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Everything posted by tom3kb

  1. tom3kb

    I need help in mission dialog screen

    I think you cant change weapons in campaigns becose Ace [not 100%sure], i remember that few guys have this problem wenn they play non ace campaigns versions with ace mod. Probably soldier of valor or/and few of maybe sick1 campaigns.
  2. tom3kb

    [Camp-SP] ArmA CO - Hammer of Thor

    I think I know why setidentity dont work. In editor our unit name is ap. And in init field you write: this setidentity "Vincent Vega" . But in main description.ext you have class called player. So in init should be this setidentity "player". In 1or2 missions description.ext you name this class ap like in editor. But in most of mission you dont add cfgidentities to mission description.ext file. ---------- Post added at 04:36 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:28 PM ---------- I always add cfgidentities to all description.ext in mission_name folder, just to be sure. But maybe its enough like you do only 1 time in main campaign description.ext. You must only remember to write correct class in unit init line: this setidentity "class name" not unit name :)
  3. tom3kb

    [Camp-SP] ArmA CO - Hammer of Thor

    4. Hammer of thor. Task: Clear the 5th building. No green square in briefing after we clear that building, but we have radio message and marker on map chenge colour red->green. No problems with the rest of tasks in this mission. And mission ends with no problem. Missions: 5.Operation Ghost rider and 6.Black night: no problems from start to the end, all ok with tasks,briefings, markers, no bugs :)
  4. @logandog1240 Im not 100% sure, i play this campaign few months ago, but if i remember you will have problems with loadout [weapons go back to default] wenn you use ACE mod, launch campaign without ace and check if this helps. If not try to run without slx and cowarmod, but i think that ace is the problem.
  5. tom3kb

    [Camp-SP] ArmA CO - Hammer of Thor

    I forget to write, after i receive that 2nd "Fallback to Shabaz" task i have in briefing two the same "Shabaz" tasks, and wenn mission ends one of them was green-accoplished, the 2nd "Fallback to Shabaz" was still active-no green square in briefing. If i find something new I will send you feedback. Ps: I hope i will find nothing new :), i personally horibly dont like fixing bugs in missions :)
  6. tom3kb

    [Camp-SP] ArmA CO - Hammer of Thor

    3. On the hot spot. Task: fall back to Fop-wenn I go back to Fop marker "Fallback" was green but task in briefing dont have green square even wenn mission ends. After we kill all enemis i got new task"Fall back to Shabaz" and after few seconds green text "any" few sec letter red text "search and destroy" and 2nd time task"Fall back to Shabaz". But mission ends with no problems.
  7. tom3kb

    [CAMP-SP] Desert Fever

    @nettrucker I know about that camera.sqs error wenn show script error is on, someone write about this in my Racs sp mission pack thread. I dont know what is wrong, maybe its becose I use very old camera.sqs script from ofp time :), maybe thats the reason. But this error dont do nothing wrong. Ps: i have 6 more campaigns on my hdd to translate but i dont know when i realese them :)
  8. tom3kb

    [Camp-SP] ArmA CO - Hammer of Thor

    Just finished first two missions from v1.1 great update all finished tasks are "green" in briefing. Markers changed colours, all groups join to attack nobody stay behind. Setidentity still dont work for me but this is nothing big and maybe something wrong on my side. Great update nettrucker, thanks for your work.
  9. tom3kb

    [Camp-SP] ArmA CO - Hammer of Thor

    Great :) in last few days I was thinking, wenn v1.1 be released and now here it is :).
  10. This is my new campaign for arma 2 CO (i made this in September 2010). This campaign started couple weeks before Operation Arrowhead and last mission takes place 4 weeks after this opeation. In this campaign you play as Takistani insurgent (you fight against Takistani army), after that you play as few soldiers from NATO forces (US tank commander, Czech and German soldier) during Operation Arrowhead. And there are to missions where you are soldier in Takistani army, and you fight against Royalist guerilla. Campaign "Battlefield Takistan" v.2.0 For playing you need: Arma 2 CO v1.59 [Arma 2 v.1.09 and Operation Arrowhead v.1.59] Changelog: v.2.0 - English version - small bug fixes in missions and in briefings -I deleted all custom music tracks and added new overview pictures v.1.0 - (September 2010) final Polish version Short info: -11 missions single player campaign, -you play as: Takistani soldier, Takistani insurgent, US tank commander, Czech and German soldier, -intro, outro, few cutscenes, -now all briefings and texts are in English, sorry for mistakes in briefings, i dont speak english to good, -you can change weapons before mission in briefing, Link: Campaign Battlefield Takistan v.2.0 http://www.sendspace.com/file/tplbgs Armaholic mirror: Campaign Battlefield Takistan v.2.0 http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=15604
  11. Hi, today i release one of my first arma 2 campaigns (i made this in January 2010). In this campaign you are NAVY pilot. And you support Marines during Operation Harvest Red. It is very short and very simple mini campaign (3 missions) I think whole campaign you should end in less than 1 hour. Campaign "Wings" v.2.0 For playing you need: Arma 2 CO v1.59 [Arma 2 v.1.09 and Operation Arrowhead v.1.59] Changelog: v.2.0 - English version - small bug fixes in missions and in briefings v.1.0 - (December 2010) final Polish version Short info: -you are NAVY pilot (you fly on AV8B) and you support Marines from air during Operation Harvest Red, -3 missions single player mini campaign (mission 1 is very short ;), mission 2 should take 15-20 min), - short cutscene ;), outro, -now all briefings and texts are in English, sorry for mistakes in briefings, i dont speak english to good, Link: Campaign Wings v.2.0 http://www.sendspace.com/file/q03mvo Armaholic mirror: Campaign Wings v.2.0 http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=15602
  12. @That guy I'm happy that you like my campaign so far :)
  13. @That guy They are all my old campaigns (somtimes very simple) and i only made english version now. I think I will release 6 more campaigns but maybe in next month, maybe before Xmas :)
  14. This is my old zombie campaign for arma 2 (i made this in March 2010). In this campaign your team fly to Chernarus to find new virus sample in secret Umbrella corp complex. This new virus can kill infected/zombies in few minutes. Campaign "Biohazard" v.2.0 For playing you need: Arma 2 CO v1.59 [Arma 2 v.1.09 and Operation Arrowhead v.1.59] Needed mods/addons Undead mod v.0.84 by Charon http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=9207 Changelog: v.2.0 - English version - small bug fixes in missions and in briefings v.1.0 - (December 2010) final Polish version Short info: -zombie campaign for arma 2, -7 missions single player campaign, -intro, outro, few cutscenes, -now all briefings and texts are in English, sorry for mistakes in briefings, i dont speak english to good, -you can change weapons before mission in briefing, -if you need waepons and ammo you can search dead soldiers or maybe you can find ammo boxes, -most of the time you shot to zombies but sometime you must fight with survivors becose they want to escape from Chernarus, and they think there are save places somewhere outside Chernarus, Ps: This is easy campaign with simple tasks but if someone like to shoot to zombies he can try this one. :) Link: Campaign Biohazard v.2.0 http://www.sendspace.com/file/xquueb Armaholic mirror: Campaign Biohazard v.2.0 http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=15603
  15. @That guy I dont think so, but this is good idea :) and you can very easy add shotguns. If you like to use them, find weapon and ammo classnames here or in bi wiki and add them to all missions in description.ext. It is very easy. Maybe i will add shotguns if I will make v2.1 in future ;).
  16. Yes, we all like play arma/ofp so we all let sled do his work, we will see what he do in this new campaign. Im for sure will play this campaign. :)
  17. Yes, in last few months i was cut off[most of time] from my pc with internet so i can only play sp. But i like to play good sp campaign with good storyline [i have ~90 campaigns on my hdd] so im always have something to play :). But i think its good that you plan add few sp mission for your mod, people not always can/like play mp.
  18. I like Conspiracies series but i think Wiggum have right in few things. I think maybe you should make "normal" campaign with few missions and cutscens like in Namalsk crisis [great and long campaign :)]. And not make 1 big mission campaign. For me downloading 20 :) addons is no problem i will make new @folder and all is ok, but i understand what Wiggum want to say.
  19. @granQ Thanks for all answers, and i think that adding first aid action its a good idea becose we have bandages in our inventory. And 1 more question maybe you know if someone from swedish community maybe made a campaign for this mod or some sp missions or missions pack, i dont play to much in mp. So far i unpbo your missions and put all coop-s in my sp missions folder.
  20. @Celery yes i search later in google and i know that first those trucks whare used in Alfa Prime. But wenn i hear those tracks first time wenn i lunch Alfa Prime it was very strange for me :), i was thinking "i know this tracks from somwhere" ;)
  21. tom3kb

    Fallujah 1.2

    @up Maybe Fallujah dont support this module-ambient civilians and it will not work on this map.
  22. @Koni Ok, no problem, little mistake :) @Wiki I send you PM with link to my old zombie campaign Biohazard.
  23. tom3kb

    Would i like ArmA?

    @krayze Dont buy only A2 or OA, buy Arma 2CO [a2+oa], if you want to play mp or the best mods, campaigns/missions or addons you must have a2 co. If you buy only 1 game and you really like this game, you will have for sure to buy the 2nd game to have CO.
  24. I remember wenn few months ago im started playing Alfa Prime and i hear sounds and music from arma 2 and i think wtf. But then i see who made this game Black element software and all was clear for me but this was little strange when i hear first time sounds from arma 2 in another game.
  25. @up Its a joke :) from Binkowski, you should see how in arma 3 will look iranian soldiers. ;) Then you understand all :)