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Everything posted by tom3kb

  1. tom3kb

    Cobra smg

    It was Jati-Matic.
  2. Realy great work topas.
  3. tom3kb

    Tasmania Island ArmA2CO

    Nice one, thanks :)
  4. tom3kb

    [CAMP] Afghan War Diary

    Thanks Wiki i was waiting for this campaign.
  5. tom3kb

    [Camp-SP] ArmA CO - Hammer of Thor

    @nettrucker Mission 7: Sledgrhammer. Mission 8: Dressed to kill.
  6. tom3kb

    [Camp-SP] ArmA CO - Hammer of Thor

    @up I like to 1 or 2 big updates with many fixed bugs not small updates fixing 1or2 bugs in missions. And then few days later you will have to make another update and another becose someone found something new. You dont have to rush with that update i think, that better fix almost all with 1 big patch.
  7. tom3kb

    [Camp-SP] ArmA CO - Hammer of Thor

    @nettrucker Mission 6: black night. No bugs or errors, mission ends with no problem for me. Mission 7: Sledgehammer. Its not finished yet, i end that mission tomorrow. But i see little bug in briefing. Task: clear the third target building. Marker turn from red->green, but in briefing we dont have green square that we have finished that task. More feedback tomorrow. :)
  8. tom3kb

    [Camp-SP] ArmA CO - Hammer of Thor

    @nettruceker I remember wenn you start that thread about "abendoned projects" and 2,5 month later you release imho 1 of the best infantry campaign for arma 2. I think next one you make/finish will be great :) to, i cant wait to play your next campaign :), even if i dont finished yet this one.I know you want first to update this and make it the best you can. So i be patient and i will wait :)
  9. tom3kb

    [Camp-SP] ArmA CO - Hammer of Thor

    @That guy For sure you dont found all enemy soldiers check out the roofs on few houses to ;). I search all the houses 2-3 times and finally i kill all of them and mission ends. Few are in the corners of fences in backyards and somtime its hard to see them. This mission ends for sure its only hard to find all enemies. @nettrucker Mission 5. Operation Ghost rider. Mission finished with no problems. i found only 2 little bugs in briefing wenn i was playing. 1.Task: Clear 2nd target building. This task dont link with marker on map, you can see somthing like that in briefing: name='tgb1'>target2. 2. Task: Clear East Yarum. Marker Zulu change color very fast to green wenn US forces go to that town. But task was acomplished wenn we kill all enemies in few houses. And that yellow circle wenn task in briefing is active was in bad place. Not in that marker, it was 6km south-east from that city in lower left corner of map. Little sugestion: maybe you can add some house patrol script for enemy units in houses. Now in most of cases they stand in one place. Its easy to kill them. Wenn i play Sa0k Chasing grimm reaper v1.6 i saw the enemy soldiers go from 1 to 2nd floor also went out over the rooftops. Fighting with them was very fun, he must use some good script for that :). On the other hand I'm not sure if such scripts will not break structure of your mission. It is possible that some problems could occur with the tasks, if the soldier from house go somewhare. I do not know whether these scripts work on all units on the map, or you can add them only to specific units. It's just an idea and im not sure if that is possible in your mission :)
  10. tom3kb

    [Camp-SP] ArmA CO - Hammer of Thor

    Ok, i was checked the first 4 missions on arma 2 CO v1.59 with no addons (short test-few minutes). and i dont have this script error "Size 'section/' not in array.". So it was probably fault of my addons making some script conflicts ? Sorry for trouble nettrucker, but to be sure you may check your missions with show script errors enabled as you said.
  11. tom3kb

    [Camp-SP] ArmA CO - Hammer of Thor

    Im running always arma 2 CO. I like that radio sounds and combat ambience in your missions :) I now think that this script error will be somthing wrong on my side, if i have right sorry for trouble. I will write later about my test on clean arma 2 co.
  12. tom3kb

    [Camp-SP] ArmA CO - Hammer of Thor

    I run this campaign with few mods/addons runing -cba,jsrs,blastcore and many more and maybe its some conflict with those addons but you made this campaign on vanila game. So there should be no conflicts. I run later few missions on clean arma 2 co and i see if that "size sections" pop up. If not its my addons that make this error and that no problem with your campaign :) ---------- Post added at 07:30 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:26 PM ---------- I dont have show script errors on. This errors shows in arma 2 window like if you play campaigns made by sick1 and you dont have all weapons from rh weapons pack if you know what i mean.
  13. tom3kb

    [Camp-SP] ArmA CO - Hammer of Thor

    In mission 1.Welcome to takistan I have 1 script error maybe occurred only once by accident for me: Size 'section/' not in array. i press continoue and all was ok :) Edit: After short test on arma 2 co with no addons/mods this error does not occur. But im not 100% sure that he not occur later in mission, maybe im lucky now :) In mission 2. Sperhead: -what are that few black marker dots north from Target building 2, maybe you forget to delete few markers, -70% of my team lies at the first marker, they dont attack, only me and 2-3 ai from my team attack the buldings and the villiage (and all others theams). I heard giving orders by commander to my team but only a few individuals and i go to attack, the rest was at the first marker, maybe a strange bug that occurred either ai is blocked on something i dont know. Or maybe it was ai commander decision to wait :). -im not sure but i think that AAN news in cutscene before mission Spearhead are wrong. I read that -pity that we can not use the enemy mortars, they can only be dismantle, i like use artillery computer :D In mission 3. On the hot spot. I see possible 2 little bugs: In mission 4. Hammer of thor Wenn mission starts I have 1 script error: Size 'section/' not in array. i press continoue and all was ok :) Edit: After short test on arma 2 co with no addons/mods this error does not occur. But im not 100% sure that he not occur later in mission, maybe im lucky now Mission ends with no problems Mission 5. Op.Ghost rider. Wenn mission starts I have 1 script error: Size 'section/' not in array. i press continoue and all was ok :) Edit: After short test on arma 2 co with no addons/mods this error does not occur. But im not 100% sure that he not occur later in mission, maybe im lucky now So far i really like this campaign: -its infantry campaign not special forces campaign, -we dont fight alone, there are always other squads, -nice cutscens, and there are many of them, at least at the beginning of this campaign :), -we're not the commander of the squad, not in all missions, Ps: I personally do not like to play as a soldier with MG (and as soon as i see the opportunity i change m240 for something else ) but it is a favorite role of my brother so hi will like your campaign, very much.
  14. 2. If you ride fast you must sometime wait few moments for other vehiclas in your team to come back to your position. 3. Like That guy write vehicle was damaged.
  15. tom3kb

    [Camp-SP] ArmA CO - Hammer of Thor

    In read me i see "Sp campaign" so for me all is clear. :)
  16. You have right its little strange, i remember that in one user made campaign player can change his speaking from loud to silent by using radio 0-0-1 and 0-0-2 i dont remember that campaign name maybe seal team six 4 im not sure. So if bis not gona change this you can always by using scripts. :) But for bis its not to hard to change this for sure. :) Ps: i see not only i play arma 2 in Sieradz ;)
  17. tom3kb

    [Camp-SP] ArmA CO - Hammer of Thor

    @nettrucker Ok, take your time with fixing things, i start playing v1.0 if i find something i send you feedback.
  18. tom3kb

    [Camp-SP] ArmA CO - Hammer of Thor

    @nettrucker When can we expect the release of version 1.1 because I do not know whether to start playing v1.0 or wait for the patched version. If you waiting for more feedback from players before releasing update i will start playing v1.0 :) but if you plan release update in next few days i can wait ;) and play in better version.
  19. tom3kb

    [Camp-SP] ArmA CO - Hammer of Thor

    No problem :) maybe i find somthing tomorrow to, just kidding :). So far i dont see bigger errors or bugs.
  20. tom3kb

    [Camp-SP] ArmA CO - Hammer of Thor

    For quick mission check i use "campaign" cheat in campaign menu, and i see only 2 missions not all 15 this is strange but not importent and its not bug ? First two missions have names: 1. Welcome to takistan 2. Spearhead but few next mission hawe something like that - missionname.zagrabad. Its nothing importent and not a gamebreaking bug :) but maybe you forget add missions names in editor in"Intel" window where you can change weather and other stuff, i write this only because i noticed it and like I said earlier its nothig big.
  21. tom3kb

    [Camp-SP] ArmA CO - Hammer of Thor

    @nettrucker Yes, I first want that you added option for player that he can change weapons during briefing, but then i read whole #1 post :) and i understand why there is no weapons load out during briefing. I think that this is good decision.
  22. tom3kb

    [Camp-SP] ArmA CO - Hammer of Thor

    I was waiting for this :), congratulations for release. Ok i start campaign for small test and i have only 1 small suggestion. 1. Can you add some name for player for a better atmosphere, i dont like in campaign play with my ingame nick For that you need description.ext in mission and command setidentity in player on activations line: http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Description.ext http://resources.bisimulations.com/wiki/setIdentity Good work so far, good missions and nice cutscenes. :)
  23. Wiki, thanks for new campaign. :)
  24. About mission ideas real simple task: attack/eliminate mortar/artillery/flak battery or mg nest. Ambush on patrols or vehicle conwoy. Size city/destroy tanks. Defend position wait for reinforcements and attack enemy positions. Maybe 1 or 2 pilot mission: air fight with germans planes, [or escort bombers] or attack ground targets and stuff like that :). Maybe you can use some of this ideas.
  25. Topas if you can add that new planes from FW200 i love that little fighter Polikarpov I-16 :D so what that they were not used against Poland those are nice models add them as a bonus ;)