 20 unfinished. :) Good luck in making the campaigns, i can wait to play them.
  25. Too young to die i remember that :) good campaign. Wow you have so much campaigns wip. I allways focus to end 1 campaign and then start another. Maybe you should make not to many missions in 1 campaign or cut few add outro and releas them to community. If you get new ideas you can allways add those missions and make part 2 of this not finished campaign.